Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

A Morning Walk...And Who's More Scared?

Most mornings I walk very early.  I mean like 5:30 or 6:00.  I know, crazy isn't it?  But honestly that's the only time of day it's cool enough here to do it and be able to breathe.  Well, I could probably walk late in the evening except then the mosquitoes would carry me off!  One morning as I walked down this little narrow, part-concrete, part-gravel, part-mud puddles road I was startled by these three little fellows running quickly away from the fence that borders the road under the bridge.

Toddler Raccoons!  Three siblings (I imagine) were hiding in the ditch at the bottom of the fence when they caught sight of me.  First they ran straight out into the field, then they scurried to the right, then decided that was wrong and reversed direction and ran to the left.  :)  There was a wild cat out in the field with them but he ran too fast for me to get a picture.  I don't know if they were friends hanging out or just happened to be in the same vicinity but apparently I scared them all!  Little did they know but I jumped three feet when they jumped out of that ditch.

I always watch for snakes but I don't normally look for other "critters."  You can bet I will now!


1 Gail said...

What a great experience. I rarely see raccoons. I hope they haven't lost their Mom.

2 sunny said...

I'm sure you were startled, but I bet they were cute!

3 Linda Lee said...

That is the same time I concern is that I meet a bear coming out of the woods..but I have decided it would probably be as frightened of me as I would be of it!

I know I would jump too if three coons jumped out a ditch in front of me!

4 Catherine said...

I walk the same time in the morning you do. Your pictures are great. We don`t have raccoons, we have rattlesnakes. They come out early to warm up as the sun rises. Usually if they are cold they move slow. I usually turn around and go another way.

5 Lois Evensen said...

It's good that they ran rather than standing their ground. Those are little ones, but they probably could be pretty feisty if they felt trapped. Good shots!

6 Gmama Jane said...

I like early mornings but I don't like the process of waking up. Once I'm up, I'm fine but the whole waking up thing is painful for me regardless of how much sleep I've had. Watch out for more critters...especially the crawling slithering snake kind...Yuck!

7 tink's mom said...

So very cool. Thanks for sharing.

8 Purple Pam said...

Snakes, YUCK!