Have I ever told you that I'm very cold natured? Or that my husband is very hot natured? Oh, it's a problem. And as we get older it gets worse. I keep telling people he's freezing me to death. Slowly but surely. To death. No one believed me though. Until this weekend. My sister was here when the weather turned cold. Brrrr. When she left she told my husband two things. First of all she said I don't have to change the sheets on the bed where she slept because her skin never touched them. She was so bundled up in her flannel pajamas, jacket and socks that her skin never touched the sheets. :) Second, she would not be back to visit again until it was summer.
It seems that I'm not the only one who thinks 60° is too low to have the temperature at night. And on the weekends. Don't ask me why the weekends cause I don't know but the thermostat is programmed for 60° on Saturday and Sunday. (I turn it up when he isn't looking.) During the week it's 68°. Where do you keep your thermostat in the winter?
Ours is at 69, and I'm wearing my down vest and a sweatshirt with more long sleeves underneath. Brrr! I retire to the bedroom early a lot where I can turn on my electric mattress pad. Tell your husband that 60 is pure cruelty.
Brrrrr Marlene! Well, last year we replaced most of the windows, and although we never changed the thermostat from previous years, we did feel like the furnace didn't run as much, and there weren't as many drafts. This year, we finished up replacing the remaining windows, and front and back entry doors. What a difference! In previous years, I think the furnace was on about 78 to keep warm, with a draft in the living room. So far this year, I can really be comfortable at about 68, without burying myself under a blanket, and at night, I set it down to 65. Before, I always had to bump it up in the morning or freeze, and now, I rarely touch it. We have a programmable thermostat and it seems to work out really good, but it could change, because we really haven't had any REAL cold, and winter winds yet.
Maybe he keeps the temp low on the weekends because he's trying to get you to snuggle with him?
Keep warm,
We keep it at 68 here in Wisconsin, except when it is extremely cold, because the furnace kicks in and runs nearly constant. We turn it down to 66 then.
I keep mine in my purse. I want it close to me!
Hi Marlene,
It's just the opposite at my house. I would never turn the heat on. My better half turnes it on and I start kicking off covers.
Opposite attract.
I don't know if I should say this or not, for fear of being talked about and attacked. But we keep the thermostat of our heat pump on 77 in the winter. That is also what we keep the cool setting on in the summer, so go figure. I would truly freeze at your house.
Mine is on a shcedule. 68 when I am home and awake. 66 when I should be in bed or am at work. I feel cool/cold at 68 but I need to control the bill so I can afford to pay it.
Ours is on 69 during the day-but my husband turns it down at night-because he can sleep better!! I-like you freeze to death! I have extra quilts on my side of the bed.
Funny I should read this post! I was just thinking the other day that I wanted my hot flashes and NOW! What I would do to warm up these bones! Fortunately both DH and I feel the same about the heat...turn it up! I keep the house at 68 and in the evening turn on the gas logs...bringing the room to 72! If I'm lucky I'm binding a quilt and under it too! We walk around layered with additional small fleece jackets!
LOL..I had to laugh when you said you change the thermostat when hubby is not looking, as I do the same thing, but I am usually moving it down as he keeps the house so hot in the winter and cold in the summer. We live in an icebox in summer months and I hand guests a quilt as they walk in the door, and then for some reason, in the winter he likes it very warm - to the point I am running around in shorts and barefoot, and oh yea - a t-shirt too.
We used to keep our temperature turned down to keep the heat pump from running until we discoved that the attic fan in the ceiling was the cause of our ills. We've now gone into the attic and covered the fan with insulation. My temperature setting ranges from 68 from about 10:00 pm on until I get up and turn it to 72...my hubby moves it back down after I leave and it stays on 68 all day until I get home again :-)
I keep my thermostat on 68 degrees. However I live in Virginia where very cold days are extremely rare. I was reading your previous post where you say you have arthritis. So do I.
This comment really applies to that post.
I find when I am cold my arthritis gives me more trouble.
I use those little warmers that I heat up in the microwave to help specific achy joints like my knees. I have made these warmers by sewing rice into an old sock. I like to have some not stuffed tightly (like you would use for your neck ). I like mine to bend around my knees and elbows.
Foe a cold bed I only have two words -electric blanket. I turn it on before I go to bed. It only takes a few minutes to get the bed nice and warm. If i lived in a house where the temperature was 60 degrees I'd have to warm up flannel sheets!
Heaven on earth has got to be a warm bed.
I wear a short sleeved T-shirt and go barefoot most of the winter. My DH keeps it at 70 unless I yell at him, and then he may turn it down to 69. And he's wearing a long sleeved T and a flannel shirt! I could do 65 easily... winter and summer. I hate being hot!
Oh, we live in Minnesota. I've been known to stand on the steps outside, barefoot, in the snow. Feels good!
This sounds so much like daughter and son by love. She said she is worried aobut the fish(a Beta) because it isn't warm enough for him in her house. Her honey wears shorts and short sleeves year round. He'll don a jacket if he is going out but doesn't own a coat. It is cold at their house when ones is just sitting and visiting. I did just the same as your sister when I stayed there before moving back. Usually in the daytime, I wear a jacket in the house over a sweatshirt. And I am not a cold natured person.
I have my thermostat set at 70 and turn it down to 64 at night.
Mama Bear
You always come up with the fun-nest post! :)
Mine is around 60 during the day, and 58 at night! I don't like to sleep in too warm a room...
oh, darlin', you take anything you see on my sidebar that you like! i am honored!
and, did i tell you how much i love your cute personality???
When my mother in law came to visit and was cold, I figured for sure he would up the thermostat. He asked her did she need one of my sweaters? But, when the grand kids came along, I told him we had to keep it warm for them, and it is now nice and toasty! He used to wait until it was really cold and then say no sense in turning it on today because it will run all night trying to catch up.......so I just make sure I turn it on EARLY. LOL
My husband would like to shovel snow off of the bed every night before we get in -- I, on the other hand have longees on & about 14 blankets, while he barely has the bedsheet covering him....too funny!
Here I control the thermostat... It's just a fact! LOL! 8-)
If it were up to my husband I would be boiling to death at 72-74 I am sure!
During the night it gets turned down to 66-67. During the day, if we are active it is at 67-68, if lazing around 69 and even 70 the odd time. In the middle of winter, January/February, on a -35 to -40 degree outside we may even turn the heat up to 71...
Right now it is about the time that extra bedding may get thrown on the bed... I really need to make some quilts for our beds... 8-)
Like Marge, I'm from Minnesota and our blood must run thicker or something. It used to be that I was always cold and Ole was warm, now it's just the opposite. The house is about 68 to 69 during the day, depending on what I'm doing and down to 65 at night. Same temps during the summer. Ole says I run a meat locker here. My 17 year old kitty probably thinks the same too, as he spend the day sleeping under my desk lamp, which I keep turned on just for him.
Hi Marlene! I am having a fun time catching up on your blog! My thermostat is set for 69 degrees, but that actually means it is 68 in the livingroom and in the dead of winter it will be 65 degrees in the bed room. I wish I could afford to keep it warmer! I am always feeling chilly.
Well, ours is set for 59 at night. Yes, Fifty-Nine. During the day it is set for 65. In the evening it is 68. But the furnace only runs in the early morning because of our passive solar gain and the wood burning stove.
Sorry, Marnie,
60 at night, 68 daytime. Of course, my husband wants 68 night and 72+ daytime. Just another thing that keeps a 42 year old marriage from becoming boring!
60 during the day if not shut off when I am at work and hubby is outside working. It's too hard for him to come in and out fo a warm house. Otherwise usually 65 and I'm still a tad cold but I have a great electric blanket and quilt fo rmy bed so I'm happy. I'd rather have it cold to sleep anyway. At night we usually turn it down to sleep to abotu 62.
Now when the corn burner is running, we can cook you right out of the sunroom where it is,the living room,kitchen is just right but our bedroom is still cool.
I like it COLD for sleeping, so I turn the thermostat down to about 62 or so at night. And I like it WARM during the day when I'm not sleeping... around 72 or 73.
We keep ours on 68 degrees. The thing is in our bedroom it is warm but the rest of the house is cool! Thats where the boss says it has to stay though! I sneak and turn it warmer when he is not looking too.
We keep ours at 68 during the day, but the house is really at about 63 or 64, according to the thermometer. We always wear 2 or 3 layers and use a quilt for TV watching or reading. We have it at 62 or 60 at night (we like it cool to sleep), and have an electric mattress pad. Much better than the electric blanket, cuz heat rises. It's the only way my arthritis lets me sleep! Yummy warm bed!! Moving to WA has been tough, cuz it's colder here (and damper) than CA, and quite an adjustment. My arthritis bothers me more here, and now DH is starting to be bothered too.
We have a programmable thermostat, so I don't mess with it, although if I could, some days I would! And yes, we usually disagree about what the temp should be!
Well, reading most of these comments, I must be a wimp! Our thermostat is set around 21C, which is about 70F. It stays at that setting day and night...and I'm still cold at times. Too bad you didn't live closer. You could come over and warm up :o)
Have a great weekend,
Love & prayers,
We keep the thermostat at 68. It's chillier the further you get from the furnace because there's a cat blocking each and every register sucking up all the warm air! At least they're good lap warmers.
In the hallway ;)
In winter, 74....but in summer that's too hot, I prefer it to be around 68. I've never understood that one. How can 74 be perfect in winter, but too hot in summer???
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