I know you thought I couldn't do it. You did, didn't you? You spent all week thinking, no way can she finish anything by Friday this week. She has grandchildren. Lots of grandchildren. Grandchildren who want to eat every hour and who want to tee tee every 15 minutes. Grandchildren who run everywhere and change clothes every time you take your eyes off them. Grandchildren who w

ant to sew with you and sit in your lap and go outside and swim and, and, and.....watch tv! Sometimes they will sit/stand/dance for a couple of hours with Studio DC and Hannah Montana! Sometimes they will watch Nanny McPhee over and over and over and over till you want to scream. I'm not sure their parents would approve but who's gonna' ask them. This is grandma's house and at grandma's house we eat brownies and "pasgetti" (spaghetti) and Oreos and we watch all the tv we want. Until bedtime because that's where grandma draws the line. Grandma needs sleep. All that tv watching does allow grandma to get a little handwork done while she sits with them.

I added the snowflakes to this one that I showed you last week!
And I started and finished these two! They're small, granted, but they're also done and done is good. :) I have only two more to do on Winter Wonderland and then it's time to make the pieced blocks and put the whole thing together. The last two are Big and Bigger. That means that when

the grandchildren are gone I better get into high gear and get that checkerboard and rails quilt top done!
Those blocks are really cute! I love that pattern :o)
Thosw snowmen are so cute. I am seeing a lot of wintry stuff showing up on blogs lately must be this hot summer.
Thosw snowmen are so cute. I am seeing a lot of wintry stuff showing up on blogs lately must be this hot summer.
Thosw snowmen are so cute. I am seeing a lot of wintry stuff showing up on blogs lately must be this hot summer.
Yup---what happens at grandma's-stays at grandma's!
Love, love your snowman! Beautiful work.
What a fun grandma you are! Lucky grandbabies!
I love the snowmen for giving me a little taste of winter, and I also love your great ideas and advice on my blog today!
A big hug to you!
I adore snowmen and these are just too cute and jolly! Bring on the cool weather, jeans, and sweatshirts and the snowmen (maybe, as long as snowdays accompany them). Way to go Marlene!
I just love snowmen. I have so many I have no where to put them. Enjoy those babies while you can.
What a fantabulous Grandma you are! Your snowmen are just adorable and so are your grandbabies!
Your snowmen and darling, as well as the grandies. What fun! Are you tired yet?
Good for you! I'm falling for those snowmen. Too, too cute. I can't wait to see how it all goes together.
You are inspiring me to get to sewing again. I've been using the grandkids a reason not to get back into my sewing room...I should follow your example... Your quilt squares are darling
I LOVE your Winter Wonderland work - can't wait to see it finished. I've drooled over the pattern but not felt brave enough to get it.
Love your grandchildren tales and things to laught at!
And I really, really like your good stuff/bad stuff post.
What a nice grandma with a lot of humor! Hope you will have your own time soon!
Just love your snowman stitchery.
Thanks for posting your good tip about "good stuff/bad stuff". Very good point to think about.
I love your snowmen. What a marvellous Grandma you are. Lucky kiddies, lucky grandma :)
Oh, I love those. I have yet to try red embroidery. I have done black and white on white and even dark blue on white,,but never red. I love the look.
Was visiting Eve, now I'm visiting you too...:)
The embroidery is beautiful, I will enjoy seeing the finished piece.
Grandchildren do keep you busy! I've got 3 and one more on the way. Plus a rabbit.
I don't know what I enjoyed more - the stitching or the grandchildren!! Our son got married in April and since they have olong been settled in their own house, they are already tryin to make a baby and I can't wait!!
Until then, I'd love to have you move in. None of my local gal pal sew or stitch or nuttin! We could play all day! LOL
Your redwork is phenomenal! I am just so inspired to start yet another needlework technique!!!
Your grandbabies are cute!!!
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