Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I promised ya'll I'd be back to quiltin' stuff today and I'm trying hard but my computer has thwarted me again! You've all experienced it so I'm sure you know what I mean when I say I want to yell at it...loudly. But it's a computer and it doesn't listen. Kind of makes you think it must be male, right? :) Just kidding! My computer decided about 10 days ago that it didn't want to be wireless any more. That's like saying I don't want to be short any more - growing taller at this point in my life is just not going to happen. And my computer has to be wireless. Don't ask me to explain that because I'd have to go into this long drawn out explanation involving logistics, the temperature in one room versus the temperature in another room, FOX news, wireless cards, loose antennae, yada, yada. My grandson, the computer wizard, will be looking at it again tomorrow and if he can't fix it then it's going in the trash. (not really, but if I say that maybe it will get scared and go back to acting right). Anyway, for now I'm using DH's computer (hate it) to tell you my sad story and to say if you're looking for me I'm the one in the corner moaning and gnashing my teeth while my computer thumbs it's nose at me.


1 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Hope the computer gets well soon. I too hate the hubby's computer. In my case it's hard to teach old dogs new tricks!
Keep warm!

2 Unknown said...

Totally understand! Hope you grandson can get it going again for you.
Take care.

Anonymous said...

How frustrating! Hope your GS can fix it for you so you can get back on the roll~

4 Val said...

Oh I feel your pain! I hate computer problems. Its just not right, is it?

5 Lena . . . said...

There is absolutely nothing more frustrating than a computer that doesn't work right. Except for husbands maybe (chuckle). Has your GS checked your router? That could be faulty and just won't maintain a connection. That happened to me about a year ago. Had to replace the router and everything worked fine after that.

6 Jacquie Wallace said...

Bless your heart... I know exactly what you mean. It's virtually impossible to go back to a wired computer at home after you've had your freedom from wires!!

7 Cindy F said...

Hope your techie grandson can help you out. I'm fortunate to have a techie husband to help me but I always get a snide remark about how I should switch to an apple. I get a chuckle when he has the occasional problem with his mac laptop but I'm kind enough not to tease him too much when it happens!

8 Arkansas Patti said...

Oh how I hate computer problems. Thankfully, thanks to a friend, I now have a spare. My primary computer must know this for it has behaved flawlessly knowing there is another waiting in the wings to take over.
Good luck.

9 Lori said...

I completely understand the frustrations! Night before last I had a very long drawnout argument with our wireless printer. It's worked fine but twice in the last two months, it'sjust decided it doesn't want to be wireless anymore. ARGH!

10 Needled Mom said...

Computer woes are the worst. My wireless right now has decided it will only work in one room of the house. Grrrr.

11 Grammy Staffy said...

I understand your feelings. My computers.... both my old one and my new one have given me grief these past few months. My hard drive crashed when my new lap top was 1 month old. When I got that fixed it wouldn't let me upload a picture or return an email. After 3 trips back to the store, one geek squad guy had me change to Mozilla firefox from explore and it was magic. Everything seems to work fine now but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I will keep my fingers crossed for you too. I surely hope that your grandson will be able to straighten it all out and get your computer to behave properly.
Hugs, Lura

12 Vivian said...

We kind of get attached, don't we? lol
Hope you get fixed up soon.

13 Lea and her Mustangs said...

Mine is thwarting me too if you have been able to read my blog;.

14 Sharon said...

Computers can be so frustrating! Hope yours had enough time out and is being good today!

15 Mary L. Briggs said...

They do seem to have a mind of their own (which is kinda scary, when you think about it). Hope it gets fixed soon!