Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

It's All About Me - Day Eight

I'm so sad.  This is the last day of this blog hop and I've loved it so much I wish it didn't have to end!  Let's check out these stitchers:

Thursday, February 28

Cherry Blossoms
Hill Valley Quilter
Dachsies With Moxie
I Like To QuiltBlog 
Quilt Smiles
More Stars In Comanche
Tea Time Creations
Shedding the Wolf
Life, Quilts, and a Cat Too
Judy at That Other Blog
Madame Samm

There are lots of prizes to be won so be sure you comment on all the blogs!

And don't forget there's a new blog hop coming - it's going to be another great one!  What's it about?  It's a mystery.  :)


1 Scrapatches said...

Thanks, Marlene! It has been sew much fun to learn All About Us! ... :) Pat

2 Unknown said...

Marlene what a great day for the last one of this hop but we all take some wonderful memories with us of lots of chuckles. You did a wonderful job and are appreciated....Kuddos to you.

3 tink's mom said...

Thanks for the support and the work involved in being our cheerleader. We so appreciate it. I had a ball.

4 Sallie said...

You did a great job - this was a fun hop!

5 Caroline said...

Congratulations on a hop well done! I enjoyed every day and every lady. There was real talent and creativity in that hop! Thank you so much. :)

6 Quiltsmiles said...

Thank you Marlene for keeping us all organized and cheering us on with our Mini Me's for this terrific blog hop that Madamme Samm started, (isn't she terrific)! I had fun with this project and it also allowed me or should I say pushed me to develop another new to me technique of breaking the borders. Something I've been too timid to try on my own until now.

I love all the many different "me" ladies out there and have a heart felt smile each time I see mine on my journal cover. Thanks again for your inspiration. Jane

7 gpc said...

I really loved this Hop. Thanks for all your hard work! :)

8 Little Penpen said...

What a wonderful blog was so much fun!! I enjoyed seeing all the different ladies out there.

9 LJ said...

There is always a bit of sadness when another hop has come to an end but what's neat is that there is another one just around the corner. I know that, as cheerleader, you've been working diligently behind the scenes. I've enjoyed every single day and every single post; thanks for helping to make "IT'S ALL ABOUT ME" a huge success.

10 carla said...

Hi Marlene!!! Wow!!! What a wonderful hop!!! I think my abdominal muscles are getting tighter from all the laughing I've been doing on this hop!!!! Thank You!!!!

11 Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

What a fun thing to have been involved in!
I look forward to seeing some more of your fabulous sewing creations.