Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Like Everyone Else...

Like everyone else I've been a bit overwhelmed by Christmas this year - not that I've had trouble getting ready for it, but more that it got here so much faster than ever before!  Has anyone else noticed that?  When I was younger it seemed like Christmas would never get here and now, well I think it comes every other month.

I've done tons of sewing but since it's mostly been gifts I'm at a loss for something to show you to prove I've been using my time effectively.  Well, not so effectively I guess...but staying busy just the same.  I finally got most of my Christmas cards mailed today but still have a couple to post tomorrow.  And I never got around to writing my usual Christmas letter so I'm just leaving people guessing what we did this year.  I mean, really, if I told them all the good things that have happened they'd think I was bragging anyway...right?  But if I had written one I think I might have used this paper - cute, don't you think?

 I've done all my usual baking -

Trust me - my baking looked nothing like this!  I was making a batch of peanut clusters in the crock pot when the crock pot became possessed and burned one whole side while the other side of chocolate didn't even melt.  It was so bad that I had to throw the whole thing away - crock pot and all.   Can you say $$$ in the garbage can?  Chocolate chips, Ghiradelli chocolate, 2 big jars of peanuts, almond bark...oh my. And then my husband decided to make fruit cake, which came out of the oven as hard as a brick except for the very middle.  He informed me that I needed to throw those pans away because that had to be the problem.  Later he remembered that he forgot to add the eggs to the cake - maybe I shouldn't throw away the pans after all he said.  And that's all I have to say about that.

We planned our family gathering but the day before one of our granddaughters tested positive for the flu.

I'd put her picture on here but she'd probably kill me.  Taking a picture of a 17 year old girl with the flu, well it's not to be even though of, let alone done.  My son told me it wouldn't be Christmas if there wasn't at least one of the kids sick.  Hmmmm.

And me - I've gotten a UTI and will be seeing the doctor in the morning.  Excuse me for repeating myself but...that's all I have to say about that.

I did make something yesterday that has absolutely nothing to do with Christmas but I thought was cute anyway - it's called Jeni's laminate bag and I found it on Youtube.

Isn't that just the cutest thing?  Well, that "tail" turned out a bit long so I'm thinking if I put a face on the front and some tiny little ears on top it will look just like a Christmas mouse.  I should do that and make a pattern and sell it on Craftsy.  Or not.

The best part of this getting-ready-for-Christmas time of the year are all the church activities we've been able to attend.  The cantata in the big sanctuary was amazing - many, many beautiful voices along with members of the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra and our Handbell group topped off by one of the children's choirs.  The beautiful tree full of Chrismons, the bright red of the poinsettias, the music of our Praise Band - all remind us of His birthday.

God bless us every one - Merry Christmas!


1 Createology said...

Oh Dear you couldn't even make this up if you tried. I agree this year has truly ZOOMED by at an alarming rate. May you have a very Merry Christmas with Blessings and Peace and Health and Joy for all of 2015...

2 Heleen Groot said...

Just sit back and enjoy the ride. Have fun with the tissues and proudly display the failed baking stuff (I do....) but make sure to eat the store bought things. Just a few more days and there is a whole new year on the horizon and we can try again! Have a very Merry Christmas with lots of laughter and light.

3 Dorian said...

Have a very Merry Christmas Marlene!

4 Jeanie said...

It just never goes smoothly, does it? Hope the flu doesn't get hold of the whole family. Too funny about those pans. ;) In the midst of these trials, we have the best gift of all to celebrate....Jesus' birth! Blessings to you and your family, Marlene! Take care and have a Merry Christmas!

5 Karen said...

I'm with you. The year just flies by. Christmas advertisements start so early in the year nowadays. I think it makes us think about the holiday more. Have a Merry Christmas and I'll probably be back next month to wish you the same!

6 said...

Oh my! Thanks for the smile about the peanut clusters, and the fruitcake. Even though not funny at the time I am sure. Get to feeling better, and I agree, Christmas seems to happen faster and faster. Have a blessed Christmas.

7 Auntie Em said...

Hope you are feeling better soon. Have a blessed Christmas!

8 Sherrill said...

Hey, ya know what, whatever gets done is good and whatever doesn't..oh well!! And just my two cents about the Christmas letter--I've never liked them and ALWAYS felt like they sounded like they were bragging. This year I think I got 3 and threw two away. The other I wished I hadn't read (even though I know she wasn't) sounded like big time bragging. UGH! Sorry. Two more days and it'll be behind us, the days will be getting longer and soon the warmth will be here again. Merry Christmas and get well soon!

9 BarbCarol said...

Genetics again? I am on my seventh UTI since the end of June. They have really taken a toll on my energy. Christmas dinner for 14 became our treat at the Chinese buffet...Yuck! I got no more gifts made and no baking and grands got cash. Lesson learned...start Christmas preps in July? Nevertheless, it is still a Blessed Season. Happy Holidays to all.

10 BarbCarol said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
11 Thearica said...

This year has really flown by! Loved your post! I checked the tracking on your fruitcake and hopefully it will be delivered on Friday. It says the 26th so lets see if Santa can do that. Merry Christmas! :)

12 Lois Evensen said...

You have done so much to make Christmas beautiful in your home! Merry Christmas!

13 Needled Mom said...

As you have shown, in spite of it all, the real beauty of the season can be found anyway. I hope all are on the mend quickly. Maybe Santa will leave a new crock pot under the tree too. ;-) It will make for good laughs in the years to come. Merry Christmas to your family.

14 Carol Swift said...

Oh my goodness, I hope you all feel better soon! Merry Christmas!

15 Kyle said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family. (I've had the flu too)

16 Farm Quilter said...

Merry Christmas!! Thank you for posting the symptoms...I have everything but the F!!! Oh joy :)

17 FlourishingPalms said...

Oh my gosh, Marlene! You couldn't have made up all this stuff even if you tried to do it on purpose! So sorry for everyone to have a sick one at this time. And the cooking catastrophes! Oh dear! Seems you won't have any problem remembering this particular Christmas, and in a few years might even be laughing about it. Hope your Christmas day is as nice as can be. Bless you, friend!

18 allthingzsewn said...

Hoping this finds you better to bring in the New Year. Ya think maybe if we slowed down a little this new year it might not go as fast? It maybe worth a try. Thanks for all your help and inspiration through this year.

19 Denise :) said...

Merry Christmas to you, Marlene! I'm so sorry you've been struggling with illness -- I hope you're feeling better VERY soon! :)

20 Vickie said...

Merry Christmas Marlene and have a healthy happy new year ! I hope your feeling better !

21 Sparky said...

ahhhh I am late but not for NYE....are you feeling sure know how to make us chuckle even when you are not 100% ...