Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Monday, March 11, 2013


Friends are a great gift from God.  I know you know that already but I just wanted to remind you.  :)  Recently my friend Debby had a birthday.  I only met her this year when I went back to work and I immediately loved her and knew that we would always be friends.  Oh I know when I quit working in June I won't see her as much but it won't change how I feel.  I love it when God sends people into my life that just fit right into my heart.  For her birthday I made her this table runner:

I loved the sweet pastels of this charm pack (sorry I don't remember the name of the fabric line) and it just sings spring to me.

Another friend who was gifted to me is Betty.  When I moved into this neighborhood I was introduced to Betty by another friend who said, "You have to meet Betty - she's a quilter too."  Quilting just binds women together, don't you think?  We became very good friends and have not only traveled back and forth to quilt guild meetings together, but have also been roommates a couple of years at the retreats.  A couple of years after we met her husband was talking to me about where I grew up and we discovered that when I was 9 years old and they were newlyweds they lived next door to me!  Today Betty's beloved husband, Ross, who made that discovery for us, passed away after a brief illness.  My heart hurts for my friend.

I still have high school friends who come to my house for a weekend every year - the class of 1964!  Oh the laughter we share when we're all here talking about who dated who, what music we played and loved, and the many secrets we share from "back in the day."

I have quilt guild friends who stitch with me and church friends who worship and study with me and blog friends who have stolen my heart and who inspire me to stitch more and to be more creative.  I have friends who are the parents of my children's friends and friends I've met in various women's groups and friends who started out as friends of my sister and gradually became my friend too.

Why in the world am I saying all this?  I'm not sure except I'm very sure that I'm being led to to do so.  Someone out there needs to hear this:  right now, right this minute, think about all those women who have touched your heart over the years and how they've changed you and made you a better woman.  Call one or two of them this week and tell them how much they mean to you.  You'll be glad you did...too often we leave the words unspoken until it is too late.


1 Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

I so enjoyed this post Marlene!! It is so true; we often wait too long to say these important things. I also love the table runner.

2 Peggy Lee said...

Thank you for posting this Marlene. Very well said.

3 Val said...

You are so right. I had a high school friend pass away this morning. She was in a rehab center and I went to visit twice. Haven't seen her in 35 years before that. So glad that I went to visit.

4 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Love you friend! You are a treasured gift to me.
Sending hugs for Betty's heart.

5 sandra said...

Hi Marlene, this post certainly spoke to me because I have been thinking about some of my dear friends to. I am 70 years old and the last few years I have been in ill health with cancer ( which .i beat) and other sorts of things so I haven't seen my dear friend of almost 50 years . We met when we trained together for nurses.She is now living in Colorado and we have not had a visit. In abou 8 years but I hope maybe I will get there this year, although we talk all the time . F fiends are very special and I have made some really nice friends online to . Blessings Sandra

6 Dora, the Quilter said...

Sweet table runner with sweet fabrics.
You've spoken such true words about friends.
I've lived clear across the country from friends from elementary, high school, and college--I get back to visit way too seldom, and they never come out to the desert to visit. I'm glad you treasure your friends--and love that you made a connection with Betty and Ross after all those years!

7 Vroomans' Quilts said...

Lovely post that certainly touches us all.

8 molly said...

You are so right! Without friends life would be a bleak affair!

9 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Thanks for a great post. Your friends are lucky to have you too.

Please say a prayer for my bestest friend every. Today in JC is a trial regarding a shaken baby syndrome. It happened to her grandson. He was 7 months old at the time. The baby sitter was charged. Trial is expected to last 2-3 days. The little guy is now 3 years old, completely blind, can't walk or talk.

This hurts as if it is my own grandson. I love them all so much.

10 Salem Stitcher said...

Nicely said and a good reminder!

11 Salem Stitcher said...

Nicely said and a good reminder!

12 Julie Fukuda said...

And then, there are blogging friends out there whom I have never met in person. Sometimes it is the only piece of English conversation I have all day when we share bits of our lives and thoughts. My son started the blog but God sent me those friends for sure.

13 Michelle said...

Marlene, you are one of my treasured friends, and this I know, because you were picked by God. Friends are a indeed a blessing, and I'm glad you are mine!

14 Carol said...

What a beautiful post Marlene...thank you for the reminder.

15 Jeanie said...

So true, Marlene! Friends are priceless and each friend and relationship has a special place in my heart.

16 Sparky said...

ahhh very lucky friend...nice to be remembered on such lovely occasions..this is beautiful

17 Tracy P. said...

So many friends, so little time! You epitomize friendship, Marlene, and I know it just flows out of who you are. Such a beautiful gift to all around you. :-)

18 Rosa said...

You friend are a lucky girl.I agree,Friends are treasure.This is just wonderful!!

19 Friendship Crossing said...

What a beautiful post Marlene! I'm glad you reminded all of us about friendship. We certainly need to be thankful for the friends we have.


20 krislovesfabric said...

Beautiful post, you touch all of us!

21 Vickie said...

You wrote such a sweet post today. Thanks for reminding us of those things Marlene.

22 JudyCinNC said...

Your posting today touched my heart in ways you would not believe. My best friend of 40 years called today - just because. The death of my husband at age 33 was what brought us together and I have trusted and nurtured that relationship ever since. My heart fills with sadness and love for Betty, her life changes as of today and she will need to lean on friends she can trust for awhile. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a day each week just for girlfriend calling?!? Judy C in NC

23 Sharon Dawn said...

Excellent post and a great reminder!! We never know what tomorrow has in store and need to let people know today!

24 Lizzy said...

Wpmderful post, good advise and a good reminder. Yes the classes of "64 were special, in MHO. HeHe, have fun with all your friends.

25 Grammy Staffy said...

Friends are a great blessing in life. I consider you a friend and a blessing. Hugs, Lura

26 Purple Pam said...

Your words are so very true. Friends are very important in our lives. Thank you for reminding me.

27 carla said...

Thanks Marlene!!!

28 Catherine said...

A wonderful, inspiring post. Friends are a treasure.

29 Jayne Honnold said...

What a lovely post, Marlene! Thank you for reminding me of my wonderful friends, past and present. And, my condolences to your friend on the loss of her husband.