Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Right On Time

Thanksgiving Cactus?
Christmas Cactus?
Somewhere Inbetween Cactus!


1 Sheila said...

Very pretty!

2 Susannah said...

I love these just as much as poinsettias...or maybe more. I had one for years and years from my husbands aunt. She gave it to me when we got married. All of a sudden died. I could never figure out why. I have bought other ones but I just don'e have good luck with them. Your cactus is just gorgeous. Enjoy it until the last flower is gone, Marlene.

3 Ray and Jeanne said...

This is so pretty! I hope it lasts past Christmas for you! ~Jeanne

4 Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I LOVE IT!!!! I tried growing one of these and could NOT get it to blossom at all.
Yours is absolutely delightful.
Good for your and your green thumb.

5 The Slow Quilter said...

How lovely, the family wont allow me to bring plants in the house, they say I look at them and they die at the door.

6 Jeanie said...

My Christmas cactus bloomed very early, around Halloween this year, but now it has a new batch of buds that look like they will open around New Year's. They seem to have a mind of their own!

7 Belinda said...

Oh, that's beautiful!!! I've never been able to make one of those flourish like you have.

8 TheaMinPA said...

it's gorgeous!! how did you do it???

mine bloomed for Thanksgiving - while I was away...
hoping it blooms again, since it is forming buds again now.. keeping fingers crossed for New Year blooms.

9 FlourishingPalms said...

Gorgeous! I think it's perfect timing, no matter when it might bloom.

10 Terry said...

Beautiful! My peach one is just finishing blooming, and my pink one is just getting buds! I love when they're in bloom! :0)

11 Marge said...

Beautiful! I had a small one that I left outside this fall. Guess what? Zero doesn't work for a Christmas cactus!

12 Unknown said...

Here in brazil it calls May flower

13 Grammy Staffy said...


14 Purple Pam said...

Beautiful blossoms on your Christmas cactus plants. Adore those jelly roll quilts, too.

15 Val said...


16 Anita Rowe Stafford said...

This is a beautiful plant! Mine is usually pretty, but no buds yet this year.

17 Susannah said...

Marlene, I am back again admiring your cactus. They truly are gorgeous. Thanks so much for letting me enjoy them, too.


18 Michele said...

Call it whatever you want but it is gorgeous.

19 Lizzy said...

So pretty, thanks for sharing.

20 Julie Fukuda said...

I'm still waiting on mine. 49 years ago, I received a pressed flower with a few segments of the cactus in a Christmas card. I planted those segments and have turned the resulting plant into many over the years. Even if it is late, I will enjoy those blooms.

21 Carol said...

It is sooooooooooooooooooooo pretty!

22 Auntie Em said...

Whatever it is, it sure is pretty. My mom has one that flowers in the spring. She calls it an "Easter cactus".

Anonymous said...

Marlene, I lost your email addy, and I dont see one on your blog. I had to change my email because it was connected to my bank visa card which got stolen and someone helped themselves to our acct.. Anyway long story short please write to me with your email I want to ask you a question.. Thank you Izzy Renbjor