Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Summer Time

I don't know about where you are but here at the mission it's hot.  Really, really hot.  Some mornings when I try to walk about 5:30 a.m. the humidity is so high I feel like I can't get a breath.  It's a good excuse to skip the exercise, as if I need one.  :)

I've finished up one more patriotic cross stitch piece.  I didn't even bring my sewing machine with me this time so my evenings are spent on handwork.  This one is by Lizzie Kate and is called Land That I Love.

My apologies for not at least having it ironed but an iron is something I'm living without for this six weeks away from home.  Can you see me smiling?  No iron!  :)

I've become enamored with some of the Little House patterns.  Well, more like addicted.  If anyone cares to feed my addiction with some patterns you're giving away or selling - it's definitely a weakness you could seriously take advantage of.  This is the one I'm working on right now.

Down here in Louisiana the sugar cane is growing so fast I can almost see it get taller overnight.  Ever seen sugar cane?

It reminds me a bit of corn.  It's about as tall as me and will be a lot taller when it's harvested in the fall.  It's so pretty and bright green after a rain....

And the early mornings on the bayou are so amazing.

Out in the distance there are barges and shrimp boats, waiting for the morning or for the season.

Back at home my grandmother's rain lily has bloomed.

This was a couple of weeks ago when there was quite a bit of rain.  Right now it's dry there...and the blooms have gone.  But the best thing about this rain lily is that when it rains it springs to life again.  Just watering it won't make it bloom.  It takes rain, almost as if God's watering it and it won't bloom until He does.

I brought a couple of small wool applique projects with me but it makes me sweat just to think about working on wool right now.  So, after work today, I'll be back with my Little House piece.  Wonder how they'd feel about me stitching at my desk....   :)


1 Mrs. Goodneedle said...

I love the vibrant color of the Rain Lily, honestly I have never heard of that plant before. Your needlework is lovely, that "Land That I Love" pices is so nice as is the Little House pattern, I will have to look for those. Bless you and your mission work, I hope the humidity clears soon~

2 twinpeakprimitives said...

Lovely images and delicate stitching! I love all Little House patterns! (Faith) is a wonderful choice♥

Happy stitching


3 Julie Fukuda said...

Good idea to be doing the stitchery. We are having sauna weather here too and sitting with a quilt hoop in my lap does not help build my energy level. I really should get out a small bit of piecing ... except that I really want to send this off to my grandson.

4 Gail said...

What a beautiful place to enjoy while doing the things you love.

How about your own pattern?

Stay cool.

5 Vickie said...

A sweet finish. That black sheep is adorable.
Never heard of a rain lily. It is wonderful. So are the pictures you shared!

6 Manuela said...

Wonderful finish.
Greetings, Manuela

7 allthingzsewn said...

Never heard of a rain lily either, is it a tuber or a bulb or either? Very pretty though. What kind of missions trip are you on that lasts 6 weeks. And didn't you just get back from one a few week ago, was it the same group? I pray for your health and well being while you're gone.

8 Anna said...

i can handle hot butnot humidity! Love love love you stitchery and am also an Little House addict, LOL

9 Needled Mom said...

That humidity can be so immobilizing. I love your little stitcheries.

I'm afraid that rain lily would not do well around here. It is beautiful.

10 sew.darn.quilt said...

Your piece is very sweet ") It seems the heat and humidity is lurking everywhere. Up here, north of the 49th, it has been extremely uncomfortable with the weather add to that the multitude of forest fires and the smoke that drifts in.
Happy Stitching ")

11 Mary said...

You are keeping busy with some fun things. Love your little patriotic stitchery. I have at least 8 little things done that I need to make up into somethings. I am loving the cross stitching, as it is so easy to take along. Your are turning out so pretty. It is hot back up here again. Your are right about the humidity. It feels like it takes your breath away. Take care.

12 ChitterChatterDesigns said...

It looks just beautiful there Marlene. Handwork can be so relaxing. It looks as if you are getting some cute projects done! SO glad humidity is not ever an issue here! Hugs, ~Cori

13 Kyle said...

You have been working on some very cute things. The Little House patterns are charming. I can see why you want more to do. Sorry it so hot and humid, but you have found a way to keep stitching.

14 Loniel said...

Lovely stitching! Pictures are great!

15 Cheryl said...

Hello my Friend it has been awhile since I have back to blogging I miss it so very much I don't know why in the world I even put up with being on that book lol. I love all your work. The flower is gorgeous. I would love to find one to add to my side garden. Enjoy and stay cool. It is very hot and humid here. (((hugs))) Cheryl

16 Barb said...

Great little projects! We have been hot too but very dry! The weather man said we had desert humidity last week-end. I had never heard of a rain lily, very interesting.

17 Marie said...

I don't miss that southern heat and humidity. I lived in Houston where it was dreadfully humid!

The Lizzie Kate piece is wonderful.

LHN such a favorite…I have stitched that design.

18 Robin in Virginia said...

Congratulations on your LK finish! Are there any particular Little House Needlework designs you are looking for? Your rain lily is beautiful.

Robin in Virginia

19 Sally said...

Love your LK finish.

There are some really nice LHN patterns. Those sheep ones are so cute!

20 Catherine said...

Very nice stitchery. I may take a second look at the Little House needlework patterns. We are hot and dry, under 100 the last few weeks. I love your picture of the bayou. My husband was in the Air Force and we lived in lots of places. I soon learned every place has a beauty of it`s own.

21 Adrienne said...

I always love to see what you're making. That photo of the Bayou makes me want to join you and walk with you inspite of the heat and humidity!

22 Ricamo a Doppio Filo said...

It's beautiful! I love the photoes!

23 Gabri millecrocette said...

Hello always beautiful view from nature,I never seen sugar cane!!Also here in Italia is very hot and wet...We wait rain!!!Lovely cross stitch works!!Happy sunday!!

24 Catherine said...

Nice post Marlene. Love the pictures and your needlework. I hope your brother is doing okay.

25 Mila said...

Congratulations all very nice on your blog, the pictures are very beautiful, I am totally unable with the camera, "envy" always some who gets along well.

26 Carol said...

It looks so pretty where you are doing your mission work, Marlene! I had no idea sugar cane was grown down your way...

Love the LK finish. I've stitched that myself, but haven't finished it (and it's been over five years!).

Hope things cool off soon for you!

27 Irene said...

Le Little sheep sono favolose, vorrei ricamarle anch'io

28 Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I was in Georgia about a year ago this time and I couldn't believe the humidity. I felt like a wet noodle.

Love your cross stitch project. Anything patriotic is a keeper!

29 Carol Swift said...

The scenery in your photos is so beautiful! Love the cross stitch pieces!

30 Sparky said...

now how did I miss did not come up....the photos are beautiful and look at that fine stitchings

31 Palmieri Savina Tecla said...

Mi piace il tuo blog! Complimenti e un grosso abbraccio!