I'm looking for help from my quilting friends! My mother died 4 years ago and the floral fabric here was in her stash. There was only a small piece but I managed to use every inch of it and make this lap quilt. I put a wide white border on it thinking I would applique something on it. A vine? Flowers? I can't picture it....would I use solids? Or what about embroidery? A verse all the way around? Or maybe take the white border off and put several borders on, different colors? Any ideas welcome!

Marlene, how special this quilt must be to you. I love the simplicity of it. I'm not sure I would do anything to it because I just really like it as is. Perhaps a bible verse would be sweet.
The floral fabric is very pretty. If you use the while border, quilt some nice design in the border. Or as stated above, use a bible verse, maybe your mother's favorite verse.
Since I really need computer glasses, I missed the typo. If you use the WHITE border, it should read. This getting old stuff is no fun!
I would add a small inner border - maybe 1 1/2 inch, then an outer border of a check in the same color as the inner border. Example - use solid blue for inner border and blue and white check for outer border.
That's a tough one. It would be beautiful no matter what you do. Could you maybe do a quilting pattern of a floral similar to the print? An applique would be gorgeous too.
I love it like it is. I don't think I would add another color border. The simplicity is what's special about it. Embroidering a verse around the edges would be really nice, pulling a color from the fabric for your embroidery thread.
I think a thin solid blue border with a wider white border would be lovely. Probably anything you do with it will work. How special!
I'm no quilter, but I am a quilt appreciater! I like Teresa's suggestion--it sounds like it would be very lovely.
The fabric is just beautiful, so bright and cheerful.
I think I agree with Teresa. A little coloured border would be nice between the piecing and the white border. A vine curving around on the white border would be another way to go. But the first thing I thought of was how nice a scalloped border would be. You know you want to put binding on all those curved edges-----don't you??
White border and a verse. What a lovely memory from your mother. Much love - Raquel XO
Hi Marlene,
I think doing your signature redwork on the white part would be something unique and spectacular!
I think applique would look great in your white border. Maybe use batiks in colors simmular to the ones in the print. Whatever you do it will be lovely. You do great work. Have a great day!, Em
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