Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Good Stuff/Bad Stuff

I only have a moment but I've been thinking about this for a day or two and wanted to share it. Recently I've read on several blogs about a rash of bad things happening in people's lives. Not really, really bad things but you know when you've had one of those days or weeks or months when nothing seems to go right? Maybe your alarm clock doesn't go off, your battery operated toothbrush dies mid-brush, you run out the door on your way to work and have a flat tire, your son calls from school and he left his English essay at home and it's 1/2 of his grade this get the picture. I even posted something like that myself recently when I said we had to have the seawall rebuilt, had a flood and the dock floated 8 feet out in the lake and got stuck, the pump went out and the kitchen stove started leaking carbon monoxide! Anyway, someone said something (jokingly) along the lines of "What have I done so bad that God's punishing me this way?" even though she really knew that God doesn't send bad stuff.

And here's what I'm thinking. When the bad/nasty/inconvenient things happen perhaps you should be smiling, rejoicing and dancing for joy asking yourself "What am I doing so good that Satan is sending all of this bad stuff to me? I must really have him on the run!"


GranthamLynn said...

What a great post. And I have to say "amen". That is something I have to tell myself alot. When things don't happen in my time table. I have to be patient and trust.
Thanks for sharing this post and reminding us.

Grammy Staffy said...

GREAT POINT..... I'd never thought of it that way.... Thanks for the insight Marlene.

Have a great day

Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Hi Marlene,
I really like that way of thinking. That was a good one.
I've been getting ready for the old storm coming.

Tracy P. said...

Hi Blessings Marlene! You are so right! That's funny. I was thinking of you on my way home tonight, and also of some bloggy friends feeling buried under the load. (I must be following you around in cyberspace.) I'm so glad you're out here encouraging people! You are VERY good at it! :-)

Adrienne said...

Amen! I agree with your thoughts. We tend to look on the negative and wonder what we have done to deserve God's 'punishment'. You are so right!

Anonymous said...

Hi Marlene,

What a great thought!!! Instead of putting the negative thoughts on God which utterly contradicts the perfect nature on God, we ought to think what scheme the evil one is up to thwart the good God has placed in our life!


diamondstatecurlygurl said...

Well... I intended to whine on my blog today about the air conditioner in our house going out night before last in the middle of the hottest days in history, but I guess I'll just comment on yours... I guess God knows our strength - 'cause that which didn't kill us... made us more thankful!! luv u

Anonymous said...

That's an interesting way to put it. Could be! Well, he needs to find someone to chase, besides me!

Aunt Julie said...

I'm 100 percent with you on this! Plus, some folks should put "bad" stuff in perspective. Is it "bad" to oversleep and be late for work, or just inconvenient? That's a question to ponder for the ages, I guess! BTW, Uncle Lynn is being pretty generous, and is hosting another Great Pop'rs Giveaway, so come on by!

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

This is timely, Marlene. Tonight in the middle of my telling the Bible story at VBS, God's Spirit was alive and present in the room. I could sense it in the faces of the children and in my own Spirit.

Something clicked with them as I was talking about oysters and grit and the process of pearl emergence. They made the parallel to Jesus and it brought me to tender tears.

I've done my share of grumbling today about my weary and about all of the ways I'm tempted to discount my Father's love for me. But he gave me a gift tonight. A glimpse into kingdom purpose.

Something about "the least of these" came full circle, and I felt so privileged to be a child of the King.

Ain't nothin' like being used by God! We sure sent Satan running tonight.

How I love my Jesus and his grace. I thank him for tender, young hearts that are still so willing to hear the truth. May it be so for all of us who claim our "old and our stale" this night.

peace for the journey~elaine

Dandelion Quilts said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog about the Elm Creek series. I agree about violence, language, sex, etc. in today's writing. I often read Christian fiction because it seems to just float along. I love Dee Henderson's O'Malley series, for example. I also enjoy a lot of Karen Kingsbury. I have also enjoyed Colleen Coble's Rock Harbor series, but I have to admit that was partially due to them being set in my home state.

Onto your question, I have read 13 I believe of THE LIST. I think Lonesome Dove ought to be on there as that is a great piece of writing. The Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan ought to make it soon as well (up and coming young adolescent lit).

Don't you just love Mr. Darcy??

Anonymous said...

Very thoughful post. Something we all need to dwell on more often.

Just wanted to tell you I mailed your Angel on Monday. If you don't mind-you can let me know it arrived safely. Sorry I didn't let you know it was coming sooner.

Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

I love it!! That's THE perfect way to think of it. I can see your a glass half full kind of gal as well.

molly said...

So where is it coming from when awful things happen in one of your childrens' lives? The nuns always told us God doesn't ever send you trials he hasn't equipped you to deal with. But lately I'm not so sure about that......At which point the nuns would say "You just have to have faith, and pray."