Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Ponds, Herbs, Fabric and Bathrooms

I'm traveling this week and mid-trip stopped at a beautiful state park at Mammoth Springs, Arkansas, to walk around the pond.  Isn't this a gorgeous place?

This small lake is formed by a natural spring and flows down to a dam and makes a beautiful waterfall.

Another reason I like stopping here is because of the herb garden.

I love herbs and this garden has several that I don't grow, like comfrey, and many that I don't recognize at all.

Because it's a visitor center it has wonderful clean bathrooms...but I don't use them any more.  I don't go in at all because they always ask where I'm from, where I'm going, and how many are in my party.  I explained once that women traveling alone shouldn't have to announce that in the middle of a crowded room of strangers but I guess they need to know for some reason.  One of my blog readers told me once to say "my Father and I" which would be totally honest and true.  Isn't that a great solution?  However, I've found an alternative situation that works great for me:

This is a wonderful discount fabric store in Thayer, Missouri, about 3 miles from Mammoth Springs.  The people are so sweet, Henry Glass fabric is $3.99 a yard, and they have a bathroom.  :)


1 Tracy P. said...

Ha, fabric parking! That's perfect! Beautiful photos! I especially like the one of the lake peeking between the two tree trunks.

2 Cindy said...

So pretty! I want to live by a pond or lake...maybe someday!

3 FlourishingPalms said...

Such a pretty stopping place you found, but the quilt shop is even better! Good for you to know how to answer - or not answer - those welcome center questions. Since I've never traveled alone like that, I was unaware of the potential problem such a question creates. Thanks for the heads-up. Enjoy yourself and stay safe.

4 Marge said...

I've been there! Just last fall on our trip to Missouri and Arkansas. It is a beautiful spot. I did not find the quilt shop only 3 miles from there.....guess I have to make a return trip! And I love the answer, "My Father and I." I am going to use it!

5 Vroomans' Quilts said...

A lovely place and a great solution - Henry Glass at that price! Oh, yeah, the bathroom too - LOL!!

6 Lois Evensen said...

Such a pretty place. Such places are so much fun to visit and photograph.

I agree about giving personal information in a public place. I picked up a prescription at Walgreen's today. I was asked to verify my address. I quietly said the name of the street. The woman behind the counter loudly read the entire address off of the prescription and asked, "Is that right, Mrs. (my name)." Duh! Yep, that's right. And now all of these strangers standing here know where they can go to raid a medicine cabinet.

7 nanny said...

I bought my strawberries in Searcy. They are from Cabot/ha....Holland Bottoms. They are just beautiful. My daughter has been telling me how good they are. I can't wait to have a big bowl tonight! I must try some local ones next!

8 Julie Fukuda said...

That looks like a dangerous place to go for a potty break. You never know what dangerous fabric might follow you home!

9 Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Looks like a beautiful place to visit and I think "my Father and I" would be a great answer but I'm like you....I wouldn't want to answer at all. Thank goodness you knew there was a great fabric store with a bathroom!

10 Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I love the herb garden. So beautiful.
Great come back with my Father and I but I do believe using the facilities at the store are far superior. Nothing better than fabric.

11 Needled Mom said...

That is a gorgeous place. It looks so calm and restful.

I am afraid that that alternative would be a very expensive place for me to stop!!!!

12 barbara woods said...

you go girl.. i have traveled by myself and i understand

13 Gmama Jane said...

Going to see your sister, right? The fabric store option for a bathroom is a real good excuse to buy more fabric!!! But good idea! I was traveling with my mother one time and stopped at a rest stop area. When I walked over to the drink machines, 2 men were standing there just watching. While I made my selection, the hair stood up on the back of my head, I quickly walked to my car with both men following me! I got in, locked the doors and squealed rubber getting out of there. My mother said she was getting ready to blow the horn because she had a bad feeling too. I really feel God was protecting me that day and I have learned to not ignore my intuition. Stay safe my friend.