If you want a good belly laugh today check out Jean at http://www.sweetnothingsbj.blogspot.com/. She has a fabulous story that kept me laughing for a good while this morning. The picture here will give you a hint.
If I could figure out how to link to her blog by just putting her name I would but I just haven't learned that. I know my new nephew-to-be, Josh, could probably teach me that - do you think he would take time out from his wedding weekend when I will see him again to give me a tutorial? I doubt it. The Wedding, coming in July, to my sweet niece Natalie, will be in CanCun. I've never been there before so you can bet I'll be taking lots of pictures and reporting back!
Thankyou for taking the time to leave a sweet comment on my blog today. Nice to meet you.
What a fun blog! Thanks for coming by mine to enter the giveaway.
Your quilts are wonderful.
Will have to check out your link for the funny, but in the meantime I've enjoyed r eading. I can't wait to see the yo-yo quilt finished. I've been playing with making yo-yo's just to have on hand in case inspiration ever strikes me. Nice mindless work. I love the winter wonderland quilt you're starting and I've seen pics of some new Crabapple Hill designs that have me drooling and longing to get them. I just love their stuff.
Your group sounds really neat. I wish I could be part of a group like that.
Thanks for stopping by my blog to say hello. What a pretty spot you live in! I've enjoyed reading your blog with your humorous comments.
If you want to make a link try this:Go to the webpage you want to link and right click on the address and click "copy." Then in your blog composition page type the name of the person and then highlight it. Go to the menu at the top of your blog page and click on the thingy that looks like eyeglasses. Insert the address you copied by right clicking and click "paste." Be sure you elininate any extra http// that may result. That's it. Not too hard.
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