Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

An Eventful Month

It started with this...

I had surgery on my right hand on September 6.  Arthritis has taken a toll on my joints and I was down to bone on bone in a joint at the base of my thumb and in my middle finger.  Add in bone spurs and a cyst in one of the joints and the pain was awful.  Worse than that, I couldn't sew.

The surgeon replaced the joint in the middle finger with a plastic joint.  For the thumb joint he took a cartilage out of my arm that he said I didn't need, rolled it into a ball, and put it between the bones as a cushion.  It should last about ten years.

Prior to surgery he said he would bandage the hand for two weeks before putting on splints.  Ya'll, that's no bandage under that's a cast!  I was not prepared....

At two weeks I graduated to this...

I get to take it off three times a day for hygiene and exercise.  And I have PT three times a week.  I have affectionately renamed it.  Instead of Physical Therapy I call it Pain and Torture.

I have a couple of more weeks in the wrist splint, but longer in the finger one.  The finger hasn't healed as quickly as we hoped.

On another note, today is my birthday.  I'm 70 years old, which is officially old.  Now don't go telling me I'm only as old as I feel.  Take a look at that hand and guess how old I feel.  In honor of the day I tried to take a selfie to mark the day.  After deleting 17 blurry pictures of my chest, my ear, and the wall hanging behind me I finally got one.  It agrees with my 70 being old observation.

Observations on being 70:
1.  My hair has gotten a little curly.  After wondering for 50+ years how my daughters both ended up with curly hair, now I know.
2.  I'm really just now getting wrinkles.  Genetics matter.
3.  Never feel smug about not having hot flashes.  Eventually they come to us all.
4.  Eat cake first has a lot to be said for it.
5.  I rest a lot more these days.  I take mini naps.  I don't mind either of those things.

And, after me praying for a good while and them resisting, my grandson and his wife brought me this a couple of days ago...

Great-grandmother.  That's me.  Well, at the end of April that's me.  A new adventure!

I did some stitching before my surgery but nothing is finished so in a couple of weeks I'll be back to show those.  This two finger pecking to type is not fun.


1 Cathi in Texas said...

I can so relate. I had hand surgery 5 weeks ago. I'm 75 and can't bounce back like I used to. Typing left handed with one finger doesn't quite get it. Agree about PT! Looking forward to sewing again soon.

2 sunny said...

What a cute way to announce a pregnancy! Take good care of yourself now so you can hold and cuddle that little one! And I hope you do your therapy like a good girl so you can get back to sewing. Happy Birthday!

3 Vroomans' Quilts said...

Oh, dear - take care of that hand. I agree with your version of what PT stands for. I think you look fabulous!! Happy Birthday

4 Daniela Bencúrová said...

I wish you health and happiness birthday !!!
Looks great, mind you young and the hand will heal!

5 Vickie said...

Your curly hair looks very nice. I like it! Happy Birthday my friend. Take good care. I am going through PT myself right now. Home exercises are such fun. NOT.

6 Robin in Virginia said...

Happy birthday greetings to you! Praying for a full and total recovery from your hand surgery. Take care of you! And congratulations on the upcoming April addition to your family.

7 Needled Mom said...

Happy, happy birthday. I hope the new decade will be fabulous for you. I'm right behind you.

That hand looks and sounds really miserable. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. You have some baby sewing to get to!!!

8 Ray and Jeanne said...

Happy Birthday! You really do look great - I'm amazed that you have makeup on (I can see your eyeliner). I'm assuming you are right handed. Anymore I don't mind looking my age - I'm just honored to be living each day. The past month certainly wasn't great for you at all. I hope the finger begins healing faster and that you are back with a needle in your hand soon. I'm sure that pacifier and note was a real day brightener! Congratulations! Praying for healing and patience... ~Jeanne

9 Kyle said...

Sending you a special happy birthday. You look marvelous. Hope your hand continues to heal, maybe with a little more speed. And what a special event you have waiting for you this yea.

10 CathieJ said...

Happy Birthday! Physical Therapy might be Pain and Torture, but you will be so grateful you persevered when your hand does what you want it to. I have been through 2 hand surgeries myself. Therapy helps to make it like new.

11 Brandy said...

Congratulations on great-grandma status! I hope your hand heals quickly so you can get to making your new grandbaby a quilt :)


12 marly said...

A baby! How wonderful for your family. And you'll get to hold the precious bundle without all that pain. Hope the healing continues on schedule. I hope your birthday was great. And you're right - genetics! Not many people can look this fabulous at 70!

13 Barb said...

You look great, not the way I picture 70 at all. I got good gene for that too. Very few people can guess how old I am. Anyway a most Happy birthday and congratulations on the baby, great news!

14 Gloria said...

Happy birthday! Hopefully this year will be a bit easier than last! I am 69 so you only have me by a few months. You are right --- we are as young as ever in the inside but our bodies willl no longer keep up! I hope you heal quickly!

15 molly said...

Poor you! Youve certainly had a busy summer! Looking good for the birthday. Hope your healing speeds up and you can get back to sewing.....

16 Gail said...

So glad you are on the mend. I imagine you are chomping at the bit. It's difficult but you're half way there.

Happy Birthday, Great Grandma!!!! You look very good. I wish I did.


17 Julie Fukuda said...

Hopefully it won't be much longer before you are back in the swing of things. My prayers fly your way that PT will soon be progress and triumph. I love the picture and you don't look like a great-grandma to me.

18 Charlotte M. said...

You look beautiful! Congratulations on becoming a Great Grandmother in April and I hope the hand heals up soon for you.

19 Sparky said...

The good news of all Marlene, you are still here to share this with us all and you have so much to be blessed for...that hand will no doubt be working like a pro in no time..I just know it...and a great grandmum oh my....what a lovely first I thought it was because they would not need it anymore is an

20 Karen said...

I am also 70 and getting old isn't always fun. I like your hair style very much.

21 Susan P said...

Happy Birthday! We should all look this good at 70! Congrats on the great-grand baby.

22 Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Congratulations on becoming a great grandmother. I will also become one for the first time in April. I am 76, almost 77. Thanks for the chuckle. I needed it today. Discouraged from extreme fatigue from chronic lyme disease. I enjoyed your sense of humor! Nancy

23 JudyCinNC said...

Oh Marlene, how wonderful that you did not loose your sense of humor. Sending you armfuls of positive thoughts interlaced with huge virtual hugs and a ton of prayers for a positive outcome to this temporary freckle in the constant balance of everyday life in which we seem to have very little control over. Turning old gracefully is definitely not for wimps and you are still so beautiful. I am now 75 with five wonderful great grand children and soon to be six in December. Being a "great grand" is definitely different than being a "grand" was. Nana and Papa seem to be the special ones as they help provide the baby things, sitting, and interaction more so than us "greats". Like my husband said, "it is as if our sole responsibility now is to sit back and look great and hand out love when asked to." Hope to see you posting more on your progress. JudyCinNC

24 Lindah said...

Thank you for two-fingering an update for us. It is good to know what is happening in your life. Hope the rest of your recuperation slides by quickly and things are back to normal --better than normal-- soon.

The selfie is lovely. You don't look 70; the spirit shining from within definitely is young. I was in shock when I turned 70, but there have been many blessings since then. And lest I take myself too seriously, I soon learned that no one else was impressed. How could that be! I thought it was quite an achievement. ROFL

Now, becoming a great-grandmother is something special. I worked for 15 years to achieve the first level of grand. Very uncooperative children. ;-)
Congratulations on the announcement. May the dreams of that new little one on its way ease your progress through the remaining weeks of recovery.


25 Sherrill said...

Aww, man!! I'd been wondering where you were. So sorry to hear of the surgery and painful therapy. Sure hope you're able to grab that needle very soon. But here's to a wonderful year of being 70 (HAPPY HAPPY) and congrats on the newest addition coming soon. That's fantastic!

26 Brigitte said...

Hand surgery is not fun at all, it must be awful not to be able to use your hand for a certain time. Just take it easy and I hope that PT will soon be painfree.
Happy Birthday, Marlene!

27 Mary said...

I am with you on the 70! What is it with the arthritis setting into the fingers?? You are looking good. Keep up the good work!! Happy Birthday.

28 Анна Гончарова said...

Поздравляю с днем рождения! И желаю скорейшего выздоровления!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! You look super wonderful at your young age! So sorry to hear about the surgery and all the rehab afterwards! I know it can be painful. This is a lovely post and thank you for sharing so much of yourself with all of us.

30 ChitterChatterDesigns said...

Marlene...70 looks amazing on you. I can only hope to look as beautiful as you do, however my genetics in that department not so Happy Birthday sweet lady. I would have loved to see you spending it doing more of what you love. It looks as if you are on your way back to it now that the surgery is completed and you are on the mend. Take it easy. We all sure look forward to your stitchy goodness when you are ready for needle and thread again. Until then, keep the good news coming and many prayers sent your way for a speedy recovery. x

31 Von said...

Praying your healing is swift and complete!
You're looking amazing at 70! Happy birthday!
And best of all, congratulations on the impending arrival of your great grandchild!

32 Ranch Wife said...

And here I thought life slowed down as we got older! I'm glad that your surgery is behind you and that you are on the road to having the joints of a 20 yr old again! You'll soon be stitching up a storm!
Happy belated birthday! You make 70 look good!
And congratulations on the impending arrival of your great grand baby! I see lots of rocking in your future!

33 Gabri millecrocette said...

Hello I really hope you are well with your hand now...but many many wishes for your birthday and congratulation 70!!!nooo you are 50 ...anda lovely news for next april!!love and sunny days

34 Gabri millecrocette said...

Hello I really hope you are well with your hand now...but many many wishes for your birthday and congratulation 70!!!nooo you are 50 ...anda lovely news for next april!!love and sunny days

35 Andrea said...

Happy Belated Birthday. Congratulations on your role-to-be a s great-grandmother. You look fabulous, I do like the colour of your scarf. :) Good luck with the hand, hopefully you are making good progress.

36 Summer said...

Sorry about your arm♥hugs♥

37 Eggs In My Pocket said...

A very late Happy Birthday wish to you........I do hope you are mending and feeling better. Congratulations on being a great are so blessed!

38 KaHolly said...

You are a beautiful 70 year old woman! I'm amazed at what they can do for arthritic joints now! Hope that finger heals up and you are soon back to sewing! XO

39 KaHolly said...

PS congrats on the new baby to be!

40 Marie said...

Happy Birthday! I certain you didn't plan on spending it in a cast but when you are all healed you can look forward to lots and lots of stitching.

41 Lebenslust was sonst said...

Thank you so much for your visit!
All the best for you.
Love grettings from Austria.Edith

42 white and vintage said...

Happy birthday and thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog.Congaratulations on being a grandmother.
Have a nice time,

43 Tante Mali said...

Dear Marlene, thank you so much for your lovely words you left on my blog. You made me happy. Curious who wrote those I'm here know and found a very attractive lady with a special sense of humor. Great!!! Hope you feel better know.
All my best and a happy time

44 Topfgartenwelt said...

First of all: Happy Birthday! I hope you get ok soon again. Stitching is a nice hobby but a real burden for your hands.

Greetings from Austria

45 Mary said...

I wish I would have read this earlier. I had total knee replacement Sept 15 and the pain is something you can't begin to explain. I thought I would be sewing and catching up in the 3 weeks after my surgery. No way. I'm just now getting my mobility back, thankfully able to walk well but stiff and sore and I'm told look forward to this for at least into the 6th month. On and on, but I am wondering how you are doing now in December, are you able to stitch at all? This bone on bone is awful and I do wonder what we did before all this surgery was perfected.
Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and look forward to positive updates and a pain free 2017.