Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Monday, November 24, 2014

A Little Blog Updating

One of the things I like to do on my blog is keep a list of blog buttons on my sidebar.  It's amazing how many people who visit me then click on one of those buttons to see who I'm reading.  :)  If I don't have your button there and you'd like to be added please just comment below.  I'll come over and grab your button and/or picture and add it.  Madame Samm at Sew We Quilt is such a supporter of other stitchers and their blogs that I'm following her example in my own way.  If you don't have her button (or mine) here's how to do it:

1.  copy the html code underneath the button on my blog
2.  go to your layout, click on add gadget, then on HTML/Java Script.  In the big box there paste the code.
3.  Save it and your good to go!

And while you're at it, how about saving the button for the We Support You blog hop!


1 Peggy said...

Hmmm....what a great way to share our blogging friends. Going to take a look at this for my blog!

2 allthingzsewn said...

Marlene, I would very much appreciate your putting my button on your side bar. I already have yours.
Hope your are doing better today. I don't deal well with pain from my neck up well. I don't know if everyone is like that or if it is just me. Anyway all that soft food is probably worth a couple of pounds coming off. Hard way to do though. Hope you don't have to miss Christmas goodies. Later.

3 Michaele said...

I love that you share that way. Perking up my blog is on my to do list.

4 Julie Fukuda said...

I do think there is a lot of back and forth visiting because I see several communities of bloggers and commentators.It is fun to pay a visit and see that friends are already there.

5 Teresa Quilts said...

I added your button to my blog. I had it on there before, but traded it for another one to change out. It is back! Thank you so much for supporting my blog at

6 Teresa Quilts said...

It would mean a lot to me if you would add my button to your blog, too. :D