Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Rain and Noise

I didn't get everything done for the Fourth that I wanted to - it rained and rained and then rained some more.

The umbrella stand under the new table and chairs didn't get painted to match before the rains hit....we got over 4" I think and that umbrella there on that table, well you can't see the top, but the wind blew so hard it picked it up and blew it away!  It landed on the roof of the garage and since my husband and son weren't home my sweet daughter-in-law climbed the ladder and got it down for me.

My husband always cooks shrimp gumbo, which he did.  I always bake, which I didn't.  I had an implant done Monday (oral surgery, not the other kind) and it has hurt the whole week.  My face swelled so bad I got a black eye!

It still aches but it's much better than it was so I guess all is well.  I go Monday for a check up.

As you can see by these pictures there were some sunny days this week and boy was it hot!  There are fireworks going on out on the lake as I write this and I just have to ask....what's the point of the ones that make noise but aren't pretty?  I don't get it.  Loud but no sparkles - that's like cake without icing.  Why bother?

I finally got a new car to replace the one the 18 wheeler smashed.  Did I show you this already?  If I did that's ok, I'll just show it again because I love it.  :)

I'm headed back to the mission this week.  This time my husband isn't going because the heat down there is just too much for him.  I'll be gone six weeks and I'm sure he'll come to visit me one weekend and I'll come home one weekend.  I'm taking lots of stitching with me so I'll keep you posted with how much I actually got done.  I almost finished another patriotic piece this week but not quite - soon.  Could someone please answer this question for me - those of you who cross stitch, what are the benefits of a scroll frame versus other kinds?  I find myself switching from the pvc pipe ones to a clover one to a spring one and right now I'm using an antique spring one that has what looks like cork on the inner lining that holds the fabric.  I like it quite a lot - it's an oval shape and seems to fit my hands.  Do you switch around like that?


1 Michelle said...

I hope your mouth and face feel better soon. Your home and patriotic things look lovely. Love your new ride. God bless you for your service work.

When I used to cross stitch, before quilting (and lately, I haven't been doing anything.....) I used a little green (I think 4") hoop. It fit my hand perfectly.

Hugs and blessings,

2 maria demina said...

Marlene, get well soon! And I like your patriotic decorations, so cozy and cheerful! And your new car is beautiful :)

3 butterfly said...

Hope you get better soon .
Love the way you decorated your outside , nice new car .
Take care.

4 Jeanie said...

I sure hope your mouth heals quickly and you will be feeling much better. Along with all of the other things going on in your life, an achy mouth can make you miserable. May God bless you and watch over you on your mission!

5 Kyle said...

Your deck was perfectly decked out for the holiday and all that rain has made everything look so green. Hope your mouth is feeling better soon and of course, have a safe trip.

6 Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Your deck was all decked out in perfect patriotic style; I love it! I hope your mouth heals speedily and completely. Have a safe trip. I love your new car.

7 Needled Mom said...

Those teeth implants are not fun and take forever to complete. I hope you feel better soon.

Your home looks so festive for the 4th. Those must have been some really strong winds to lift that umbrella like that.

My favorite frame is also a vintage spring one with the cork. I have not cared for the rolled frames, but I think people who do needlepoint use those a lot to help with distortions. I just find the smaller frames easier to hold.

8 Vickie said...

So patriotic! Lovely.
I am sorry your face swelled up so.
I use Q-snaps and a lap frame.

9 Robin in Virginia said...

Your deck area looks great, Marlene. Sorry to hear about the tooth/mouth pain. I pray it goes away soon. Nice new wheels, congratulations!

I use either a 6- or 8-inch Q-Snap or a small spring hoop. I know people use scroll bars (usually with some type of stand) so they can stitch using both hands. I guess the bottom line is to use whatever you like and is comfortable for you.

Robin in Virginia

10 Robin in Virginia said...

Your deck area looks great, Marlene. Sorry to hear about the tooth/mouth pain. I pray it goes away soon. Nice new wheels, congratulations!

I use either a 6- or 8-inch Q-Snap or a small spring hoop. I know people use scroll bars (usually with some type of stand) so they can stitch using both hands. I guess the bottom line is to use whatever you like and is comfortable for you.

Robin in Virginia

11 Preeti said...

Your deck looks wonderful!! Hope your pain is subsided by now. I usually stitch in hands but I have q- snaps and they are ok to work with.

12 Margie said...

Everything is so pretty and green! we are all brown and ugly!!
I use The round plastic ones with the little ridge on one round. Sorry don't recall a brand. The material seems to stay tighter in them, as that is what bugs me. If the material does slip to much I take a small strip of that rubber shelf liner and put between material and frame.

I've used the Q Snaps but holding them makes my hands hurt, so I guess it's what ever you are the most comfortable with.

Take Care and have a safe trip!

13 Rosa said...

Your home and decor look gorgeous.Your deck are is spectacular!

Hope you feel better soon.

14 sunny said...

Oh my - hope you're feeling better soon! I've never used a hoop for cross stitch, so i can't help with that. I'll be watching to see what kinds of advice you get. Nice vehicle!!

15 Brigitte said...

Your deck looks like a great place to spend hour - if it isn't raining that is, lol. Very nice decoration for the holiday.

16 Teresa in Music City said...

Such beautiful restful pictures of your outdoors area! It has rained here quite a lot this past week too, and forecasts for more of the same in the coming week. I don't mind though becuase it keeps the heat down a little. We were in the high 90's in early June! Praying your implant settles down and the pain subsides, that all heals nicely and bothers you no more! Love the new wheels - woohoo!!!!

17 Lois Evensen said...

Your decorations are beautiful! Happy Fourth Weekend. :)

18 Catherine said...

Beautiful yard and decorations! Lush, green and gorgeous flowers. My yard is just plain brittle! Monsoons are here now so maybe we`ll get a decent rain. Per your question about frames. I do not like the scroll frames. I use 4" and 6" round plastic frames for my embroidery. I have two scroll frames in the shop that I will donate to charity.

Love your new car! I`ve enjoyed my visit. Wishing you a safe mission trip.

19 Lesley said...

Your home looks so welcoming! Hope you are feeling issues are never fun, but I'm sure you'll be pleased in the long run. Take care!

20 Sparky said...

ohhh everything looks so welcoming and a new wheels to boot...could life get any better fro you...I don’t think so...the heavens are watching..

21 Barb said...

I sure hope you feel better soon! The car is wonderful and your patriotic decorating very pretty. I use a hoop. The only trouble with that is it leaves marks. I always wash my threads and linen before I start so I can get the design wet and press out all the hoop marks when I'm finished.

Anonymous said...

Love your patriotic patio...sorry about the storms, the heat, and your sore mouth! Hope all is well now. I don't use any hoops at all, I stitch in hand; unless my piece is very large, then I use a scroll frame.

23 Createology said...

My dear you might want to send that rain to us here in Northern California. Thankfully we are safe from FIREworks. Thankful you are getting beyond the pain of your implant. I had three done years ago and now hubby is having two done. Lovely new car and may you travel very safely with wonderful Angels watching out for you always. Blessings...

24 Anna said...

The new car is fabulous! Dental work scares me and I mouth aches for you!!! Rain!!! 4 inches!!! we were roasting and could have used the rain :)

25 marly said...

Ouch. My surgeon told me these implants are easy peasy! Maybe he meant for HIM! Hope the pain lessens quickly. I am a hoopless stitcher so I can't help. The majority of my stitching is the sewing method and I can't do it except for in hand. Be safe!

26 Инна said...

Поздравляю с Днем Независимости! Прекрасные украшения к празднику!
Новая машина большая и красивая!
желаю скорейшего выздоровления!

27 ChitterChatterDesigns said...

Your place looks beautiful Marlene. Love all of the festive decor, sure adds to the holiday. Also love your new car, looks like it would be a fun ride. Teeth are the worst...there is nothing that hurts more than that. SO sorry you have to go through it, my heart goes out to you. My only advice, stay positive, and enjoy your stitching. Good luck at the mission.

28 Connie said...

Rain storms, flying umbrella and black eyes, Oh My!
I do hope that this week is better for you.
Your deck and table look so pretty with the water in the background.
Very relaxing:)

29 Carol said...

What a relaxing place you have, Marlene! I've always wanted to live by a lake... The new car looks fabulous--glad it came so quickly. Good luck at the dentist--I am facing some unpleasantness there myself next month. Am already dreading it!

30 Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I love your 4th of July patio!!! Beautiful.
It looks like your yard is green and lush.

I LOVE your new car. It looks like it would be a great thing to drive around.
Good luck with the doctor.

31 Michaele said...

The photos are so peaceful and perfect that it is hard to empathize with the weather woes.

32 KaHolly said...

Very festive. Sorry it rained. I just use the hoop! Have a safe trip!

33 Carrie P. said...

Hope your check up went well and your mouth is better.
your yard looks like a restful place to hang out.
Very nice car. 18 wheeler!!! Wow! glad you are okay.

34 Chris said...

The new car looks great! Sorry that you guys got rained on.
Safe travels!

35 Gabri millecrocette said...

I hope you are well now!!Also if rainede a lot your decoration for 4 July are very nice!!Nice also your big new car!!Have happy week!!

36 Linda said...

Hopefully, by now you are back to normal and feeling MUCH better!
I love your car! You will enjoy it so much, I'm sure!
What a brave daughter in law you have to climb onto the roof to get the umbrella! Wow!

37 Meari said...

Glad to hear you're healing up from the oral surgery.

We've had a LOT of rain here, too. Seems like we can't go more than two days without it raining. :(

I usually stitch in-hand, use a scroll, or qsnaps. Haven't used hoops in over a decade.