Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Have You Started Your Patriotic Stitching Yet?

Last week I didn't get to do much stitching but I did finish this one...

I'm looking for another small patriotic pattern and I know there are lots of free ones out there....somewhere in the cloud!  Do you have a favorite?  I'd love to hear from you and maybe get a link?

As many of you know I'm on a lengthy mission trip and will be going home next Friday.  My daughter and her family are house sitting for us and I'm hoping they'll stay on for a while after I get there - just some time to visit.  Normally here at the mission I'm the dorm mother - we have 40-60 volunteers each week who come here to put together kits that are sent all over the world in times of disasters.  This week I got to help putting those kits together, this time health kits that contain things like a hand towel and washcloth, bar of soap, comb, toothbrush, etc.  I had so much fun!  It was so hot (there's no air conditioning) but everyone just works so hard and has such a good time visiting while they work that the time speeds by.  This is me, hard at work!

I should have said  - this is me desperately needing a haircut and in my grubbiest clothes!  My hair is normally straight as a board but for some reason it's decided to curl just a bit.

And this weekend, which is a holiday weekend for Americans, I think I'll do a little Halloween stitching.  :)


1 Mary said...

I say you are looking pretty good.It is always nice to be going home after a long stay away. Your 4th of July stitching is sweet. Have a good weekend.

2 Unknown said...

you are very young. Smile! The hair!
68- it's not your age

3 Daniela Bencúrová said...

I also think that look young !!!!
68 certainly not, be 55!
Were you at the meeting good people :-)))
XXXX people are all good :-)))

4 Sparky said...

look at you stitching patriotic of you.....4th of july is wonderful...but not work ours is JULY 1st lol. YOU look so coooooool

5 Vickie said...

God bless you my friend. Such important work to be done.
Here is a link for you. ;) I have stitched it. Imagine that. tee hee!

Anonymous said...

The little curl in your hair looks good!

Of course, don't we ALL look our best when we are serving others. Every volunteer is beautiful.

7 Robin in Virginia said...

Your 4th piece is super. Who is the designer? What a great thing to do and what a useful kit to put together.

Robin in Virginia

8 maria demina said...

Marlene, your stitching is beautiful! Although I live in Russia, I really love all these American patriotic patterns :) Some time ago I was dreaming of stitching this pattern with US states names: . I wanted to make a pillow, but then I found out that my pillow would be too long and I left this idea for a while :)
And you are doing great job! You look so happy at the picture, I think it is the greatest feeling - to be happy when you help other people :)

9 M.Grazia said...

I capelli bellissimi e bellissima anche tu! Ciao M.Grazia

10 Julie Fukuda said...

I like your little patriotic stitching.
The job seems very rewarding and it is nice to be able to visit while working but I'll bet it will be nice to return to your lake view.

11 Sally said...

Love your photo. You look so happy.

Your patriotic stitch looks great.

Have a great long weekend. We have one here in England too :)

12 Gabri millecrocette said...

Hello it's very nice your patriotic stitch for your national holiday!!Congratulation for the work at the mission a good work to prepare kit!!Nice to see you too...really a lovely smile your!!A big kiss and happy week

13 Needled Mom said...

I'll bet you are excited about getting home and getting the repairs there going.

Your patriotic stitching looks so cute.

My hair curls when it gets longer too.

14 Barb said...

The curly hair look good! Any week-end is a good one for Halloween stitching! I am, however, also getting in the mood to do something patriotic. I have been looking through that folder and have a few I'm thinking about. You are doing such important work! Bless you!

15 Irene said...

I capelli ti stanno benissimo! Sei davvero brava ad aiutare per i kit, complimenti

16 Meari said...

Congrats on your finish!

Glory Bee has a couple of Patriotic designs (as well as other freebies) called "America" and "Celebrate the 4th".

The Stitcherhood has one also:


17 Purple Pam said...

Cute 4th of July stitchery. Nice picture of you even though you say you need a haircut.

18 ChitterChatterDesigns said...

Always nice to visit you Marlene, and such a wonderful service you are doing for all of us...but I sure hope I don't need it anytime! I am so camera shy....I so admire you. Your picture is so cute! Love your stitching, it is a nice design. Can't wait to see what mischief you get into upon your return home! It's good to have you back for a while. Hugs, ~Cori

19 Barb said...

Enjoyed your stitchery.... You look fantastic!

20 Michaele said...

Oh you are so cute working there. Bless your heart! I can't get over your perfect stitches! Looks great!

21 Carrie P. said...

You look great and your smile says it all. What a blessing you are to others.