Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

This and That and A Small Giveaway

We went to church, we welcomed family, we opened presents, we ate too much food, we laughed and we cried.  I love Christmas.  :)

I'm not sure why but when all the celebrating is over and all the family members have returned to their respective homes I always get the urge to clean and organize.  I want to clean out drawers and closets, weed out the old and the outgrown and the why-in-the-world-did-I-ever-think-I-wanted-that stuff.  I really, really need to go through every single thing in my sewing room and I might just do that in the next month when the weather will keep me indoors.  But for today I have a few patterns that I've either made already, or never will make, that need  new homes.  If you're a follower and you think you might want one or more of these leave me a comment with the numbers of the one(s) you want.  If more than one person is interested in one of them I'll draw names on Sunday.  If only one person is interested you'll automatically get it.  And if no one wants it (poor rejected thing!) I'll put it on the giveaway table at guild.

Won by Mrs. Pickles!
#1  Santa's Midnight Runner (this is a long, skinny wall hanging that I've made and which hangs in my sunroom)  It's about 17 x 52 and has both piecing and applique.

Won by Sheila!
#2  Lilly Mae's Basket Quilt...I haven't made this one.  It's a little quilt about 18 x 23 and is pieced.

Won by Carrie!
#3  Peace, Love, Joy...Pincushion     I've made this one - it's a small wool pincushion, is fast and easy, and has both applique and embroidery.

Won by Lea!
#4  Abbey Lane "The Bungalow Bag"     I made this last summer - it's roomy without being bulky and I love it!  It shows bought handles but I made fabric handles and used a bright spring fabric that's really cute.

Won by Gill!
#5  Old Crimson Clove...a Sue Spargo pattern...36 x 31...I haven't made this one.  The background is pieced but it's mostly applique.

Won by Sharon at Vrooman's Quilts!
#6   Sage Country Christmas Tree...I haven't made this one's 48 x 63 and appears to be intricate piecing.  I wouldn't recommend it for a beginner (which is why I didn't  make it!)

If you're a follower and you want one or more please leave me the numbers of the ones you want - it will help when I draw names.  And stay posted - I plan to have more in the next couple of weeks!


1 Kathy MacKie said...

I would love #5 Crimson Cove, Sue Spargo. What a treat that would be. Thanks so much.

2 Createology said...

How very sweet of you to share your patterns with us. #4 the Bungalow Bag looks like something I could make with all the fabrics I have. They would make great gifts for my sisters next year. Gentle week to you...

3 Vroomans' Quilts said...

I am interested in #5 and #6 - 6 looks like a lot of fun.

4 Sheila said...

I would love numbers 2 and 3 , I love minatures and I really love wool , thanks for the chance. Sheila

5 Donna Joy said...

That for sharing, I like #1,3 and 5. Any one of those would be great. Thanks.

6 Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

They are all cute, but way too advanced for me!

7 Sherill said...

I love the patterns 3 and 5. This is a great idea! Thank you!

8 Sherill said...

I love the patterns 3 and 5. This is a great idea! Thank you!

9 ritainalaska said...

i like the #1 pattern, 'santa's midnight' runner! i like the combination of applique and piecing.

10 The Mayo Family said... you have me thinking that I as well should go through my sewing?
Ha-my children will run as we just finished going through --giving---purging all holiday stuff! Good to be done! :)
I love #2 & #3.
What a sweet give away!
Blessings & happy New Year wishes!

11 Di said...

So tempting, Marlene, but I have the same urge to de-clutter here :-))

12 Lea and her Mustangs said...

#4 appears to be something I might like to tackle. Glad you had a good Christmas - all our decorations came down today so now back to normal.

13 Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

Santa's Midnight Run would be my choice, I almost got this pattern about 4 or 5 years ago and then passed up my chance for it - I have not seen it since - would love it. I have you on my google reader as you know=

14 kutiequilter said...

I would love #1-I've loved that pattern forever but never bought it! I think my eldest daughter would love #4 the Bungalow Bag! Thanks for the giveaway!

15 Michelle said...

I love # 3 the pin cushion! Love, love love it.


16 Renea said...

I really like the #6. I also like the #4. Thanks for the great giveaway.

17 FlourishingPalms said...

Okay Marlene... please don't put me in the draw for any of them, but thanks for offering! Your giveaway idea, for purging, is great! It's something I MUST do because we're planning to move in the spring. I have to downsize my sewing and quilting space, and want my cast-offs to go to good homes. Will you let me run with your idea? Imitation IS the sincerest form of flattery!

18 Janet said...

I'm interested in number 1 and number 3, the table runner and the pin cushion. Thanks for a lovely giveaway idea.

19 Mrs.Pickles said...

how generous! I would be interested in #1 or #3. Thank you :)

20 Gmama Jane said...

If I take on one more project without completing my UFO's, I may end up on "Hoarders"...well not really but you know what I mean. I like the idea of having a Give-away for some "extra's collecting dust in my sewing room. I may have to borrow your idea if you don't mind! I'm in a cleaning mood as well. All the decorations are down except for the tree and that would be down but my back and legs gave out. Where did the time go when I could clean my whole two-story house on Sat. morning, wash clothes, and be ready to go play by afternoon??? It takes me 2-3 days to do what I used to do in one half day...sheesh. Getting old is for the the wisdom of old age but not the aches and pains and low energy! Gotta lose some weight this year!!
Warm New Year's Blessings My Friend!
Gmama Jane

21 Marie Rayner said...

How very generous of you Marlene. You are a star. I know that anyone would be lucky to be given any one of these. I am glad that you had a good Christmas. I always feel a bit let down after it is all over. I hate to take down the decorations etc. but like you I also get the urge to have a clean sweep!! Happy New Year to you and your family! May your 2012 be oh so very filled with blessings and joy! xxoo

22 Josie McRazie said...

I really like that tree (#6) I love a challenge! Thanks for the opportunity!

23 Gill said...

How generous of you!
I would love #1, #4 or #5 please!

24 Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

How nice of you to pass these on! I get the same itch after Christmas and have done some purging and cleaning and donating myself this week.

I wanted to stop by to wish you a very Happy and Healthy New year!! hugs!!

25 Heartsdesire said...

Love all the patterns, but I've been wanting to try some wool work so I would choose #4, the Peace, Love and Joy pincushion. Thanks for a great giveaway.

26 Carrie P. said...

I do the same thing.
I would love a chance for #3. so cute.
Happy New Year. I am a follower.

27 Sharon B said...

#4 Abbey Lane "The Bungalow Bag"
But they are all so cute - The Christmas Tree is gorgeous but as a beginner I don't think it would be anything but a dream for a while

28 Quilting "b" said...

I would love to win #5 or #6. All the patterns are wonderful. Thank you for the chance to win.

29 Denise :) said...

Oh I love #'s 3 and 6 -- so cute! I understand the urge to purge. I think it has something to do with getting all that new stuff all at one time and realizing something old's gotta go to make room! :)

30 Lee said...

So nice all of them - I think I could do #1 thanks!

31 Jan said...

Hi there...I would love to have no. 6. I think it is lovely. thanks for the opportunity


Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful New Year Marlene.

33 Gwen said...

I like both number 1 and number 3-- both are very pretty! Thanks for the fun giveaway! :-)

34 Sandy said...

thanks for the give-a-ways any number will do if my name is chosen

35 VickiT said...

Oh wow, I would be thrilled to get #1 -"The Midnight Runner" if I'm lucky enough.
Thank you so much.

Happy New Year to you and your family also.

36 Truffle queen said...

Thanks Marlene - but I think I'll pass. I just put about 30 patterns and books in a box at home for a giveaway! I was going to donate them to the guild - but maybe I'll have a blog giveaway!!

May God Bless You and Yours with a Happy and Healthy New Year!

37 carolyn said...

I LOVE #3 Peace, Joy, and LOVE.

Thank You , Carolyn

38 Purple Pam said...

I am having that same "cleaning out the old" feeling. How did we every collect so much stuff? When did it happen?

Happy New Year 2012. Be safe, be healthy and be happy.

39 Quilt n Queen said...

Happy New Year Marlene....I wanted to watch the USA vs Canada Jr. hockey game and have missed the whole first period....trying to catch a few minutes in blogland and an hour has gone by. My goal this year is to stitch with wool...the #3 pin cushion is a perfect size for my first wool project. Keeping my fingers crossed. hugs Pauline