Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Home Again, Home Again.....and One Thousand Blessings - Day Nine

We have a week off and, of course, made the drive north to visit our home and our children. I was excited to be going home after three months but also a bit tearful at leaving what has come to feel like home at the mission. Not tearful enough to miss this opportunity though!

My very good friend Connie came down as soon as I got home, despite the fact that it was 7:00 p.m., and helped me dust and vacuum. You can't imagine how dusty things can get in 3 months! Isn't that just the best friend come help me clean? Of course visiting while cleaning works great. :)

Getting back in our home church was wonderful and so was the couple of hours I spent with quilting friends yesterday morning. We've gotten to see both our daughters and Friday we'll get to visit with our son and his family. And Sunday we'll be headed back south to work for another month.

Every day I'm seeing and thinking of more things I am thankful for - blessings God has made possible for us. Here are a few more....

257. Jeans that really fit
258. Children who want to ask the blessing even in a group of people they don't know
259. Aunt Annie's Pretzels - especially the cinnamon ones
260. Pedometers that work
261. Men whistling while they work
262. Walking by a room and seeing people praying in the middle of the day
263. Bad jokes told by good friends
264. Finding the exact fabric you're looking for and having it be on sale
265. Pictures of grandchildren on the first day of school
266. Texts from granddaughters who are nervous about the first day of school
267. Anyone with a good voice singing Amazing Grace
268. Praise music
269. Fresh waxed floors
270. The view out my bedroom window at home
271. Blog posts that touch my heart
272. The scent of rain
273. Rearranging furniture
274. Hearing my husband snore as he naps in the next room
275. Free books for my Kindle
276. Learning a new say to applique
277. Having someone add themselves to my "Followers" list
278. Taking the last few stitches on the binding of a quilt
279. Movie theaters in the afternoon when there are only a few people there
280. Seeing ROTC kids marching in formation on the practice field at school
281. Singing The Star Spangled Banner at football games
282. Little girls' purses
283. Flashlights when the electricity goes off
284. Small town churches
285. Old ladies with hats on in church
286. The sound of water running over rocks
287. Really good sweet iced tea
288. Coconut cream pie
289. Autumn
290. Friday
291. Thursday evening vespers
292. Church friends
293. Sewing rooms
294. E Books
295. Grandchildren who always kiss me hello and goodbye


1 Jody Blue said...

293...officially have one now that our girl moved out for school.

2 Grammy Staffy said...

I am so glad that you got to make a trip home. How sweet of your friend to come and help you clean. I know that you loved seeing your children and families for a visit.

I hope that my blog lives up to your 271.
Hugs, Lura