The winner of my mug rug and Ghastlie fabric is Vicki T - congratulations Vicki! Vickie doesn't have a blog but she really should. Her comment was funny and a delight to read. :)
The name I sent to Madame Samm was Lavender Dreamer who does have a blog....just click here to visit her. And you really should. She has a perfectly gorgeous picture as her header. I don't know yet who won the grand prize for Friday but Lavender Dreamer you've made it to the semifinals. :)
Congrats to the winner!
Congrats to Vicki! I know she is thrilled! And I am so happy to have my name in the drawing! Thanks for your sweet comments about my blog! I really DO love to blog! It's so much fun and I've met so made so many great friends! Enjoy your afternoon! If I will hear me screaming for joy in the morning! heehee! ♥
Congratulations, Vicki!
Hi Marlene, thanks so much for coming by my blog for a visit. Congrats to Vicki too. Hope you have a wonderful Happy Halloween!
Happiness for Vicki!
Thank you again and for the cute comment about my email. ;)
I kept singing to my hubby all weekend "I wooon...... I wonnnn". I think he was very pleased to leave for work today. haha
Hi ... Thoroughly enjoyed the time on your blog wish I could take part and win some of your work ..its beautiful....but I live in India.
I'm like a child at winning things.
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