Lori at Mountain Woman At Heart has given me this award! Lori is a motorcycle riding, quilting, mission leading mother and grandmother who has great wisdom and is so much fun - I love visiting her blog because I never know if she's going to be in her quilting room, on her motorcycle, or in Louisiana on a mission trip. Thank you Lori.
Here are the rules:
1) Add the logo of the award to your blog
2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4) Add links to those blogs on your blog
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs
Now ya'll know that usually I just ignore the rules and do whatever I want with these awards. And that's exactly what I'm gonna' do now - I wouldn't want you to be disappointed. :) But I am gonna' list some blogs that I enjoy. Some are recent discoveries and some are old friends. If they read this and find it - what a nice surprise for them! If they don't, well they should have been reading, that's all I can say!
1. V And Company is a blog I just found today! This young woman's husband is in the military and she is carrying on the home front in a way that would make all of us proud. She has some good tutorials, like a tea towel apron, a compassionate heart, and the courage to start her own business. You should visit her and wish her a good time since her husband is coming home for a two week visit. She's also having a giveaway because she's so happy about seeing him!
2. Janera at My Garden Hat is a high school English teacher who has a passion for her job (don't you love that!). She's a wonderful writer, I guess it comes natural (I mean an English teacher...right?) and if you look back a few posts (August 6) she has a great tutorial on how to make a delicious chicken fried steak. Who wouldn't want to read that?
3. Linda at Behind My Red Door has great pictures of her Primitive home - and all kinds of primitive "stuff" that I've fallen in love with. I never thought I liked primitive till I saw her house but she's inspired me to go out and buy a couple of things. Shame on her, making me spend money!
4. Bonnie at Quiltville's Quips & Snips loves quilts, vintage sewing machines and pears. You really should look at her machines for a wonderful glimpse of the past. I have two vintage machines so I've really enjoyed those posts.
5. Colleen at Crazy for Primitive Quilts and Gardens is working on two wonderful quilts - Nice People Nice Things which is embroidery and The Great Pumpkin Quilt which is applique. She is also a cross stitcher - I think she can do most anything and often does.
6. Rose Mary at Life in a Cordwood Cabin is an Arkansas buddy who only lives a couple of hours from me. She has a very eclectic blog and includes lots of pictures of her country life. You'll want to check on the progress of her porch.
7. Pat, another Arkansas quilter, at Bird Nest on the Ground does the most beautiful embroidery, as well as quilting, that I've ever seen. And she has pictures of her sewing studio on her latest post so you'll love seeing those.
We've had nearly 10 inches of rain at my house so far and the lake is up to the top of the sea wall even after they lowered the water 3 feet getting ready! My poor husband is holding down the fort without me since I'm still stuck in Missouri. Lots in our area are without power and all our electric people have gone to Louisiana to help out there so Oklahoma folks are coming to help us. Isn't it wonderful to have good neighbors!
Oh, sorry you are still stuck 'up north', LOL! Hope you are enjoying the time with your Sis. There has certainly been a lot of rain!
Our power was out for a few hours last night. The electric guys that spent hours fixing it, told my husband that they are probably going to head down to LA, too. Good neighbors are certainly a blessing I try to keep counting!
Well, sweet friend, I said all that and forgot to thank you for the award! Thank you, Marlene! I sure love reading your blog and reading about your day to day life!
Oh my gosh, Marlene! I've been gone since Friday morning and just got caught up with your blog. You have been busy! I am so glad you made it safely to your sister's house after the fiasco with your car!
Now you are getting the rain and having rising water problems like we did with the tropical storm a couple weeks ago. I hope that things get better fast there. It is not a good feeling to watch rising water!
I'll be thinking of you and yours with all this crazy weather. Stay safe!
And thank you for coming to my party! I'm always happy to see you!
Thank you so much! I appreciate your kind words! And consider yourself twice a winner because I give the award to you too! My friend, Shelly, goes to my blog list and reads the blogs I follow and tells me you are her favorite! She loves how you express yourself, and so do I! She particularly liked your menopause one... :o) Thank you again!
Dear Marlene,
Please drop by my blog and pick up more blog love.
You deserve every award you get!!! By our rain gauge, we have had 5-1/2 inches since yesterday. Much love, Raquel XO
A well deserved award, my dear friend!!
You are so right -- good neighbors are sooooooo needed & good to have!
Congrats on your award. You more than deserve it for your refreshing/funny/lovely blog!
Marlene, Gee, thanks for the great mention of my blog and know that I really did enjoy having lunch with you last week.....and you are my first blogging friend I have been able to meet in person. You are very kind in your comments and I certainly appreciate you! We have had lots of rain too....but, no damage of any kind. Lucky!!! Pat
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