Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

This Makes Me Laugh

Things that make me laugh while babysitting:

1. A 2 year old who answers, "OK Honey!" when told it isn't nice to hit her sister.
2. A 7 year old who screams at the top of her lungs while going face first down the water slide.
3. A 2 year old who constantly poses and says, "Picture me!" if a camera is anywhere in sight.
4. A 7 year old who does all the dances 1 foot in front of the television while watching Hannah Montana - and doesn't have a clue anyone is watching.
5. A 2 year old who is in the middle of potty training and will go anytime you ask her as long as you let her "push" the handle.
6. A 7 year old who calls up her aunt to tell her to bring fingernail polish when she comes to visit because Grandma doesn't have any and because she needs to paint her toenails this week.

7. A 2 year old and a 7 year old and a 63 year old Grandpa who are easily fooled into believing that Grandma made Pineapple Dumplings for dessert when she actually made Pineapple Cobbler and forgot to put in the Baking Powder!


Lori said...

What a hoot, especially the dumplings part! Sounds like you've had a fun couple of days.

Unknown said...

Hi Sweetie!

Thanks for your congrats for our young couple. We're thrilled.

I loved your babysitting story. And oh the joys of Pineapple adventures..... :)

Raquel said...

Love it! Out of the mouths of babes . . . . Never made pineapple cobbler, sounds a treat! Much love - Raquel XO

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha - Marlene, you have such a fun and funny family! :) What a blessing.

The cutwork by machine embroidery is really not that hard. I find that the OESD Badgemaster works the best.

Mary L. Briggs said...

I love it! Especially #7. Unfortunately, that sort of excuse doesn't work so well with daughters in their 20s, LOL!


Rue said...

Hi marlene :)

That is really cute. I love it when they don't know you're watching or listening :)


Christine said...

Oh I love it, makes me laugh too.

I'm starting to think you and I are like two peas in a pod.

Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Marlene, I can relate to all you are hearing and seeing this week. My Mom kept a diary and wrote in it all the time. I keep saying I'm going to do it and haven't yet. With my memory I need to. They say some of the cutest things.
Keep laughing,

Anonymous said...

Lol sounds like so much fun!

Southern Lady said...

Hi, Marlene ...

I loved reading your babysitting posts and can relate.

Your Pineapple Dumplings/Cobbler sounds delicious, with or without the baking soda. Would you mind sharing your recipe with us sometime?

