Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

These.....and Those....

I have a bunch of these:

I love them for a number of reasons....they are perfect for holding down the binding of a quilt so I can do my hand sewing, they are better than pins for holding things together when I'm ready to sew on the machine because they don't stick me, and they are a great temporary hold when I'm letting the glue dry on fabric I'm glue basting.  The one drawback is the cost - they are a bit pricey.

While I was on vacation we happened into a hardware store that also had a craft section where I found these:

They were very inexpensive....less than $5 for a good sized package (I believe 20-24 were in each sack).  The spring on the larger one isn't as strong as I would like it to be for holding things like this:

But they held until I took them off (this is the handle for a market bag) which is what I needed for them to do.  I suspect that much moving a quilt around would result in a few sliding off but occasionally that happens with the red ones too.  The tiny ones would be perfect for holding on some lace while you stitched it - as a point of reference here are the three together.

If  you're in the market for something like this I would suggest the craft section at Hobby Lobby or JoAnn's....I think it's only in a small mountain town that you would find crafts in the hardware store!


1 Lesley said...

Great idea...we quilters always love to find ways to save money!

2 Kyle said...

I haven't bought any of the red clips, but still use the binding clips that look like metal barrettes. You're right though, wooden clothes pins could work in certain situations. Just like the good ol' days.

3 Ray and Jeanne said...

That's a great alternative! Thanks for the idea. ~Jeanne

4 Gwen said...

Check Amazon for the Clover clips. Less expensive there.

5 Createology said...

I love your very clever idea and use clothespins when ever I can. I do not own any of those very pricey little red binding clips...yet. My Grandma used her clothespins and that is how I learned to do things. Creative Clothespin Bliss...

6 Gail said...

I wonder if you could repurpose the pieces on a plastic store pant hanger.

I do like that size.

7 Phyllis in Minnesota said...

I've used the metal little girls hair clips for years but think your clothes pins are a great idea. One of the things I appreciate with the metal clips is the small amt. of space they occupy when not in use. I can see someone painting/decorating the clothes pins and give them as gifts for fellow quilters.

8 Carol Swift said...

I love using my red clips, but that tiny clothespin is so cute! I think I need some!

9 krislovesfabric said...

Though I admit the clothespins are more economical and cuter, I really love those red clips!! They have such a strong spring!

10 Nancy said...

I use the wonder clips too. I was able to get a pack of 100 on Mass drop for a song. I know the Dollar Tree sells the clothes pin clips, wonder how well the spring is on those. I have to say, I do love the Wonder clips they are a big help!!
Have a Wonderful Day Marlene!!
Huggs, Nancy

11 allthingzsewn said...

Great idea, the cloths pins are also good for closing chips and crackers etc. can't believe I did not think of the binding. Thanks

12 BarbCarol said...

I am currently trying Mini Binder far they are working great, but haven't tested them on every possibility yet. 70 clips from Walmart Office Supply costs less than $4.

13 Rosa said...

Great idea.Thanks for sharing!!

14 VickiT said...

As I read your post it dawned on me to check the hardware store. I wasn't sure I'd find anything small enough, but when you said the spring wasn't as strong as you would have liked on the larger clothespin I thought hmmm. Check these out which I am sure you might find at other places that sell things cheaper such as Harbor Freight or the like. But this is one I found at Home Depot. I searched for "spring clamp" and they showed 12 different ones in stock online. These might be an option when you need a stronger spring and with the rubber tip they shouldn't mark anything either. Granted more expensive than the wood ones you found, but cheaper than the red ones.
If the link doesn't work, just search for Home Depot and then search 'spring clamp' and you will then find all 12 of them. This link is only to the smallest ones which are 3/4 inch. The did have a 2 inch as well.
Might be another option? I'll have to look at these next time we head to Home Depot

15 Terry said...

I use the little pins to clip small quilts to small quilt hangers. I quite like how they look! :0)

16 Denise :) said...

What a clever gal you are! Thanks for the tip!! :)

17 Carrie P. said...

I have some of those red clips and they come in handy for many quilting jobs.

18 Marian said...

dang.. I forgot to thank you for the beautiful bag, pouch and box. I absolutely LOVE them and that fabric you used. Just amazing, thank you sew very very much.