Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

One Thousand Blessings - Day Three

59. Julia Roberts movies
60. Rainbows
61. Drivers who let me in when I'm trying to merge
62. A parking place close to the door at WalMart when the heat index is over 100
63. Grandchildren who text me, even when they misspell words :)
64. Finding $100 hidden in my wallet that I forgot I put there
65. Communion services
66. Lemonade in the summer
67. Hot chocolate on cold mornings
68. S'Mores
69. Well worn Bibles
70. A phone call from my sister telling me she misses me, just when I was ready to call her and tell her the same thing
71. Birds who sit on the window screen outside my bedroom
72. Yellow and red, together in a room
73. Weekends with my high school girlfriends
74. Camping weeks in Colorado
75. The Bluegrass Festival in Winfield, Kansas in September
76. Cousins who remember all the things from my childhood that I've forgotten
77. My friend Mary's coconut cake
78. People who walk their dogs on a leash and don't let them run the neighborhood
79. American flags blowing in the wind
80. Sleepless in Seattle
81. Sliders (those little things you put under furniture that make it easy to move big things)
82. Tempurpedic mattresses and pillows
83. Soft cotton sheets (can you tell I need a nap?)
84. Naps!


1 Cindy said...

I'm loving your lists!

2 Jacquie said...

#79 and #82 are my faves on this list. I am so thankful for this great Country and the men and women fighting for our freedoms!! And I have a Tempurpedic pillow and wouldn't trade it or my Scandanavian memory foam mattress for anything!!!

3 molly said...

Just read your list from the beginning---great way to accentuate the positive! I don't want to copy yours, though many would overlap, so I'm going to be thinking about this and jotting down my own list as I think of them......

4 Marilyn Robertson said...

Thanks for reminding me to be thankful for the everyday simple things in life! :)

5 Momma to Many said...

I am loving reading all of these! Everytime I read your list it makes me think of things for my own. I miss you bunches.

6 ColoradoBelle said...

#74....I really like #74. Wish you were coming out next month.

7 Angie said...

#72!!!! How can you?????

Your 1000-by-installments is a very entertaining read and I look forward to the next lot.

8 Marge said...

So far I can pretty much say "ditto!" Keep those lists coming! Blessings......Marge

9 Jody Blue said...

It is good to count them isn't it...and its fun to see yours being counted.

10 nanny said...

Oh how I love your list!!!!

11 Tracy P. said...

So very fun! Julia Roberts, for sure!

12 FabricFascination said...

I am so enjoying your list. Can't say that I have ever found $100 in my wallet that I had forgotten about, nice!

I started my own list the first day you posted yours. Mine is on paper. It really helps me focus on the right things. Thanks.

13 Arkansas Patti said...

Wonderful list.You will definitely make 1000 and the great thing is that you make me realize I could too. It is a matter of being appreciative of things we normally take for granted and shouldn't.
Thanks for making me more aware.
Looking forward to more.

14 Elora said...

What a great post! My poor husband gets all the spam on his computer. He has received every one you cited! A pox on spammers (despite your diplomacy!)
