Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

I Switched

My closet was getting a bit out of hand....meaning it was overflowing.  Both closets.  The problem with gaining and losing weight is that you must have two sizes of clothes at all times.  It's not that I have all that many clothes, just that I have two wardrobes.  One for 10 pounds lost, one for 10 pounds gained.  I have friends who have weighed the same since high school...what's up with that?  I haven't weighed the same that I did in high school since high school.  The first pregnancy killed that.  Back to my story.  I've been using those plastic hangers like department stores use on their racks.  After all every time I buy something they ask me - do you want the hanger - and I can get them home nice and unwrinkled so I say yes.  I have no idea why that's important since I launder them when I get them home anyway.  (The one time I didn't wash a blouse I was so allergic to the dye in it that I was sick as a dog the whole time I had it on!)  Those hangers multiplied.  And they're quite thick.  Maybe they've gained 10 pounds too.

My sister told me about these "skinny" hangers that take up less space in your closet.

I ordered mine from Amazon but I see them everywhere now.  They're skinny for sure and nothing slides off them so that's a good thing.  You can't yank your shirt off the hanger if you're in a hurry because they'll break pretty easily so that's the down side.  But they actually do take up less space and now my clothes aren't getting wrinkled from being stuffed in there.  (I didn't hang jeans/pants on them because I like the wire hangers the cleaners give you for that.  Can you see a pattern here...liking things people give me?)

Now if someone out there can just tell me how to make my fabric be skinnier for storage I'll be ever so grateful.  Because no matter what I do, how I fold it, or hang it, or yell at still takes up lots of space!  And don't tell me to get rid of some of it.  That would be cruel.  Even if it's fat, I love it.


1 Joy said...

LOL I was going to say even tho you dont know me.. send it to me :) I love those black hangers I found mine at costco.

2 Val said...

You are so funny!!! We will be moving in a couple of weeks so I was glad to read about the hangers. I have never heard of them!

3 Lucky Duck Dreams said...

They have those hangers at Costco pretty cheaply. I use comic boards to fold my fabric on

4 Anita Rowe Stafford said...

I switched to those hangers just this year too, and I love them! Your post made me laugh, I can so relate!

5 Gmama Jane said...

I have about 24 HOT PINK hangars just like these. I found them at Dollar General when school started last year. I love them and find them at odd places for real cheap. I'm in need of a major closet make-over but I'm sort of in recovery mode after remodeling downstairs. I need to rest before I begin any new project. Good luck with skinny fabric...LOL!!

6 Michelle said...

NO. MORE. WIRE. HANGERS!!!!!! Did you ever see the movie 'Mommy Dearest'? If you haven't, DON'T! It was the most depressing movie I ever saw, but the hanger scene still sticks in my head.

Glad you got your closet worked out. Have a great Sunday, my friend!

7 Paula said...

We just switched to those hangers. We snowbird in an RV for the winter so closet space is small. Love the hangers. I can take more clothes! Got mine at Tuesday Morning.
Like you, the bulging fabric storage. No clue how to change it. Just keep on hoarding fabric. we all do it. LOL!

8 Peggy Lee said...

Count yourself lucky my friend. I have clothes from size 6 to 14 that I can't get rid of. I go up and down so often in my weight that I can't get rid of my clothes like I used to.
I have those velvet covered hangers too but they are very sturdy. They are metal underneath the velvet. I got them at TJ Maxx but I've seen them around in other stores.

9 Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Your closet looks great!!!!

I bow to your greatness....and not to make you jealous or anything....but I can still wear the same earrings I wore in high school!

10 Gail said...

Wow, looks like a showroom closet. Mine would never look that good.

All I can think of for the material would be those space bags thingys. They remove the air and it stores flatter so you could put matching material together...but how many bags would it take?

11 Julie Fukuda said...

I get those skinny wire hangers for free... but those flat ones are nice because things don't slip off. My husband likes those big fat hangers and there is no room in his closet (he has suits in assorted sizes too). Sorry honey, overflow does not go to my bar!

12 Createology said...

My Grandma would store fabrics between the couch cushions and the mattress/boxsprings. She had very limited space so she was always being creative. Your closet looks great.

13 nanny said...

I need to do some serious closet cleaning!!!
Aren't you proud that that job is complete!!

Anonymous said...

I like the thicker plastic hangers that come 3 in a pack for knit shirts because they prevent the little humps forming on the shoulder...Do these do that....Like you I use the pants hangers from the cleaners but I've also bought some wooden ones that work, for the stuffed look, mine is the same.....I try to fold sweaters and put them in a box...I have my jeans folded on a shelf...I also swap out the seasons between two closets, and still its stuffed....
This morning, I cleaned my jewelry box. I have two and my jewelry ends up in a couple of little bowls and boxes when I take them off. If you have a solution for jewelry, I'd love to hear it.
Thanks for visiting me,
Mama Bear

15 Barb said...

Looks great!

16 Denise :) said...

Marlene -- thanks *so* much for directing me to this post! I'm going to go to amazon right NOW!! :)