Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Finished by Friday, Not Quite

On Monday I started putting this quilt together (Checkerboard and Rails). I had all the pieces cut and ready but nothing sewn. I thought this was going to be a piece of cake and I'd have it whipped out in a couple of days. It didn't happen. I worked about 4 hours on Monday and this is how far I got. But I knew I would have several times during the week to work so I was optimistic. I sewed all the rail blocks and that went great. I strip pieced them and cut them the designated 6 1/4" length. All 140 of them. Then I started on the checkerboard block - looks easy enough. It would be if my seam had been 1/4" like it was supposed to be. I sewed and sewed and sewed, then unsewed, unsewed, and unsewed some more. Muttering under my breath. Things like stupid, stupid, stupid. Should have measured. Should have paid more attention. Should have, should have, should have. Oh well. On Wednesday I worked about 6 hours, on Thursday about 4 hours and today about 8. This is where I am now.

It's taking a little longer than I expected. But it's gorgeous, isn't it?
I really, really wanted to have something finished by Friday. I have blogging friends waiting. Expecting. Anticipating. You were, weren't you? I mean you do expect me to be here on Friday showing what wonderful things I've accomplished, right? So each night I worked on this block from Winter Wonderland. My fingers hurt and I only half watched NCIS. Do you know what a sacrifice that was? Do you? Just for you. I didn't finish. There are still several snowflakes waiting to be born there. Frantically I'm thinking what to do, what to do? And then I remembered I hadn't shown you these! They were finished by Friday - one Friday, long ago. It doesn't really matter which Friday, right?
This little wallhanging that I call Fly Fishing was made for my husband. Not that he fly fishes but he does trout fish and that's close enough for me. I used the Cotton Theory. Badly. I used it badly. I could not keep a straight seam no matter how I tried. So I disguised them with decorative stitches. Badly. Bad disguise. Oh well, it looks primitive. Right? That's what I intended all along!
And this Mariner's Compass - well I'm a little proud of it. I drafted it!!!! That's right, you heard it here. I drafted it in a class and it turned out to really be a Mariner's Compass. I was a new quilter, just a year or two, and when I walked in with my fabric the teacher took one look and said you brought a stripe? A stripe? You bet I said, all proud and everything. Aren't these colors good together! She wiped the sweat from her brow and set to work. We did ok I think.


Suzanne said...

What you did in under a week would take me 6 months....for sure!! WOW, is all I can say.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife

Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 said...

Wow, you go girl. I love the colours in your checkerboard quilt !! You Winter Wonderland is looking smashing :) And I love the Fly Fishing one , my Uncle John would love it as he is a huge trout fisherman. And congrats on the Mariner's Compass. I so look foward to Friday's on your blog.
Hugs Dear,

Rebecca Ramsey said...

What a talented lady you are.
I love them all. That Winter Wonderland makes me pine for a chilly day!

Christine said...

Ooooh, I love that checkerboard and rails! Better you than me though I'm not sure I'd have the patience. And I just love your Winter Wonderland block, very, very cute.

Unknown said...

Wow, you are fast, I once made a quilt and it took me six months to complete. Your work is wonderful. Karen

Anonymous said...

Wow - Marlene... you were able to accomplish all that?!!!! Your are simply impressive. Do you care to share the secrets of your speed?

Have a blessed Sunday!

molly said...

Hmmph! Do you think we could start something called "started by Friday?" Then I'd have lots to show....This week I

-- started putting together a hexagon quilt for my little g'daughter's 6th. b'day[Sept. 4th.]

--continued working on a hand piecing project;

--became possessed by some devil that made me make 16 blocks from our guild's block of the month[instead of the more normal ONE]--not even a pattern I care for, or in colours I could get excited about. It just seemed a good way to use up so-so fabric.

But what did I finish by Friday?


By the way, that checkerboard /fence rail is a beaut!

Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Hi Marlene, I am so proud of you, YEA!!!!!! I was so looking forward to seeing all that you had accomplished and oh my, it is a lot.
Your checkerboard quilt is gorgeous, is that the wedding quilt you are working on? I think I would have to keep that one myself.
Hope your fingers get better, can't wait to see that one complete. Just wish you working on the snowmen would bring some cooler weather.
Have fun with your grandkids and take lots of pictures.

Mary L. Briggs said...

Oh your quilt if beautiful. I love those colors! And the pillow is so sweet~you'll enjoy that this winter.

I can't believe the Mariner's Compass--you did fantastic! I cannot do something like that just yet--and not ever if I don't practice some more!

Don't let the heat get to you!


Anonymous said...

You are so talented! Everything is beautiful!!

Hannies Annies said...

wow is all I can say all of them are stunning! I have winter wonderland, have to get it out to work on it before winter is here!

Tracy P. said...

Wow! That's a beautiful design! I made many wall quilts when I was single, and quit after the one I did for my firstborn's crib. Have been in the middle of the one that I "owe" number two for over a year now. Not going so well!!! I should call my segment "Finished By February". That might be a reasonable goal. One day I will post about all of it in your honor. May even be a series. Watch for it. (In February.)

sister sheri said...

I have to tell you that I've really been thinking a lot about "Finished by Friday." I'm thinking that it could be quite motivational for me. I normally have a daily list of three things I have to get done... which helps me to focus... and reminds me at the end of the day that I did accomplish "something"! I love it! So inspirational!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Checkerboard and Rails quilt! Where did you get that pattern, I just have to make one! I'm down to 45 UFO's and 9 almost finished projects and I just have to start something new! LOL~ ;-)