I saw all kinds of people. There were families with small children who weren't sure at all if they wanted to get on that ride standing right beside teenagers with tattoos and body piercings. There were grandmothers like me and young, pregnant women. (those pregnant women were probably the ones buying the fried candy bars!) There were young men in cowboy boots and young girls in very little.

I went to see the exhibits - not the animal ones although I could smell them so I know they were there. I went to see the quilts and the hand stitching and the jars of jelly and pickles and green beans. It was nice to see that the 4H kids were still being taught to cook and sew. The quilts were beautiful and every single one had a ribbon on it, mostly blue ribbons! Hmmm, let's see, everybody gets first place for their work. I've never seen that before. And when I got to the canned goods...same thing! Every one had a blue ribbon! And the bread, and the cake, and the pie, and the photography...blue ribbons! You know what? I bet that's just what Heaven is going to be like! We all will have a blue ribbon pinned on us when we arrive - 1st Place in God's Kingdom!
Sweet thought...I surely hope when I get at the pearly gates that I've earned a first place in God's kingdom.
I want that cotton candy (LOL)-- I missed mine this year- we do have a couple of fairs in our area but they are held in August- thanks for sharing-- huggles me, Meme
That's a nice thought! I haven't been to a county fair in years and years. The one in California is always held when it's about 103 degrees in the shade, and I can't take that! Not even to see quilts. Missed the one here this year. It was only 3 days! Maybe next year.
Hi Marlene, Now if we don't get our blue ribbons at the pearly gates we are going to say "Marlene told us we would get one" Our State Fair hasn't come yet, we usually go with the grandbabies. Seeing it through there eyes makes it so much funner. (I guess that's not a word).
Thanks for sharing your fair,
Yes - I do think that is how it is going to be!! :-)
I just love small county fairs! You really must try the fried candy bars some time - trust me! I do think that everyone will have blue ribbons in heaven! Much love, Raquel XO
I like the idea of everyone having a blue ribbon! I'm glad you got to enjoy the county fair. Ours is very small and we missed it this year due to the rain.
That's exactly what I love about you Marlene! Oh, and about God too, but leave it to you to refrain from the "everyone can't have first place" take on it! Thing is, some of those quilts might deserve it, but none of us deserve it! Like the story of the man who paid the men hired at the end of the day the same as the ones who worked all day, God gets to hand out grace freely to everyone!
Regarding ribbons on quilts - I was asked to be a quilt judge recently - a first for me - at the County Fair. My instructions were to give each a blue, or purple ribbon, no matter what! Some quilts were lovely, others not good at all. Then they had me to the same with embroideries -- huh? I don't do embroidery. The officials wanted EVERYONE to submit something, and I was shocked at the poor quality of some of the items, and I still had to award one of two ribbons to each item! So, I'm feeling guilty about maybe being a big snooty, expecting the quilts to at least show SOME expertise. ??? But this is a remote rural area - not much shopping to do, and I didn't know that some of what was submitted was by little ladies at the local Nursing Home - who of course, are not using the latest and greatest sewing machine. What a conglomeration of items, and submitters. So, I am wondering if maybe other County Fairs are run this way. ???
Great idea. When my son was younger I remember a teacher who did that with her class. It removed the competition and everyone went home with a 'Blue ribbon' for some aspect of character they displayed in their life - eg. a blue ribbon for kind actions, a blue ribbon for thoughtful words etc..
I'll give you a bloggy 'Blue Ribbon' today for always cheering my heart,
I'm counting on it!
If that's what it will be like, I can't wait to go. My soul is ready. But there are too many things left to do here.
I love that great thought on the blue ribbon in heaven!!! That's the way it's done too in Washington County Fair (Fayetteville) -- there are always more than one blue ribbon, but they always pick a "grand champion" from each category. So, I guess that's the "real" first-place...
To God be the glory, great things He has done!
Oh Marlene, that is so great--just today I was wondering what ever came of that Bible study you didn't want to lead! :-) I'm so excited about this one--seems like just what I need right now. God is so good!
What a nice sentiment. Blue ribbons all around!
This is such a lovely post! I miss county fairs . . . the smells, the exhibits, the sights and sounds . . . I sure hope that I earn a blue ribbon when it comes to arriving at my final resting place. I strive to be worthy of it every day. And by the way I love that beautiful bag and all the goodies you got. What a wonderful friend! Blogging buddies are the best aren't they?
I love the county fairs even though I haven't gone in several years. Hard to drag the hubby there.....
OH what a neat visual that is Marlene! :)
"By grace are ye saved through faith...not of works". Eph. 2.8-9
Take care.
Sounds like a busy event you went to...
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