I love it when one of my sewing groups come to my house! My small group (Nimble Thimbles) has 8 ladies in it counting me and we take turns being the hostess. Sometimes we serve lunch and sometimes we go out for lunch and have dessert at home while we're sewing. Wednesday is the day I get to have it here and I can hardly wait. We're going out for lunch this time and thank goodness my weigh in time at Weight Watchers is
before I eat lunch and dessert! I have no idea what dessert I'm going to serve but if I had a really good Weight Watchers recipe I'd use that - anyone have any good diet dessert recipes? That's probably an oxymoron but a girl can try. :) These women are special to me - special friends who are almost sisters. They hold my heart if you know what I mean. So I like to do a few special things before they come - things I don't do in my daily or weekly cleaning. Not that they care! But because they are special I like to do a few little things to get ready for them.

I straighten up my "nest." Yes, this really is straightened up so you can imagine what it looks like normally! My stitching stuff is here, there, and everywhere. On the far side of my chair you can see a basket with ziplock bags in it - each bag has a ready-to-stitch hand project. There's also a basket on the floor that has embroidery floss and books, clips to hold binding in place, tissues, etc. Stuff I need when I'm going to be stitching for a while just seems to collect there. The plastic container on the ottoman holds all my Valdani threads; well, except for the duplicate colors that are favorites that I don't ever want to run out of. They're in the basket on the floor. I'm a little paranoid about my thread I guess. And there are quilt magazines and books and a thread catcher and a good Ott light and a clock and....

In the kitchen I windexed the jars that hold my flour, sugar, rice, tea, etc.

And I washed the red colander that adds a splash of color on the cabinet.

And this little area under the ice and water spouts...cleaned it with q tips! I hate this thing in case any of you manufacturers are reading this. It isn't removable like my last one was and it's the devil to clean.

I even windexed these pan lids! Of course if I cooked often enough they'd be washed and wouldn't collect dust but as much as I love my friends I'm not cooking more even for them. :)
What do you do when company's coming?
I clean a lot too but if it's on short notice, we do a quick clean up in the kitchen and living room and make sure doors to messy rooms are closed!
What a blessing to have a group you meet with regularly like that and consider them such good friends. None of my 'local' friends are creative at all so I envy those who have them
I windex some of the same things too. It is amazing what you notice as being dirty when the girls are coming! Have a wonderful time!!
You are going to have such a wonderful time. Trust me...no one notices all the clean up that you do ahead of time if you are enjoying each others company.
I use a Magic Eraser on that tray under the water/ice. It's gets the calcium/water spots up nice and easy...
Have a great time!!
I got a kick out of your windexing the pot lids. This reminded me of an old friend who used to say she dusted her cooktop every now and then. LOL
By the way, I love your chair and ottomon. What a cozy spot you have there!
You windexed those lids? shoot stick them in the stove drawer.
And that red colander, I love it!
Why not serve angel food cake and strawberries, that sounds so yummy right now.
I have a SIL that even cleans her outside porch lights when she is having company.
Enjoy the hen party!
I love meeting with my sewing gals and anyone of my friends...to clean I usually do it after they leave and that is the darndest place the cup thingy on the ref door....god bless
I thought I was the only one who did that sort of thing when expecting company ,much rather be sewing lol your home looks lovely especially your chair and all your important bits around it ....love Jan xx
What a blessing to have a great group of friends that share your passion for quilting. I have to say that your chair looks so inviting for an afternoon of stitching!!I just love your blog and find it so inspiring. I am adding your blog to my daily reads on my blog.
God Bless,
I am lucky and unlucky at the same time. My house is so small that we don't hold group meetings here. If I did, I would clean my fingers to the bone.
I clean up really good when company is coming too. Love all your old jars and all those zinc lids.
Great way to organize all your hand work too.
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