Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Jet Lag

If you haven't heard from me I have a really good husband and I took a wonderful trip to see some of the places the Apostle Paul taught and preached.  We began our journey in Rome where Paul ended his journey.  This was my first time in Italy and it was easy to see how quickly you fall in love with it.
Don't we look like typical tourists?  The weather was nearly perfect everywhere, even here at The Coliseum, but we had sunny days so hats were a necessity.  Even with my big hat I got a bit of a tan I guess since that's the first thing my neighbor said to me yesterday.

We left Rome on a ship (Celebrity Silhouette) and cruised the rest of the 2 1/2 weeks we were away, stopping in Catania, Athens, Mykanos, Malta, Rhodes, Ephesus, Crete, and ended up in Venice.  The ship was very nice but I confess I'm not much for dressing up; to prove that I can though, here's a picture of dinner one night.

That may be the shortest I've ever had my hair!  I did it on purpose so I wouldn't have to do much to it on the trip and I think I've fallen in love with the ease of it.

Coming home we had a very early flight and had to get up at 3:15 a.m.  Awful!  We traveled for 25 hours I think, arriving home Friday night about 9:30 and my sleep pattern is completely messed up.  I'm hoping tonight I'll get back to normal.  Know any cures for that?

Like most quilters I saw quilt patterns everywhere I went.  :)  I saw beautiful tile floors and mosaics and tapestries and wanted to make a quilt of every one.  I kept mumbling under my breath...square in a square, hourglass, mariner's compass, ...  

It's good to be home and to see my lilies waving in welcome.
It will be good to get back into my normal routine too.  I didn't take any stitching with me and my sewing room is calling my name!  We volunteer for two months in the summer at a Methodist mission in south Louisiana and will be leaving in two weeks for our post there, but I get to take my sewing machine with me so it will be almost like home.  I even plan to attend a guild meeting or two there so I'm looking forward to that.

I've missed my blog friends.  I'll be checking in with all of you as soon as I can - the laundry pile is almost gone and as soon as I buy groceries my world will be back in order!


1 paulette said...

Welcome home!! Your trip sounded WONDERFUL!! So glad you had fun...and like the new hair do!!

2 Michelle said...

Welcome home. What a wonderful trip for you. I LOVE your hair, but then you know me....short is good!

3 Jayne Honnold said...

What a wonderful trip for you! I have taken many trips to Italy on student trips with educational tour companies. I love, love, love Italy. Would like at some point to see Greece and those surrounding southern islands--someday!!!

I think taking a leisurely cruise like yours would be the way to do it!! Glad you got to do this, and glad you're home safely!

Happy Quilting!

4 Josie McRazie said...

Glad you had a great time! Your hair looks great!! I tried the short hair thing once... mine is so fine that it all sticks STRAIGHT up no matter how much product I put in it! LOL SO no easy hair for me!

5 Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sounds like the trip of a life time - and so great that you enjoyed it. I am not much for dressing up either and that is the hardest part of a cruise for me - deciding what to wear because I have so little that is right for the dinning room.

6 Lois Evensen said...

What a wonderful trip! That Celebrity ship and the itinerary are wonderful. We've done the same part of the world for several seasons aboard Splendour of the Seas.

I hope you'll share images of your trip with us.


7 Bonny said...

Wow - what a wonderful trip you took! You and hubby look like you had an absolute wonderful time :)

8 Bonny said...

Wow - what a wonderful trip you took! You and hubby look like you had an absolute wonderful time :)

9 Createology said...

Glad you are home safe and sound. Just rest and don't overdo is my way of dealing with jet lag. Beautiful photo of you and your husband enjoying your trip. Serene Sunday...

10 Vroomans' Quilts said...

What a great trip - yes, the two of you look like you really enjoyed it. Oh, my summer hair cut - love it.

11 Truffle queen said...

What a fabulous trip! We take a cruise every winter in the Carrib - but the Med. is on my "bucket list"! My dad's family is actually from Asiago, Italy - north of Venice - so you were close to half of my "roots"! Welcome back to the best - the USA!!!

12 Debbie said...

What a wonderful trip. Sounds like you really enjoyed it. You have a busy summer ahead, too....but coming home is always so nice.

13 Lea and her Mustangs said...

What an awesome trip my friend. I could be jealous. Am glad you had a good time. I love dressing up but don't want to do it often. Get rested. Blessings

14 Lea and her Mustangs said...

What an awesome trip my friend. I could be jealous. Am glad you had a good time. I love dressing up but don't want to do it often. Get rested. Blessings

15 Beverley said...

Glad you enjoyed it all. I loved Rhodes and Malta.

16 Val said...

Oh sounds wonderful! And I love your hair! Hope you catch up on your rest!

17 Gail said...

Wow! What an amazing trip. Welcome home.

18 Kathy MacKie said...

What an awesome adventure, that would be a bucket list trip for me too!

19 Marge said...

Welcome home! In 2005 I went to Italy with the art class from the college where I worked. Having the art professor as our personal guide was an awesome experience. And, I too, saw quilt patterns every where I looked! On the outsides of cathedrals, on tile floors, on mosaics on the walls.....I took many pictures so I could remember them all. And standing where the Apostle Paul had stood was a very emotional experience, wasn't it?

Hubby is thinking I should return, and this time he'd come with me!

Welcome home!

20 Lea and her Mustangs said...

Marlene - thank you or your wishes. We are going tomy sisters 85 south of Nashville, TN, near Tullahome. her husband our dear brother in law has terminal cancer in his lung and liver and we are going to go tell him goodby. Not the most fun in our lives. Please pray for all of us. He is up and around and wants to see us while he can and have some real times with Bob.

21 Tracy P. said...

What a wonderful trip! So glad you enjoyed yourself. My only suggestion for jet lag is try to get up at a reasonable time in the morning and don't take any naps if you can possibly help it.

22 Pamela Kieffer said...

I am so happy to hear about your wonderful trip. It is worth the jet lag, all those wonderful memories.

23 Julie Fukuda said...

Glad you had such a great trip ... even though jet-lag is a bummer. (I seem to do a lot better flying East than West). I remember how I enjoyed travel to those places I had only seen in books, (memorizing dates and names for a test is not the same).

24 Connie Kresin Campbell said...

What a fabulous trip and I love your hair, how cute!

25 FlourishingPalms said...

I bet you had a wonderful time! It looks like you did. My recommendation for jet lag is to go with it! Don't coddle yourself with naps. If you wake in the wee a.m. hours, get up, get doin' (sewing, of course!) and don't stop until bedtime. This is effective for two reasons: you'll get a lot done, and you'll whip your body into shape in about three days, succumbing to a good night's sleep as it needs. I always do this after returning from Australia, and love that I can be uber-productive for a short time.

26 Needled Mom said...

Welcome back. That jet lag always takes me about a week to recover.

What a great trip that must have been. You will have many terrific memories.

27 Grammy Staffy said...

Oh what a wonderful trip. I would love to take that cruise. Maybe we can cruise together sometime. If you don't have a friend as a travel agent let me book for you next time. I will be sure to get you the best deal available.

Welcome home. I hope you will tell us all about the rest of your trip.
Have a great week. Hugs, Lura

28 Grammasheri said...

What a great picture of you and your husband! Your trip sounds lovely and I would so enjoy seeing the places on your itinerary. I'm glad you're home safe and sound. Welcome back!

29 Carrie P. said...

Welcome home! what a neat trip you took. Enjoy your time home before you go off again.
My lilies just have buds so far.

30 Sharon said...

What a wonderful trip...hope you are back to normal soon!

31 Snoodles said...

So glad you had safe travels -- love your new "do"!! Looking forward to what you create with that pent-up sewing energy! LOL

32 Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

Oh, wow! That would be a trip of a lifetime!

33 Sparky said...

what you were away lol. it looks like you both had a fabulous time. love the pics, you both look full of life....we missed you were gone? lol

34 Kathryn D. Duke said...

What a grand trip...and yes, you did look touristy in that photo!!

what a blessing it must have been and still is...

35 Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Oh my goodness glory girl...what a marvelous opportunity for ya'll. I'm just thrilled that ya got to do this. The trip sounds amazin'!

Welcome home. :o)

God bless ya and have yourself an amazin' day settlin' back in.

36 nanny said...

What a wonderful trip!! I do love it so much.
I don't do dress up either! You look beautiful......

37 Purple Pam said...

Glad you arrived home safe and sound, but it does not sound like you will be home long. Your short hair is cute.

38 Linda said...

What an awesome trip! I would love to do that! I'm sure it would help make the Bible so much more real to have actually been in some of the places listed!

39 Marie Rayner said...

Sounds like you had a great time Marlene! I love your hair! We are going on a two week cruise in September. We had booked it before we decided to go to my daughter's wedding, so things will be pretty tight for the rest of the year, but c'est la vie! xxoo

40 Adrienne said...

Wow! I'd love to make that trip. It sounds wonderful. So glad you had a good time.