Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Have You Heard?

For the last couple of weeks I've been "taste testing" some wonderful new muffins that Madame Samm at Sew We Quilt is making.  Actually, she's launched a new company and is selling the mix so that you can make them fresh at home.  They not only look delicious....

they ARE delicious!  I've lost a couple of pounds eating them and while that's good news, the best news of all is that I'm finding myself to have more energy and to have fewer times when I have a craving for something sweet.  I have no idea how that works...well I sort of do because I read all about it on "the muffin blog".     Check it out and see what you think.  I bet you'll be as impressed as I am.  If you are interested there's a link on my sidebar to the blog, and there's a link on the blog to order them.  Or, if you live in my area (Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri) e-mail me and I can get them for you.  I just happen to have bought a few myself.  :)

On another note - I won't be able to eat my muffins tomorrow because I'm having a little oral surgery.  Several months ago I had a tooth pulled and now it's time for the implant.  I'll be glad to get it over, or nearly over, since I've been living with this gap  in my teeth which makes it difficult if not impossible to chew on that side.

And if you've read this far - a little stitching news!  I finished this Lizzie Kate pattern today -

I don't know how I'm going to finish this but while I'm deciding .... this was a pay it forward/pass it on pattern that I won so it's time for me to pass it on to someone else.  If you would like to win this, and are willing to pass it on when you finish it, then let me know in the comments.  In a couple of days, when I get past the implant procedure, I'll draw a name and send it off to the lucky winner!

EDITED:  Vickie from A Stitchers Story has won the pattern.  I've e-mailed her and will be sending it off as soon as I hear from her.


1 butterfly said...

All the best at the dentist .
Would love to have a chance to stitch the chart.

2 Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

good luck at the Dentist!!!

3 Тavifa-stitch - Оксана said...

Выздоравливай!!! Пусть поскорее тебе вставят имплант! Вышивка очень мне понравилась, красиво! :-) С миром Божьим!

4 Purple Pixie Dust said...

Love the stitching you did, I would love to be in your draw. good luck at the dentist. have a great day. hugs Lynda R

5 Needled Mom said...

Those implants take so long, don't they? Enjoy the new tooth.

Your stitching looks wonderful and it a perfect saying.

6 Robin said...

I would love a chance to stitch this and pass it on.
Thank you.

Robin in Washington State

7 Lesley said...

What a sweet little stitcheriy! Good luck with your dental work!

8 Karen said...

Hello!! Your stitching is wonderful and yes!! I ordered the muffin mix....hoping it will help with m "sugar"...:) Have a blest day!

9 Daniela Bencúrová said...

Let it will be good to the dentist!
Yummy Muffins :-)

10 gpc said...

What a sweet cross stitch! Those muffins sound intriguing .. . I saw them on Madame Samm's blog and wondered about them then. Hearing an endorsement from you makes me curiouser and curiouser! :)

11 Sherrill said...

Do you think the muffin mixes are a little pricey? Really know nothing about them so thought I'd ask. Hope you can chew 'normal' again soon!!

12 Rosa said...

Good luck at the dentist .Your stitching is fabulous and the muffings look yummiest.

I don´t stitching so don´t put my name in the hat.

13 Vickie said...

Love to you! I am praying all goes smoothly and well.
I have been following the pattern around. PLEASE include my name in the draw. Thank you!

14 tink's mom said...

Best of luck with the implant, I got one a few years ago and it has worked out perfectly. Knock on wood, no issues at all.
I got my muffin mix in the mail today so I'll be starting them tomorrow for breakfast. They sound wonderful.

15 allthingzsewn said...

Afternoon Maureen, I'm going to try the muffins after my retirement check comes in. How long should a ten pack last one person? Thought I mention the link does not take to Samms muffin Blog. I looked for a place to follow but could not find one. I asked Samm about it, waiting now for a reply. Enjoy your 4th, do you have fireworks over the lake? We finally got some rain, won't be so afraid of setting ours off now.

16 Barb said...

I need to check out the blog!! What a cute little design!

17 Carol said...

Your little LK finish is darling, Marlene! Hope your trip to the dentist went well. My husband has had a couple of implants, too, and it such a long process!

18 Sally said...

I hope it went OK at the dentist.
Love your pretty finish.

19 Anna said...

what a muffin that makes you lose weight!!!!

20 Shari said...

Your stitchery looks wonderful!