Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Just Look!

I won a giveaway over at The Corvidarium. Wendy made this wonderful little purse with an appliqued bird on the front. My mother loved birds better than anyone I know so this will remind me of her every time I use it. Even when she was very sick and could hardly walk or see we would help her outdoors so she could "see" the birds. And even though she couldn't see the bird feeders in the backyard she told us ever day that "those bird feeders need to be filled up!" She joined my father in Heaven four years ago but even now I can't tell you how often a little bird will light on my bedroom window screen when that never happened before and I know she's reminding me to fill up those feeders! Thank you Wendy for this purse and you my friends for letting me remember Mama.


Salem Stitcher said...

What a sweet purse! It really is beautiful, isn't it? Congratulations!

Twisted Fencepost said...

Congratulations! What a cute little purse.
And thank you for sharing that sweet memory of your mother.

Julie in the Barn said... lucky you are! The purse is darling. Your memories of Mamma are so touching.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Thanks for sharing your touching remembrance of your precious mother. I can relate to that, my Mom is still with us but she's a devoted bird lover and chides anyone within earshot that the feeders need filling. I'm glad you received such a lovely keepsake of your heart-warming memory; enjoy!

Adrienne said...

Congratulations! Isn't it fun to win something special from a blog friend? And even more special because it reminds you of your dear mother. My father has been in Heaven for over five years and I often have reminders of something he would have told me. Your new bag is wonderful. I know you will love using it. ~Adrienne~

Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

A lovely purse for a lovely lady with lovely memories. Reading this was a great way to start my Monday morning ! I am the daughter of a bird watcher as well so I appreciate your sentiments. Thank you and enjoy those memories of your mom. :-)

Unknown said...

Congrats Marlene! What an awesome prize to win. You are so lucky!

em's scrapbag said...

Cute little purse. Aren't the tender mercies of our Heavenly Father wonderful. Sending little birds to you because He knows it will make you happy. Have a great day!! Hugs, Em

Lora @ my blessed life said...

A very sweet purse!

Lora @ my blessed life said...

Yes, Marlene, we are moving back to AR--it's our home state. We're moving back to the Van Buren/Fort Smith area. And hopefully soon! I've blogged a little about it, you can read about it here:
We're praying that our AL house sells very quickly and that we find the right one there.

Grammy Staffy said...

How lucky you are. It is a darling purse....especially nice since it reminds you of your mom. She sounds like such a sweet person. I'm glad that she is sending you reminders to fill the feeders....she doesn't want her little feathered friends to get hungry.

Glad your electricity wasn't out longer but 14 hours is quite a while. Did the storm do damage to your home or yard? I hope not.

Have a good week. Hugs, Lura

Dandelion Quilts said...

Isn't that cool? You lucky. . .bird!

Mary L. Briggs said...

Congratulaions! That is a cute purse. I'm glad it will remind you of such sweet memories.


Anonymous said...

Hi Marlene,

That is a beautiful purse! I enjoyed your post about your mother.

Thanks for the kind comment on my pillow. I think you are absolutely right. I am giving away the other pillow in my giveaway! :)

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Lovely purse! Congrats.

My mom loves birds too! She could sit for hours and watch them. I don't get it, but I get her and love her to pieces. She would LOVE this purse.


Lana Manis said...

What a sweet purse! My mama loved to feed the birds too. Always made sure she had feed in the wintertime especially.
#4 in your Tagged post caught my eye. That's a regular meal at our house!

Ginger Patches said...

That purse is too cute! Lucky you :)