I have been so excited that it's finally spring - I think I have what my Mama used to call "spring fever." I'm thrilled to be outside even though I can hardly breathe for the pollen. I'm terribly allergic to mold, which hides on the leaves and branches of everything in the yard, but I planted herbs anyway. I know, I know...we won't be home this summer to enjoy them, but the house sitters will. I love the fragrance when the breeze blows, and there's nearly always a breeze off the lake. I've got lots of Rosemary because my yard seems to be perfect for it. I use it in the flower beds and the window boxes and in the herb garden. One of the Lavender bushes, which is truly pitiful looking, has a hundred blooms on it! The Lemon Balm and the Chives always come back up and the Lamb's Ears do too (didn't know that was an herb, did you?). And the Parsley, which is really not supposed to, has spread even outside the herb bed. I've added two kinds of Basil, Cilantro, Oregano, Marjarom, and more Thyme (I had one kind that isn't doing well but is still there). I also planted one Rhubarb plant (not an herb but I wanted to try it) and it already has a new leaf! I'm not finished with the humus I'm spreading on top of the bed to fill in the dips and holes and to make it look a little neater but I will be soon - early next week.

One day this week my small sewing group took a "road trip" to a couple of quilt shops that are about 100 miles away. It was a gorgeous day and we loved the drive! I had called ahead to let both shop owners know there would be 6 of us coming so they wouldn't be surprised and both of them fixed lunch for us! Now that's hospitality. :) Of course, it's also good business because we lingered both places talking about their upcoming classes and we all spent a goodly amount of money. The word will spread among our guild members too which will be good for the economy!
I've tried to walk every day just to be out in the beautiful weather. My goal is 2 miles/45 minutes and yesterday I made it all the way. Today, on my third round (each round is .7 mile) the pit bulls were out so I had to come back home. Not sure what I'm going to do about those dogs but something definitely needs to happen for the safety of all of us who walk the neighborhood.
We're only two lessons away from finishing year four of Disciple, a four year Methodist Bible study class. I'm feeling nostalgic because I will miss all those who have journeyed with us this year and also for all of the four years. But I'm excited to be finishing this goal I set several years back. We're studying Revelations now and I've learned several things about myself...number one being I don't really care what happens in the end times except that God wins. And I have no intention of worrying about when it might happen or what my place will be in that event will be because I know whatever happens I'll be on the right side.
I've done a little sewing, but not a lot. I made this Book Keeper for my Kindle (the pattern is from Moda Bake Shop) out of antique feed sacks.
And this is the Lazy Star quilt top I made for a wedding present but haven't finished.
The 12 pounds I'd lost a couple of weeks ago is still gone but I seem to have reached a stalemate right now. That could be because in the middle of a terribly stressful day this week I ate like a million sugar wafer cookies. :( And I've got a couple of weekend events coming up that will likely derail me as well. There's no avoiding overeating (at least for me) when you're away from home for a couple of days at a time.
Last weekend I spent a couple of days with some high school girlfriends. Sigh. I miss them already. There's just something about old friends that is restful for the soul. I'm lucky that several of us still get together. We've been meeting at my house in the fall for a couple of years and now we've added spring to the schedule. This year we met in Little Rock and next year is Lynchburg, Virginia.
If you've read this far and I haven't bored you to death - I'm glad you're here. I'm not blogging as much lately as I once was and not commenting as much either, but I am reading everyone I promise. Time slips away from me as I try to finish up things in preparation for our mission trip. But I promise to be better and to carry you all with me when I go. Six more weeks till departure for south Louisiana - heat, humidity and hurricanes!
Oooooo - you've got your own version of the YaYa's just like I do. Isn't it wonderful? We always have the best time. Some of us don't have biological sisters, but in reality we are true sisters. I wouldn't trade those get togethers for anything.
I always get a little excited when I see you have posted to your blog. So many of the things you talk about are interests of mine as well...Bible, sewing, herbs, old friends.
How I shall miss reading your blogs. Like you, I do always read but haven't always enough time to comment.
And you couldn't bore me, not in a mllion years. You always have something interesting to say. Let's hope to read you some more before your Mission Trip
How nice to have 5 gfs from highs chool. there were only 12 girls in my graduating class, and 24 guys.
You're all still so beautiful! I'm with you on the end times, Marlene! We win. HE wins! And there is no describing in human terms how it happens. AMEN!
I read all the way to the end! Your quilt and Book Keeper are very pretty. Wow, you have a lot of herbs. I'm not much of an herb person myself, just give me a jar from the grocery store. That's great that you are walking that much, I've been walking,too, now that the weather is nice. Have a good day!
I read every word too, and no, I wasn't bored. First of all, I am so jealous of your herb garden. We are renting so I can't dig up the yard for a garden, but I am going to plant some herbs and tomatoes in large pots. I love those trips to quilt shops. I did 4 shops last weekend, not with quilting friends, but with hubby who sat in the car at each stop! I will also miss you when you do your mission trip. I will keep you in thought and prayer when you're gone.
Congrats on the 12 lbs. All the heat and humidity in LA will help you lose more.lol
Cute kindle keeper. I have made 5 of them for gifts.
Lovely quilt.
Lovely post, today, Marlene! All the things you love! Thanks for sharing with us all!
That is such a lovely rosemary plant. Did you know rosemary (the name) means fidelity and remembrance? Here in Colorado, we have to treat rosemary as an annual. The winters kill is off.
Tried to comment earlier but my computer had gas??Just couldn't get it to do anything.. Loved your post and friends are so special. The quilt is fab and the little bag so cute..Hope you can keep posting?
OH I hope your house sitters appreciate the abundance you are leaving them. Just love Lemon Balm.
Wish you could take your computer with you on your mission. Sure you would have great stories to tell.
Hopefully this lovely rain will knock down that nasty pollen.
Hope you carry pepper spray for those pit bulls.
I also am one of your readers that enjoy every word you write.... and you are never boring.
Your house sitters are very lucky to get such a nice garden.
I think it is wonderful that you are going on another mission. I will pray for you. I know it will be hard but you will be blessed for your willingness to serve.
I visited a wonderful place that made me think of you. How I wished that you could have been there with me. Take a minute to drop by my blog when you have a little time and see.
Like you, I am not doing as much blogging as I used too. However, I always love dropping by the lake and visiting you. You are surely a special person and a good example for us all.
Hugs, Lura
I promise-you are never boring, Marlene! Oh, I love all your herbs. I'm working on a new little garden right now. Part of it is still in the planning, so I'm not sure how it will turn out.
Thanks for sharing all you other projects, too. You always accomplish so much! I' haven't been on the computer much, either. There is just so much else to do!
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