Halloween can be a scary time for very young children, as scary as it is exciting at the same time. My two youngest grandchildren danced with joy as they donned their costumes Friday afternoon. The almost-3 year old was a pirate and the 7 year old was one of the characters from High School Musical. With dresses and hats and wigs and baskets for goodies all gathered and donned their mother and I started the neighborhood walk with them. Excitement, however, meant nothing when we approached the first house. There was a WITCH hanging from the porch roof! Neither child was willing to walk up to that door unless their mother went with them and they certainly weren't going to knock on the door - heaven forbid! When the very nice lady appeared and offered candy neither child could utter one peep, let alone shout "Trick or Treat!" She was very kind and said, "oh they'll get the hang of it soon." At the second house.....repeat performance. At the third house you'll never guess what happened! At the door appeared a fairy princess! A teenage girl in a beautiful princess outfit came to the door, came outside, sat down on the ground and talked in a sweet, gentle voice to both girls. Though they were completely amazed to see a princess living two doors down they were not afraid. They were enthralled. They were awed. They were happily astounded.
One teenage girl took the time to dress up like a princess for children she did not know. She was kind and gentle and precious. What a sweet gesture and what a wonderful candidate for my Sunday Star award.
You know what they say...through the eyes of a child. I know some of the scenes I see in people's yards and costumes are scare me!
what a great thing the teenaged princess did for your gcs!
How sweet! That is wonderful. I bet your grandchildren had fun after seeing the princess.
That young lady was a true princess. I know she has two "new fans" -- and a bunch of us older folks that she has impressed.
Even this old lady (me) does not like scary things...being scared is not my idea of fun...so I certainly don't blame the wee ones.But finding the princess was what they will remember the most. She truly was "shining star" in their eyes on Friday.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm not a quilter but it's on my list of things to do when I get more free time. I love fabrics (kind of how I love different scrapbook papers). It's easy to collect them! My mom quilts.. I'll let her know about your blog.
What a lovely gesture from a teenager. She is certainly a blessing!
That princess girl was just awesome. I really don't like halloween at all, but that princess made it something those two wee ones will remember always. Bless her!
What a sweet girl.....
I love your Sunday Stars! It's inspiring to know there are plenty of good people around. Thanks for sharing!
Oh how sweet :) My babies didn't go out this year as I had to work but they had a nice little party at the house. I love reading your Sunday Star reports, most of the time it's just what I need after a rough week at work !
I LOVE this! How sweet is that!
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