Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Monday, January 17, 2011

They're Everywhere, They're Everywhere!

Everywhere I look there are things I want to make!
This black and white quilt with the red center - so striking!

These embroidered Santas are awesome and look at the quilting in the borders!
Another red and white one with embroidery - do you think these might be my favorites?

I actually have the embroidered blocks done for this quilt so it's on my UFO list to be done soon.  I even have all the fabrics gathered together!
And a sweet friend sent me this pattern a couple of years ago and I haven't even started the embroidery but I want to!  Oh I love this one!

And this pumpkin, isn't it scrumptious?  I have the kit...waiting....waiting.

And look when I took this picture - 2 1/2 years ago!  I have this pattern too.  

Do you do this?  Keep pictures of things you want to make, gather all the stuff, then put it aside and not get back to it?  Is this a sickness?  If so, is there a cure?  Help!  If it were only these few things I wouldn't worry, but there's more and I'm beginning to think I might not live long enough to make them all.  Is it too much to ask to live to be 120?


1 Unknown said...

I do the SAME must be inherent in Marlene's, but I think the reality is...all stitcher's do this.

My blog post today is basically the same thing. I want to live to be 120 as well, so I can finish everything I want to make.

I love that Black and Red quilt. It is striking...and then there's the Baltimore Album I have now...and the list just keeps on getting longer and longer...

Thanks for sharing and I love all the hand stitching you will be doing.

2 Darlene said...

Oh, I do believe you're in good company. Pictures saved on my computer of projects I'd love to make - someday!

Love everything you've shown today, Marlene.

3 Needled Mom said...

I am so with you. I will need to live to be 300 years old to complete all that I have on my idea list.

4 9patchnurse said...

I do too. Yer killin me with all the embroidery. I definitely have some on my 'to do' list this year. I printed out some designs but I have to figure out how to mark my fabric. I saw a technique using interfacing but my JoAnn's doesn't carry the right interfacing. I need to go online. How do you mark your fabric?

5 Jody Blue said...

My project basket is full too. My goal this year is not widdle away at it and not add too many more to it...time will tell if that plan works:)

6 Lori said...

Great projects! I think we all do that. I have a rubbermaid 18 gal tub full of fabrics and pattern sets to GO but so far I haven't gotten past the red light. :(

7 FlourishingPalms said...

I'm right there with ya, girlfriend! I've stopped saving the pictures though. But everywhere I look in my sewing space, there's a gonna-pile. I REALLY want to make these things, but... Some of my muddling through is due to timing. Not the quantity of time, but the quality of time. For example: If I don't have several consecutive hours to figure out where to trace an embroidery design on a pillow case that I've yet to sew, then I turn to something that I CAN accomplish in a half-hour, like appliqueing leaves on the border of a quilt. Or another example is if I know I'm going to be traveling, then I give priority to a hand piecing project to take along, versus sitting down at the sewing machine to FMQ a pin-basted quilt. It's always a matter of wisely using discretionary time. It therefore means you'll doubtlessly have multiple gonna-piles. I just hope the gonna-piles have dwindled by the time I'm 120!

8 Quiet Quilter said...

I tell myself that I am super-organized...I have kits ready that will take me years...but they are ready!

9 Grammy Staffy said...

My sewing room is packed full of projects and fabric. Literally every shelf and drawer is packed to the brim. There is no hope for me. I would have to live to 200 to get them all done. Truth is.... I used to get a whole lot more done before I got caught up in the blogging world. I used to get up and go to my sewing room. Now I get up and go to my computer. Hmmmm??? Maybe that is why my projects are not getting done????
Good luck with yours. You are an inspiration to me. Hugs, Lura

10 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

OMG, I've got so many patterns and not enough time to make them all. Think we are in the horder category?

I went to the Dollar store and found battery operated votive candles. They look so neat in the jar candles!

Have a good week.

11 Monica at Buttoncounter said...

I am hearing you loud and clear. I am still hoping for some kind of scientific breakthrough to lengthen my life times 3 so that I can get some of these done!

12 Sandy said...

I hear you Marlene....I have done the same thing! I think it is a sickness that there is no cure for...and I love it! ;o)

13 FabricFascination said...

LoL Marlene :o)

While going through my UFO bin last night hunting for a quick project, Iand was amazed by how many projects I had forgotten that I even started.

14 Marge said...

I have a closet, a dresser, a cabinet, and an armoire full of fabric and patterns and ideas and plans. I have two sewing machines. I have thread and time.....but I seem to find so many other things to do, too! Maybe more hours in the day would help....or maybe just a bit more ambition! But you aren't alone, Marlene! I think many quilters are in the same boat!

15 Julie Fukuda said...

I figure 200 years might do it as long as I don't add any more fabric or books.

16 Purple Pam said...

We all understand your plight because we all have the same affliction. A couple of your wannabe projects are on my list as well! My thought is that if we did not have projects to look forward to creating, then me just might stop creating!

17 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

We'll never get it all done because we are creative beings. Sometimes it's just fun to have the photos to look at and say "oh I love that!" The only other choice is to never look at the computer, never leave the house and sit in the corner and sew until all the projects are done. Hmmmm...nawwww. More fun to be a hoarder of ideas!! Yipee!!
xx, shell

18 Phyllis said...

I know - it's so frustrating. Every blog I visit I see something else I want to make or decorate!

19 Gmama Jane said...

Oh MY, Oh yes indeedy I DO!!!
Have more ideas than time...
just like YOU!
Fun things to make on every site
But it would mean staying up VERY late almost EVERY NIGHT!
SEW,till candles on both ends do BURN,
We'll need to make a list
and complete each project in TURN!
Gmama Jane

20 Teresa said...

I pray we will be able to quilt in heaven as I need an eternity to complete my UFO's and all the projects I want to do!

21 Val said...

Oh I am just like that except not as organized as you. I see things on the blogs and then forget where I saw them. I am working on it though. I really think it is a sickness.....but a good sickness!!! Don't you just love it? I love those red and white quilts with the santas!!!! Oh I love them all!

22 Adrienne said...

Yes! I do the same - and I always think I'll get caught up some day and run out of projects waiting to be done!

23 Sparky said...

heh you have hocus pocus too...we should start this in the summer sew it will be completed by halloween...I am game...would be a hoot...lo

Anonymous said...

I'm in same boat as your are girlfriend. I've learned to let go or use it while I LOVE it. Another thing is barter. I love applique and have bartered for others to do it for me and I quilt for them. Something for you to consider on some of your stitcheries anyway.

25 nanny said...

That's do have alot to do!!!
I made "one" quilt, all by hand and that ended that desire. lol I nearly went blind.....
I'm that way about books. I buy every one that I want to read, and now I have a stack waiting on me...and they just keep publishing good ones....and I keep buying them!!

26 Chris said...

Uh oh.......we all suffer from the same genetic malady. It's in the same family as 'eyes bigger than the appetite'. Just checked my picture file and I have 372 captured images for 'someday'. Can we get our clones now?

27 Michelle said...

You are so funny! I just had to comment! I have 3 Piece O Cake applique patterns I wan to do, 2 BOMs in the works and recently collected a whole bunch of pictures of stuff I want to make and put it all in one folder and made it into my screen saver to inspire myself. I finally found the perfect fabric combo for a pattern I bought 5 years ago - the sad thing is there are only 2 fabrics! I have no idea why it took sooo long to pick them out. I have the sneaking suspicion 120 yrs may not be enough! Hmmm, maybe I need an Acuquilt Go.......

28 paulette said...

Oh be still my heart!! Such lovely projects waiting for you...make that living to age 200!! haha Happy Stitching! Now get busy...every minute counts!!
Take care!

29 Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

Oh yes, I have lists and pictures of things I want to make and even new crafts or techniques to learn. At least we are never bored!!!

I have never heard that we build up immunity to colds as we age! I sure hope that is true and I hope it starts soon!

Thanks so much for stopping by!

30 Millie said...

Marlene, I do feel so much better after reading your post..yeah we all feel the same. I know there are too many great patterns and quilts to make us crazy. Enjoy on working on your UFO number 6.