I'm back from Mexico and truly glad to be back in the real world, sort of. I'll post about that later. But I wanted to quickly say thank you to everyone who helped me pray for my brother. I got home about 1:00 am with a really bad case of Montezuma's Revenge and I'm still in bed at nearly 2:00 pm! Nasty stuff. But I did get to talk to Terry this morning and though he sounded a little drugged which, no doubt, he is, he was able to talk to me and make sense. :) I wanted to post a picture of a heart since he had a triple bypass but most of the pictures I found were just too graphic!!!!! Then I stumbled across this one. Isn't it wonderful? It was so meaningful to me that it's a beach picture and I know that the whole time I was on the beach this weekend God was watching over Terry for me. He is so good.

Wow, Mexico! Where did you go? Sorry about the Tourista--sometimes a nasty byproduct of traveling south of the border! Thanks for dropping in and entering my giveaway--hope you and Terry feel better soon!
Marlene, Sorry you are incapacitated......get well soon....and so glad to hear about your brother. Isn't it wonderful when a plan comes together!!
You take care. Pat
I'm glad things are working out! God is good. I have a grocery list of perfectly normal words I will never google again. Bullet is one of them. I just wanted a before picture of a bullet, not a bunch of CSI afters. Ugh. That still makes me shudder.
Glad your home safely, hope you feel well soon.
I'm glad God watched over Terry while you were away.
Where would we be with out him (God)?
Oh, good! I was praying for Terry. And now you can freely revel in the memory of your dreamy getaway!! Yea for you!!
So glad your brother is doing well.
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