One of the greatest blessings of this new blog culture is the ability to meet and become friends with others all over the world. When I first began to post and to read the blogs written by others I found Bonnie at Calamity Jane's Cottage. In a relatively short time (since April), she and I have become friends. I don't say that lightly. It feels to me like Bonnie is a neighbor - you know the kind I mean? The kind you drop in on for coffee and she's tickled you're there. The kind you can call and say, "oh I'm so aggravated at my husband, or my kids, or the mail person," and she will know that it's just for the moment and nothing major. In her case, it's not really a drop in but it seems that way. Last week when I got home from the visit to my sister that
resulted in a huge car repair bill Bonnie sent me a present. Not just any present, not just a small present. Bonnie sent me a HUGE present. After scurrying around to find the scissors, cutting off the tape, and opening the box, here is what I found. Bonnie made me this beautiful purse. And ya'll she personalized it! If you've read my blog like Bonnie has you will know that a) my initials are MB, 2) I am a Christian first and foremost, but I am not 3) an angel, and my confessions prove it! However, you will note on the hands of the angel her 4) fingernails. One of my confessions was to wearing fake fingernails for the last 20 years. However, I took them off about 6 weeks and am still suffering from the post-acrylic yucky looking nails. :(

I am a 5) stitcher, both embroidery and quilting, and 6) I live on a lake. Bonnie included all of those on my purse - she does beautiful machine embroidery!
When I opened my purse up I found a makeup bag to match, also with my initials on it and it was filled with chocolate. Chocolate is a good thing!
And she included some other gifts - a seam ripper, a package of Mary Engelbright needles, fat quarters of fall fabrics (and I've already used some of them in a wall hanging!) and a Romantic Home magazine.
I've carried my new purse everywhere since it arrived on Saturday and gotten compliments from a ton of women. And, of course, I'd love to take credit for it but I don't. No, not even once! I'm sending them all Bonnie's way - and you too. If you're interested. She has a fabulous on-line shop ( with lots of wonderful things, including aprons, purses, children's outfits, china, oh all kinds of things you will definitely want. If you want a purse personalized for someone she can do it! This purse would make a fabulous diaper bag and would be so cute with the baby and mama's name on it. It's big enough that I think you could even use it for a sewing or knitting tote. What a great gift!
Awesome friend, awesome wonderful both are.
My Mom has a saying she often repeats, "Each new day holds some lovely secret waiting to unfold". You had a lovely secret unfold for both the gifts and the friendship.
Wow...that was some surprise. Way to go, Bonnie!
What a beautiful gift you got there!
And what a beautiful friend you have made!
Ever since I was a little girl, I always wanted homemade presents. I knew even then, they were special.
That is a beautiful bag, but the most important thing about it, is the good feeling you will have, every time you use it. You will know someone thought so much of you, they made a special effort to please you.
OK Marlene, I'm sitting here with tears just a flowing. Thank you for the complements, maybe we have become so close you sent me your harmonal gift. I'm just so glad you liked it and have been there just to chat with.
wow, what nice gifts Bonnie sent you! It's wonderful to be blessed with such caring and thoughtful (and talented) friends, isn't it?
You deserve that blessing, as you are such a friend yourself.
What a beautiful bag! Aren't blogging friends simply wonderful?
Wow, what a great gift! And even better that it was a surprise. And chocolate! She's a very thoughtful lady and a good friend.
You've had some very thoughtful post lately. You must be feeling philosophical this week. One thing that no on else mentioned (that I can remember anyway) - I'm grateful for the internet and blogging. I've met some of the nicest people that way! Including you!
What a great friend you have in Bonnie. Enjoy your chocolate stash.
What a beautiful bloggy friend you have found! And those photos show that she is enormously talented to boot!
By the way, this is my first visit here and you have a wonderful blog. :)
Oh that is such a nice gift! Aren't bloggy buddies the best?
Your Bonnie is generous and kind blog friend. Her work certainly shows her love for you.
I am sure that you deserve it.
Enjoy all of your goodies....would you mind sharing some of the candy???.... I'm about to give up on the dieting idea.
Have a great day,Hugs Lura
What a sweet friend she is! A very talented lady, too. I'm sure you are getting many, many compliments on such a fabulous purse!! The blogging world is full of so many sweet friends we would never meet otherwise.
Hi Marlene!
What a lovely bag, and the chocolate is just the best! Nothing like a friend who gives you a stash of chocolate!!
I have to agree, the blogging friends I have met are just wonderful!
You are one lucky gal to have a friend like Bonnie. Very blessed you are.
Osagebluffquilter (who traveled over 700 miles to Nebraska today to pick up an 1800 hammer with the husband. When I get refreshed I'll post a blog on it.)
What a gift!!!! You definitely deserve it as you are such a sweet sweet person.
What a nice gift, especially the chocolate!
Did you get anything settled on your car repair bill?
How fun it is to be known by someone... to have the details down to a tee... how precious you are!
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