Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Sometimes A Women Needs....

As many of you know my husband and I make frequent trips to a mission where we volunteer, usually for two months at a time, about 450 miles from home.  A lot of people don't understand how we can do that....leave home for so long.  But it's a calling that we feel in our hearts and a privilege to serve.  Last year I had a back injury and my husband went without me for six weeks.  This summer he had some business that kept him at home and I went without him.  It's not easy but with God's help we do fine....I really believe God invented cell phones for just such times as this.  :)  I drove down right after the 4th of July and two weeks later my husband came to spend the weekend with me. We talk on the phone 2 or 3 or 4 times a day. Now, two weeks after his trip, I came home for a long weekend.  A wise older woman told my sister one time that "sometimes a woman just needs to sit in her house and look at her stuff."  Oh how true that is!

When I first got home I walked through my house, fluffed a few pillows and adjusted a chair and put away dishes that were in the drainer....simple little things but actions that meant I laid my hands on "my stuff."  God created women for many things but one of the primary ones was to make a home for her family.  We clean and we do laundry and we cook....and we stitch.  Some of us knit or crochet, others quilt or do needle punch, and still more embroider or applique.  Among all the needful things we do we want to add a bit of beauty to our world and as we sit among our creations it's okay to be prideful of our work.  After all, God created us for this very work.  Since many if not most of us also have careers outside the home this small act of creating something of beauty is a balm to our souls.

I had lots of things to do while I was at home - a doctor's appointment, a visit to Lowe's to schedule a contractor for new siding, visiting both of our daughters, church, dinner with friends, a haircut, the library.  But I also made a brief stop in the sewing room and finished a couple of small things.

"Land That I Love" is a Lizzie Kate pattern that I made into a pillow---it's a bit plain but all those stars were catching my eye and I couldn't add anything to it.  I tried - a button, a cord, another border.  I think I'll just leave it simple; it's the perfect size to tuck into an antique child's rocker I have.  The photo ended up a bit dark but time was short so I did good to get a picture at all!

Faith is the first of the Sheep's Virtues from Little House that I've stitched.  I have several others, but not all, so I'm still on the hunt for the rest.  :)  That border - oh my.  For some reason I kept missing a stitch and took out two sides of it not once but twice!  I left off a center color in the border and changed the dot of the i from a heart to an x and I like it I think.  The buttons that I added work well I think and I see now that I need to fray the ends of the cord a bit more but all in all it's just what I wanted.  A bit on the primitive side....which is exactly how my house is.  Just a bit on the primitive side.  With a lot of farmhouse thrown in.  :)

I'm heading back to the mission tomorrow for just a few more weeks.  And I just added about a half dozen patterns to my bag, which was already pretty full, so how in the world will I choose?  Those long evenings just might mean I get more finishes before I get home!


1 Gail said...

What beautiful pieces. I do love Land That I Love.

Thank you for sharing your knowledge, your expertise and your love on these missions.

2 Loniel said...

Lovely stitching! Hope your mission will be well!
Have a lovely time,

3 Hilda said...

Dear Marlene,
the sentence of the wise lady is so true!
And all what you said about us women doing all those many different things.
A wellknown german writer, Friedrich Schiller, once said:
"Honor the women, they braid and weave heavenly roses into earthly life"

Have a wonderful time!


4 Barb said...

Very pretty finishes! Blessings on the final days of your mission.

5 Brigitte said...

Oh what lovely finishes you have created. I love the star-covered fabric you used for the patriotic pillow, very nice.

6 butterfly said...

What a lovely post , beautiful stitching too.
You and have a heart of gold , I love your story .

7 maria demina said...

Oh, Marlene, you wrote such a lovely post! I absolutely agree with the words "sometimes a woman just needs to sit in her house and look at her stuff" ))) It's so about us! Yout finishes are beautiful, I love their simplicity, it is so cute!

8 Manuela said...

Congratulation on these lovely finishes.
I like the Lizzie Kate pillow.
Greetings, Manuela

9 Irene said...

Hai scritto un post meraviglioso, lo condivido in tutto

10 Ray and Jeanne said...

Beautiful finishes! So glad you got home for a long weekend and to 'see your stuff' and enjoy your family. I pray that your trip back is safe. Thanks for your mission work. ~Jeanne

11 Vickie said...

Oh Marlene, I think Land That I Love is perfect just the way it is.
I agree with the wise, older woman. Exactly!
God bless you and keep you safe!

12 Jeanie said...

I enjoyed your post, Marlene. Following God's will is rarely easy but if we do, we will be rewarded ten fold. I'm so glad you got to reconnect with your home and lovelies. God bless you on your mission!

13 Quilt n Queen said...

A beautiful post, beautiful finishes by a beautiful lady with a beautiful heart!! Safe travels Marlene!!

14 Kyle said...

What a great post. Your work gets more beautiful as you go along.

15 Unknown said...

Замечательные подушки,очень красиво подобраны ткани!)))

16 Needled Mom said...

That is such a true statement!!! Your wee stitching look fabulous. Have fun choosing what you will do next.

17 krislovesfabric said...

Very cute stitchery projects! Prayers for safe travels sent along to you Marlene!

18 Josie McRazie said...

AMEN!! My husband doesn't get this! We camp (a LOT) and I love to be out and have adventures, but my home grounds me! I keeps me whole! It's where my memories are and where I can be all of me!!

19 Jeanny said...

Beautiful finishes!

20 marly said...

Lovely post. And oh my stars that fabric is perfect!!

21 Mary said...

Marlene you do such beautiful work. It is so nice to have cross stitching when we have free time. Enjoy your time. You do good work in everything.

22 Lana said...

Such a sweet calling indeed...and having the time home is the reward..your stitching is quite lovely...

23 Lana said...

Such a sweet calling indeed...and having the time home is the reward..your stitching is quite lovely...

24 Preeti said...

Beautiful finishes!! Nice to know that you could find sometime to spend at home:)

25 Robin in Virginia said...

Lovely finishes and I like the 'plain' finish of the LK piece! Your statement is so very true. Best wishes as you return to finish this mission.

Robin in Virginia

Anonymous said...

I like both these pieces and I think the way you finished them is just right...I hope you are enjoying the time at mission...
Mama Bear

27 Gmama Jane said...

I've just now at the chance to read and catch up on your blog. Your accident was truly a Miracle the way you were spared! It's almost unbelievable if you don't expect the Awesomeness of our God!!! He wasn't ready for you to go quite yet so that's a relief!! I am astonished at how aggressive truckers drive nowadays. Their recklessness is causing more and more accidents. Our last outing around Nashville left us shaking from avoiding speeding 18 wheelers and convoys of 5-6 trucks all vying for the lead position in the Left Lane. I'm so glad you and Jerry are Okay! Love your new vehicle!

I've been busy putting up tomatoes and blueberries. Blueberry Jam is on today's agenda. More tomatoes are incoming. I have around 40 qts. but will need more to get through the winter soup season. My youngest daughter Anna Laura has left her "partner" due to her partner's cheating and bi-polar mood swings. She has moved in with her sister who has a perfect bonus room for a studio apartment. Mary Ellen will be a good "voice" in her ear. I am still praying for her and she is definitely questioning her choices. We continue to love her and let God do the convicting. She's 31 yrs. old and is still at square one...she has no home, no family, no children, no career, BUT she is back in school for nursing. I'm afraid her past grades will prevent her from being accepted into the nursing program but I'll let God reveal that to her when the time comes. It is so sad to watch your child continue to make poor choices that you know is going to reap the same poor results. I Just Pray!! 24/7!!

Take care while in Louisiana come home safely!


28 allthingzsewn said...

Morning Marlene, judging by the comments and mine included, you where right to stop right where you did on the pillow. Ummmm, that would look great on my bed.*-)

29 Carol said...

Such an enjoyable post this morning, Marlene, and such very special work that you and your husband are doing...

Your LK finish is perfect as is--I love the giant starred fabric! Don't change a thing.

Safe travels to your next mission trip--I'm so glad stitching is a portable hobby that you can take with you :)

30 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Beautiful post from a beautiful lady.
Love you my friend. :)

31 M.Grazia said...

Condivido ogni singola parola di ciò che hai scritto......che forza le donne! Ciao M.Grazia

32 Tracy P. said...

I love the fact that you two have found such a satisfying ministry. What a great way to stay vibrant in your retirement. I hope your back is behaving. You were probably almost as happy to sleep in your own bed as you were to "nest" a little. Hugs and prayers for health as you share the love of Jesus through your serving this summer.

33 Gabri millecrocette said...

Congratulatios for your mission with yuor husband...I think sometimes can be not so easy stay distant!!So really nice your cross stitch work!!!Love

34 Purple Pam said...

Two nice finishes. Glad you are back home safe and sound.