Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Pot Holders....and Twas The Night

I opened a drawer in my kitchen this week and one word came to mind....yuck!  Does anyone else have pot holders that look like this?

There were some my mother crocheted....worn so thin I have to use two instead of one to keep from getting burned. My mother died in 2004 so that tells you how old they are.  A couple of them were a gift from a friend and they are still pretty thick but oh so stained.  What in the world stains blue?  They're clean because I'm careful to wash them pretty often but, oh my they're ugly.  So I just made myself some new ones.

I literally used scraps of fabric left over from other projects, and orphan blocks from somewhere or other.  I always save the pieces of bindings that are left ( I'm notorious for making too much binding) so I dug those out of the bin  and, on a couple of these, I used the old pot holders for the middle stuff.  On the rest I put a layer of InSulBrite between two layers of cotton batting and quilted it all together.  I got the idea from one of our bloggers last week....though the ones I saw were a little more elaborate and a lot cuter.  I do like the girl from Harry Potter there....she makes me smile.  :)

If you need some ideas for quick projects then be sure you check out our bloggers on the Twas The Night hop this week!

Monday, Nov. 17
Cucki Stitching Cove (Cucki was in an accident and is in the hospital - say a prayer for her)

Tuesday, Nov. 18

Wednesday, Nov. 19

Thursday, Nov. 20

Friday, Nov. 21


1 Michaele said...

Mine are actually worse. No amount of washing helps. The ones you made are so nice! You have inspired me.

2 gpc said...

I love making pot holders, and I LOVE the idea of using old ones as liners! :)

3 Kyle said...

Just like using the old potholders for the lining of the new ones, I love it when people find antique quilts with another older quilt used for the lining. Stained potholders just mean you like to cook!

4 Tracy P. said...

Have to laugh, Marlene, my potholders were my mom's, too, and they were not in good shape when she had them. And then there are my kitchen towels…yikes! They are completely functional, so why would I get more? Yours look great. Love the idea of reusing the old ones!

5 Ranch Wife said...

I don't know Marlene - your old potholders still look awfully good! Still, I really like your new, spiffy ones! Potholders are one of my go to gifts...I'll share on Friday! :)

6 Needled Mom said...

I really need to replace some of mine, but they are my favorite ones to use!!!

7 Createology said...

Very clever of you to encase the old potholders inside the new fabrics. Now I need to review my drawer of ???
Creative Warm Bliss...

8 Sherrill said...

I used to until I moved last year. I purged a TON of stuff (but still not nearly garage is still crammed & my stash fills nearly 3 spare bedrooms! YIKES).

9 Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Those are so cute!! That is such a great idea. I was looking at mine the other day, some are over 20 years old!!!
I was thinking of tossing them out to buy new ones. Now you have me thinking!

10 KaHolly said...

I was just thinking last week that I need to do the same! Mine are atrocious and few. Thanks for the nudge!

11 Julie Fukuda said...

Well, I have pot holders made out of feed sacks sewed into a Dresden plate design. How old do you think those are? I can't bear to throw them out but they sure have seen better days!

12 Catherine said...

That could be my drawer and my pot holders! I`ve been known to double up pot holders too.

13 Carrie P. said...

i do have some like your old ones which i use most of the time. But i do have nicer ones when company comes

14 LJ said...

Thank you for all your work with the hop. I sure had a great time following along and it certainly seemed that all the participants had even more fun sharing their ideas and their special gifts with another on the hop.