Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Finished by Friday and I Just Love It!

Checkerboard and Rails - this top is done and ready to be taken to the longarm quilter! I love this quilt and am really pleased with the colors. The light teal batik was a beautiful fabric and the brown with teal polka dots really sets it off. The pattern called for a fourth border of the teal but I liked it better without. I might bind it with teal but I'm not even sure I want to do that. I was surprised at the time this one took - the checkerboard squares are 3/4" finished and even though I strip pieced them it took a lot of time. I got the pattern from a Better Homes and Gardens book Quilting Pieces of the Past. According to the book this pattern was first documented between 1860 and 1890. Abraham Lincoln was elected president in 1860 and the Civil War began the next year. Rural quilters continued to piece scrap quilts during this era but fashionable city women had access to a good variety of fabrics. Muddy brown, dark chocolate and cocoa brown were common and double or cinnamon pinks were also popular. The book shows this quilt in a dark blue and muslin.

Linda at Behind My Red Door is having the most wonderful giveaway. Please go visit her, not just for this but for a great read. She's funny and sweet and entertaining - she's on my bloglist at the right of this post. And if you go please tell her I sent you so I'll get an extra chance on this!


rlbates said...


molly said...

Your quilt is stunning!

Sharon said...

What a beautiful quilt! A timeless design - who would have imagined batiks over a century ago? And I think your borders are just right!

Anonymous said...

Hi Marlene,

I absolutely LOVE the quilt top. You did a superb job, and should be VERY proud of yourself.


Grammy Staffy said...

As I've said many inspire me. I love the quilt.

Grammy Staffy said...

I went to the blog you mentioned and told her that you sent me.

Maybe one of us will win....not likely but maybe....If I win I will share with you...that seems only fair since you told me about it. Hugs, Lura

Aunt Julie said...

Your quilt is just lovely. My SIL just finished a quilt for my college-bound daughter. I'll post a pic of it on my blog soon!

Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Marlene, your quilt turned out beautiful, they should be very proud to get such a great gift. You always have projects completed and stitchen done by every Friday, I need to post about that and maybe I would do better.
I'm going to head over to Behind My Red Door and I'll mention I saw it on your blog. What a great giveaway. I've been working on mine, hope to put it up tomorrow.
Your story on the bringing the grandkids to their orthodontist appt. was a hoot!!! Now I have an appt. with my gyno. in Oct. and you got me wondering.
Keep Stitchen'

Southern Lady said...

Dear Marlene,

Just a note to thank you for taking the time to leave such gracious comments about my "Southern Lagniappe" posts.

You are so talented and I enjoy your humorous way with words and always look forward to your stories.

Your "Checkerboard and Rails" quilt is a truly a work of art. In fact, all of your quilts are, and you should be featured in a quilting magazine, if you haven't been already.



sewtakeahike said...

Wow!!! Your quilt is amazing! I don't think I would have the patience to sew all those tiny little squares together, OMG!!!! I'd probably have to hire my neighbor to do that part for me!