Saturday, November 29, 2008
Did You Know?
1. It's only 32 days until Andrew Jacob will be born and I haven't started his quilt?
2. Monday will be December 1st and I haven't bought any presents?
3. I have UFOs listed on my sidebar that absolutely, positively have to be done and I haven't finished one since October 8th?
4. It's two days after Thanksgiving and I haven't even gotten my Christmas decorations out of the garage - I haven't been this late getting decorated since the day I got married 45 years ago!
5. I missed my weekly Bible study class the last two weeks and will miss it again this week and am now officially 4 weeks behind in my reading?
6. I haven't vacuumed or mopped since everyone was here Wednesday for Thanksgiving - can you imagine the crumbs beckoning every mouse within a country mile?
7. I'm leaving tomorrow on a mission trip and none of the above is going to get done before I leave?
8. As much as I want to be a Proverbs 31 woman, I'm not there yet and not likely to get there this week!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thanksgiving Night
The visitors have gone.
The house is quiet
And I'm all alone.
There are dishes to wash
And the laundry awaits;
The floors need sweeping
And my library books are late.
There are crumbs on the couch
And leftovers to freeze.
But my throat's all scratchy
And I think I'm gonna' sneeze.
There are ads in the paper
That I need to search through,
There are bathrooms to clean,
So darn much to do!
The pumpkins are still scattered
All around my house.
So are the scarecrows
And the witches' house.
But my body is tired
and my bones are in pain.
And my beautiful bed
It's calling my name.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thanksgiving Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
For my parents who nurtured and loved me, I thank you.
For my brothers and sister who are embedded in my heart and who share all of my childhood memories, I thank you.
For my husband who has loved and protected me for 45 years and who is still doing that today, I thank you.
For my children who are truly the greatest gifts you could have ever given me, I thank you.
For my grandchildren who make me laugh and who have my heart in their small (and not so small) hands, I thank you.
For all the experiences of my childhood and growing up years, both good and bad, I thank you. I know that each one was used by you to form my character and to deepen my love for you.
Father I thank you for all of today.
For the home that you have so graciously given us the means to have, I thank you.
For the church where we are free to worship you, I thank you.
For the friends you have sent our way and who support us in our love for you, I thank you.
For the food that you have provided, I thank you.
For the opportunity to serve you and to share your love with others, I thank you.
For whatever comes in this day, I thank you. I know that you will use my today to glorify you and to bless me.
Father I thank you for all of our tomorrows.
For whatever the future brings, I thank you.
For the good times of the future, I thank you.
For the bad times of the future, I thank you.
For your constant presence in those good and bad times, I thank you.
For the knowledge that at some point in the future we will be joining you in Heaven, I thank you. I know that I will someday be dancing in your presence and singing your praises. Oh what a day of rejoicing that will be!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The Energizer Bunny
Monday, November 24, 2008
Computers vs. Best Buy
Thursday afternoon I took my computer to Best Buy where I bought it. I walked right up to the counter to speak to one of the members of the Geek Squad. Nice kids. Not all of them actually look like Geeks, though some do. The one I talked to that time didn't. He said, "no problem...I think I know what's wrong." And he worked on it for about 30 minutes. While I stood there. I didn't have to leave it! I was ecstatic. While he was working I told him that it also kept popping up a message that my D Drive (Recovery Drive) was full, but I didn't think it was. I don't know exactly what he did about the keys but he did something. Then he deleted a folder in my D Drive that I had put there but that I shouldn't have and said I was fixed. Yippee!
I went home, turned on the computer and started answering e-mail. Keys sticking. D Drive full. So I loaded up and drove back to Best Buy. This time the kid looked like a geek. He loaded all the "updates." Ok.....we'll see. I drive home and start the computer again. Keys sticking. D Drive full. Grrrrrrrrr.
Friday I'm busy and don't have time to take it back again. Saturday I turn it on to read e-mail and get a pop up that says my Adobe Flashbox has a problem, would I please uninstall it and reinstall? Sure, I can do that. I don't even know what Adobe Flashbox is but I can uninstall and reinstall. So I do. And guess what. My keys don't stick any more. But that darn D Drive is still full.
Anybody know how to get this thing to quit telling me I'm low on disk space on the D Drive?
Saturday, November 22, 2008
There's God!
As I watched him enter the house yesterday, nearly six feet of him, I remembered the time when he was half that height. When he was five we lived in Small Town Arkansas and attended a church that had wonderful cathedral-like steps leading up to the beautiful doors of the church. Our pastor was an older gentleman with beautiful, thick, white hair and who always wore black robes when in the sanctuary. He was a stately looking southern gentleman.
One day my husband and I were driving down the street in front of the church and saw the pastor standing at the top of the steps in his black robe talking with another church member. They had just had a funeral and though the family and friends were gone the pastor was still there. Our son spotted him there and yelled excitedly, "Momma, Momma, look! There's God standing on the steps!"
Made perfect sense to me.
Friday, November 21, 2008
No! Yep!
This child is the one who takes forever to wake up in the mornings and who buries her head in Grandma's side under the blanket trying to ignore the fact that school is waiting. This is the one who says they had Thanksgiving Dinner at school but when asked if she ate the cranberry sauce says, "Is that what that stuff was? Nope!" And who proudly announced that they had pumpkin pie. But when asked if she ate it said, "Nope!" But who ate 3 bowls of Grandma's chicken and noodles. Now that's the way to a Grandma's heart. :)
Then we picked up our 2 1/2 year old granddaughter from daycare. Every question we asked was answered with a loud, "NO!" You want your coat on? "NO!" You want to go home? "NO!" You want to... "NO!" All of a sudden Yep wasn't so bad!
What exactly is it that kicks in around 2 1/2 that makes us love the word NO? Do you think it's genetic? Do we have a gene that programs NO into our vocabulary? Or do they teach it at daycare? Couldn't be that because they do it even when they don't go to daycare. Is it subliminally implanted in their Barney movies, or Elmo, or Disney? Or maybe it's a drug secretly put into, probably not.
Of course, this is the same child who runs and takes a flying leap into Grandpa's lap to snuggle as soon as she gets up in the morning. It's easy to forgive a little NO! And that's certainly the way to a Grandpa's heart. :)
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Finally, Validation!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
A Horror Story
At 11:10 I entered Walgreens. I had called in three prescriptions early this morning and since I do Express Pay I knew I could pick them up and be out in a hurry. But first I wanted to do a little shopping. I’m a coupon shopper so I carefully went up and down the aisles searching out my bargains. I was about half way through my list and close to the back of the store where the pharmacy is so I stopped to get that part done. Clerk #1 was working the drive thru window. Clerk #2 was in the back counting pills. Pharmacist #1 came over to wait on me. She whispered to me that one of my prescriptions wasn’t ready – they were out and wouldn’t have it until later in the day. I guess she was whispering because it was a (whisper) feminine product. I was ok with that…I’m agreeable…no problem. Wait! Clerk #2 heard her (good ears, huh?) and said my feminine product had been delivered and was in the “back” but she did…not…have…time…to get it. Pharmacist #1 snapped at the clerk that she would just get it herself. I’m sure she was thinking she was a pretty high priced supply clerk – I was thinking that! So I wait while she cuts the box, types a label, gathers everything up and returns to me. Computer #1 was down, computer #2 was down, ah ha! Computer #3 is working so she entered my items (total $45) and handed me the ticket to sign. I “Express Pay” with my debit card and as I started to sign I automatically noted the total…..$395.49. Excuse me, I think there’s a problem. Pharmacist looks like a deer caught in the headlights. By this time all computers are down because someone, somewhere, is uploading a software program. On the Walgreens computers. In the middle of the day. She calls the manager.
The manager arrives. He’s about 12 years old. No kidding. It’s 11:55. No kidding. He has to go to his office to “find the transaction” so he can credit it. His office is at the front of the store by the photo lab. Ok I say but I’m really in a hurry now. I’ve been waiting 25 minutes so far. He returns with whatever paperwork he needs. A credit can only be given at computer #3. Which is now down. I have to go. If you could just trust me to… he says. I say, “Honey, I don’t even trust my husband with $400! As you can well imagine by this time there is an audience who thinks this is hilarious.
Now one thing I haven’t mentioned is that I’m wearing my Stephens Ministry sweatshirt. This means I…cannot…be…ugly. I really want to be ugly. Finally, at 12:05 I give up and say, “Aaron,” because we’re on a first name basis now, “I’m gonna’ have to go. But at 3:00 I’m gonna’ be back at the drive thru window to get my credit and my prescriptions.
I know you think this story is over. Nope. At 3:00 I pull up to the drive thru. She says my stuff is locked in the safe in the office at the front of the store by the photo lab. And she can’t go get it. I have to go in. It’s been 3 days since I took anything for my arthritis so to say I don’t really want to walk any more than I have to is understating it. But I drive to the front, go in to the photo lab. Where I am told that my stuff has been taken to the pharmacy. At the back of the store. Yep. The back. Finally, transactions done I ask for a copy of the credit ticket. Because she didn’t offer me one. But she only has one copy she says. She can make me a copy but the copy machine is…….you guessed it, at the front of the store, by the photo lab.
I couldn’t make this up.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
A Sock Fanatic
Friday, November 14, 2008
Finished by Friday - Starting on Christmas
Thursday, November 13, 2008
A Happy Dance!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Veteran's Day

My dad served in the United States Army in World War II. H left at home a wife and son and traveled to Europe to fight for the country he loved. He came home with lots of medals and even more memories. This picture was taken in August, 2003 - the last time he ever visited my home. He caught that catfish out of "my" lake and was tickled to death with it.
Daddy didn't talk a lot about the war and he wouldn't watch war movies. He said they got it all wrong. He marched across Italy and Austria and Germany; I have a picture of him walking down a street in Paris. He was in a unit which freed prisoners in one of the death camps in Austria and he never forgot. His pride in this country was fierce and his loyalty to the flag was deeply ingrained. He went into the army when he was 21 and when he was 85 he still came to immediate attention when he colors came by and his salute was as sharp as that of a young man. Because of what he was willing to do, and because of what others were willing to do, I am free today. I am free to worship God in whatever way pleases me. I can own a gun and make a speech on any street in any city about anything I choose. I can disagree with what the president does and I can say so. But with the freedoms he fought to preserve for me comes great responsibility. He taught me about those too. Help your neighbor...and don't brag about it. Work your family....respect others....value what's right. He was a big talker but when it came to the rules for living he didn't talk a lot - he just set the example.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Living Off The Land
This fall he has already killed two deer. One was a doe, killed with a muzzle loader and the other a 7 point buck, killed with a regular gun. Now before all you animal lovers bombard me - I DO NOT HUNT. I could not. I will not. I shall not. But.....this is not just a sport for him. This is meat in the freezer. I don't see it until it is sliced, diced, wrapped and frozen and is ready to put in the freezer, much like the beef, pork and chicken that I buy for the same purpose. When he fishes I don't see those either until they are dressed and soaked and ready to freeze.
When my father was a little boy he and his family lived off what they drew from the land, the things that God provided. They always had a garden and canned what they grew. They picked berries in the woods and gathered nuts from the trees by the side of the road. They hunted things that you and I would shudder at today but when you're hungry.... I remember him telling me they had eaten squirrel and rabbit (both of which I have eaten and liked), raccoon, possum, blackbirds and once, when times were really bad, they even killed robins. He had to leave school in the 6th grade to go to work to help his family and that meant doing some things that weren't so pleasant.
In America today we've gotten far away from the skills that our forefathers relied on to survive. When you're an urban dweller you don't have the opportunity to learn those things but in the more rural areas (and rural states) we still hunt and fish and can. We rely on those things to supplement our income. And in hard times those skills serve us well.
So many people are without jobs right now - the unemployment rate is mentioned on the news every day. Many more layoffs have been predicted for the coming months. We certainly are in a recession, and could be headed for a depression. How would we react if that happened? Would we be as courageous as our grandparents were during the depression? Would we learn to survive without? Would we join together to help each other or would we fall apart in despair?
Friday, November 7, 2008
A Different Finished by Friday
In addition to their baby girl, Eric and Stephanie have two boys: Zachary (7 years old) and Cole (almost 4 years old). Please bless their 3 children with comfort, health, peace and joy despite this trying time.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I'm so Lucky!
In the last several weeks I've won four, yes four blog giveaways! I have no idea how that happened since I've gone for 62 years winning almost nothing! Two of them I haven't yet received but two I have and I want to show you those today.
This first picture is the cute, cute, cute purse made by Cindy at Imagine-Dream-Create. First of all, is that not the cutest fabric you've ever seen? Since I can't wear high heels any more (on my feet) I'm now wearing them on my arm. :) It is a great size and has lots and lots of pockets inside. Thank you Cindy. By the way, Cindy is from Canada so this came from a long way away and that's exciting all by itself!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Conversation is a Two Way Deal
I wish I could do my talking and listening in the early morning like my sister does. She's so disciplined and I'm so...not. She gets up at 5:15, showers and gets her coffee and goes to her "nest" in the sunroom to do her Bible study and prayer time before work. I wake up and hit the floor "doing" instead of listening. Busy, busy and in constant movement - that's me. Even if I'm sitting I'm doing, sewing, organizing, clipping coupons, studying, reading. I struggle to just be still. To just listen. Oh I talk to Him all day long but the listening, not so much. I talk to Him when I'm sewing and when I'm cooking (yes I do cook....once in a while), and when I'm driving, and when I'm sweeping. But I can envision God sitting up there saying, "Marlene, would you just slow down a bit and let's have a good visit!" I think He likes it when I focus on Him instead of trying to multi-task.
Anyway, I was thinking all of that tonight as I sat here in the quiet and then it dawned on me...God doesn't sleep. I remembered reading that in Psalms so I looked it up - Psalms 121:3-4 "He will not let you stumble and fall; the one who watches over you will not sleep. Indeed, he who watches over Israel never tires and never sleeps." He probably doesn't care what time I talk to Him! Yippee!
Uh Oh. Psalms 127:2 on the very next page of my Bible says, "It is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, anxiously working for food to eat; for God gives rest to his loved ones." I think this just might be a reminder to me that conversation with Him should come first and work should come second.
Do you have a particular time that you do your study and prayer and conversation? Do you have a special place?
Sadly Seeking
Meanwhile I will pray for the person who has to earn their living in such a job and ask that you pray for him/her as well. I will be asking for a new job, one that will not only earn him/her a living wage but will also feed the soul as well.
It's Monday, the beginning of a brand new week. It's fall, it's cool, and ya'll...the leaves here where I live are so beautiful it takes my breath away! We're going to take a little drive this morning and I know it will be beautiful. I can hardly wait!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Sunday Star

Halloween can be a scary time for very young children, as scary as it is exciting at the same time. My two youngest grandchildren danced with joy as they donned their costumes Friday afternoon. The almost-3 year old was a pirate and the 7 year old was one of the characters from High School Musical. With dresses and hats and wigs and baskets for goodies all gathered and donned their mother and I started the neighborhood walk with them. Excitement, however, meant nothing when we approached the first house. There was a WITCH hanging from the porch roof! Neither child was willing to walk up to that door unless their mother went with them and they certainly weren't going to knock on the door - heaven forbid! When the very nice lady appeared and offered candy neither child could utter one peep, let alone shout "Trick or Treat!" She was very kind and said, "oh they'll get the hang of it soon." At the second house.....repeat performance. At the third house you'll never guess what happened! At the door appeared a fairy princess! A teenage girl in a beautiful princess outfit came to the door, came outside, sat down on the ground and talked in a sweet, gentle voice to both girls. Though they were completely amazed to see a princess living two doors down they were not afraid. They were enthralled. They were awed. They were happily astounded.
One teenage girl took the time to dress up like a princess for children she did not know. She was kind and gentle and precious. What a sweet gesture and what a wonderful candidate for my Sunday Star award.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Friday morning I got up, powered up the computer, and nothing. Meanwhile, we were going on a little trip up to see our son and his family, do a little trick or treating with the grandchildren, and then to a high school football game where our son coaches. We didn't get home until about 4:00 this afternoon. Let's see: noon Thursday to 4:00 Saturday would mean about 52 hours. Without Internet. I am traumatized. I'm not sure how long recovery will take but I am sure it will mean lots of chocolate.