Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Time Flies....

I know, I know....I've been away.  Last time I posted, in December, I was recovering from hand surgery.  I'm all done with my occupational therapy and I still have no pain, thank goodness.  I do still have some mobility issues with that hand - I can't make a good fist and I drop things sometimes and the middle finger doesn't work exactly right.  But I have no pain so I'm glad I did it.

Before I got through with the OT my back issues flared up again and I've been in Physical Therapy for that!  It's better now but the up side of that was that I had time to sit in my stitching chair and do some cross stitch.  I've even started a Youtube channel and have posted several videos of my cross stitching - please stop by if you're interested.  stitchinbythelake or Marlene Bush either should find me.

Not all of the things below are new pieces, but many of them are.

I've also been on a couple of quick trips - one to Canton, Texas with our kids to the big flea market there (my children gave me that trip for my 70th birthday last October and we just now got a time when we could all go at once!) and a trip with my sister to see her daughter in Austin.  Lucky for us we went right through Waco, Texas and for those of you who are fans of JoAnna and Chip of Fixer Upper fame, yes we did stop!'s spring in Arkansas!  Everything is blooming - forsythia, tulip trees, japonica, daffodils, carolina jasmine.  All of it.  And tonight it's supposed to be 30 and a snowy/icy night.  :(  I'm hoping our newest residents weather this.

No, I can't see them either but I think they're there hiding down in the bottom.  Wrens, maybe?

So....that's what I've been doing.  What about you?


Anonymous said...

So good to have a post from you Marlene! Nice to know you are much better and still mending. I LOVE all the photo of your small pillow "bowl fillers!" Really nice! Great photo of you as well! Happy Spring! It is spite of the touch of freezing weather we are having here in Chicago.

2 Robin in Virginia said...

Good to see your post, Marlene! What super stitching you shared; love all your bowl fillers especially the patriotic ones. Enjoy your weekend!

3 MartinaM said...

So nice to hear from you. And such a lot auf super stiching you shared.
Greetings from Germany, Martina

4 allthingzsewn said...

I would love to go to Magnolia, yes I watch the Fixer Upper. Is that where you got the toolbox and coffee table. I'm sure they are called something else nowadays.
I truly adore your bowl fillers, especially in the toolbox.
Looking forward to seeing babies soon in the bucket. Glad to see your doing better, me too.
Hugs and blessings

5 molly said...

For someone who's recently had their hand cut apart you sure have been amazingly productive! Lovely stitcheries. I'm sure your new neighbors will snuggle down far enough in that cozy nest to survive....

Good to see you again!

Anonymous said...

What a fun place to go! I love Chip and Joanna! And girlie... no way you are 70! You look amazing! I have been cross stitching a lot this winter. Lots of fun! I saw a little sheepy you did in that bowl and I have that series... working on it right now!

7 Vickie said...

There you are! :D What sweet stitching you have worked up!

8 Hag said...

I watched all your Floss Tubes and enjoyed every single one. Excited for more. Thanks, Candice H

9 Needled Mom said...

I love all of your little stitcheries. They look so cute together.

Glad that the pain has subsided in the hand and hope the mobility returns soon, but sorry to hear the back flared up too. UGH!

10 CathieJ said...

I love all of those great smalls. So glad to hear that your hand is healing and OT is going well. Sorry to hear about the back. It is always something, isn't it. I would love to see Magnolia. What a great stop. I wish Spring was coming here on Long Island, but we had snow today with bitter cold tonight and a much larger snowstorm due on Tuesday. I hope those little birds keep warm.

11 Julie Fukuda said...

So good to see you on the mend, and what a collection of lovely pieces you have made! Nice to say good-bye to even a little bit of pain. At 80 I have to choose my battles from day to day, and when it is my right hand, be glad I am left handed. Backs ... well, I have a whole life of experience and can still cope.

12 Barb said...

Good to see you back! You have some some very pretty stitching. I love the bowl of smalls! Also glad you are doing better. I think Spring has forgotten the Pacific NW!

13 Karen said...

Your bowl of littles is right up my alley. I started before Christmas making a few pieces to fill a basket and intended to keep making a variety after the holiday. Then I got side tracked. Delightful patriotic and Christmas make-do's.

14 butterfly said...

Happy that your hand is better .
Wow love all your stitching you have some wonderful displays .
Yes Spring is here , have a lovely weekend.

15 Sharon Dawn said...

Glad you are on the mend and "springing" forward! I would love to stop there too. Wonderful stitcheries! You have been busy. What a sweet birthday gift.. fun times together! I hope the birds do well!

16 Rosa said...

Glad to see you back and your hand is better, great news.

Your projects are fabulous and yes,Srping is around,love these days.

Have a fun weekend.

17 Loniel said...

As always lovely stitching!
It's great that you don't have pain, I hope everything will be right back soon!
Take care!

18 Lindah said...

Good to see you back. Glad your surgery gave you some relief.
(wink) Welcome to the 70's club.

19 laceystitcher said...

As always, your stitched pieces are absolutely gorgeous, and I love them displayed in your wooden pieces; what fun! So glad that you got to do those trips, and that your hand is better. Yes, I watch you faithfully on FT, and I can say that your channel is one of my very favorite ones; you often make me giggle which is a good thing. I am so happy that you share your wonderful talents with all of us via FT and your blog. Happy stitching................

20 Kyle said...

It's nice to hear that you're doing well. Your little cross stitches are super sweet. Glad you've had a chance to do some traveling.

21 Анна Гончарова said...

Приятно слышать что рука не болит!
Вышивки очень красивые!

22 PNLima said...

Love it all!

23 Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Yes; I, too, would guess those are wrens nesting. Welcome back! I love your cross-stitch efforts, all are simply lovely. I would love to stop at Magnolia Farms... one day, maybe! Glad to learn that you are well again. Take good care, Marlene~

24 Andrea said...

Love all of your bowls of smalls. Wonderful displays. Love your updates on YouTube, one of my favs.

25 Carol said...

So nice to see you back and catch up with all you've been working on, Marlene. I'm glad you've healed and are stitching again! So envious of your trip to Magnolia--just love that show and family and never miss an episode :)

26 Tracy P. said...

Look at your beautiful work AND your beautiful photos! Makes me smile. :-) You are unstoppable, Marlene! Glad you are feeling better!

27 KaHolly said...

You are so pretty! And all that work! Wow! Will definitely check out your new you tube videos! Glad you're back! Isn't Tx fun?

28 Susan Lankford said...

Hi there! Met you on Flosstube and so glad to find your blog!

29 Brigitte said...

Good to read that you have recovered from your hand surgery. And I hope that after a while also the mobility problems will go away.
Great pictures of your baskets full of new and old little pillows. They are all looking great.

30 RJ at stitchingfriendsforever said...

Hi Marlene...I'm a new follower to your blog. I love all of your bowl fillers especially the patriotic one. You did a great job on all the finishes. What a fantastic trip you had. It must have been great to visit Magnolia and then get to the Canton Flea Market too. I used to go all the time when we lived in, fun place to shop. My friend and I have started a new stitching blog called stitchingfriendsforever2 and we would love if you would come by for a visit. RJ

31 Kimonos and Sushi(OLD BLOG) said...

I hope your hand is getting better. I've been not doing much Facebook has got in my way

32 birdyjude said...

Hope your hand is still improving. I found you through trying to find some information about Arlene Neely rabbit patterns. So far I've had no success. Are you able to help please?

33 Connie said...

What a lovely post, I'm so happy that I stopped by. I do hope that your hand is well very soon . . . sending a prayer your way.
Connie :)

34 Mary L. Briggs said...

Hi Marlene! I do hope that your hand and back issues are better and you are enjoying this HOT summer! Loved seeing all your pictures and glad you got to go to Waco and see everything at Chip and Joanna's store.