Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Bits and Pieces....

Last night I was really tired but I didn't want to miss the meteor shower that I had read about 573 times that I saw a post about it on Facebook.  Well, maybe not that many posts but a lot.  :)  I went outside about at the mission there are lots of lights but I found a couple of dark places where I could stand and peer upwards.  Beautiful night; hot, but beautiful.  Lots of stars.  No meteors.  So I got up at 5:15 this morning and went out again because I read that there would be a better chance just before dawn.  I even walked, in the dark, alone, down the path to a "pasture" that is between my apartment and the warehouse.  It was a little cooler and there was a nice breeze and there were lots of stars.  No meteors.  If I had seen some meteors it would have looked something like this.

Obviously, since I didn't see a meteor I did the next best thing and found a picture on the internet.  :)

It's hot here.  It's even hotter at home.  I try to walk in the early mornings but even then when I step outside it feels like a blanket lays over me and it's hard to catch my breath.  I'm working on a cross stitch piece from Little House called Hands To Work - a really sweet pattern - but I'm thinking maybe I should find a Halloween or Thanksgiving pattern to start in an attempt to fool myself into believing cooler temperatures are just around the corner.  What can I say...I'm gullible.  I could probably fool myself.  :)

This is what I'm working on but I've just finished the house and the fence and the grass.  I've decided to leave the sheep off and probably the bird too.  This is obviously summer....right?

But what if I did this one?  Would I be thinking cooler thoughts?

Are you thinking this is a rambling post?  It is.  I can't seem to focus these hot summer days.  But if you'd like to have a good take your mind off the heat....check out this guy.  He has a bunch of short videos on YouTube and he makes me laugh!


1 Needled Mom said...

I missed the meteor showers, but heard they were great in some places.

Your cross stitching looks great.

2 marly said...

Mind over matter! Let us know if stitching a cool weather subject gives you a chill.

3 Vroomans' Quilts said...

We saw about 30 of them and then it got too cloudy. They are starting to put out the Halloween stuff in the stores out here - gosh! We are lucky that we had hot and muggy only just last week and that didn't last. Mostly we are in the 70's with the nights dropping into the 50's

4 Preeti said...

Beautiful stitching!! The videos are quite entertaining.

5 butterfly said...

Love your stitching and the frame .

6 Unknown said...

Embroidery with the house is beautiful! and layout is very suitable to her.

7 Julie Fukuda said...

I have lots of memories of meteor showers past but our sky was nothing but clouds. It is a sauna here today and I am hoping some predicted rain will make things a bit cooler. At least my plants will be happy for a break in the hot humid days. The stitchery looks like a cooler project than my quilting.

8 Manuela said...

Wonderful stitching.
Greetings, Manuela

9 Robin in Virginia said...

I totally missed the meteor show! Looking forward to seeing your LHN finish and perhaps your Halloween start! Maybe stitching a snowman would help cool you off! Enjoy your weekend, Marlene!

Robin in Virginia

10 sunny said...

I really wanted to see the meteors, but didn't feel well enough to stay up that late or get up in the middle of the night. How about cross stitching a nice snowman?!? See, I feel cooler already, just thinking about snowmen. :-)

11 Mary said...

Have missed the showers, but heard my sister in Maine saw them.
Your stitchery is so sweet. I am working on a Halloween, but don't think it is helping too much with the heat! Oh well, Have a great day.

12 Carol Swift said...

I didn't see any meteor showers and I missed the 573 posts about it, too. Darn! Your stitching is beautiful! I think I need to stitch something that will make me feel cool, too. Halloween sewing sounds like a great idea!

13 Sparky said...

I set the alarm and yes we woke up but sadly could not get a decent photo it came out blurred...but i love the pic. and it is hot here too, I have been stitching sept Paper Lady and she keeps me cool thinking about back to school stuff....nice halloween stitching there M..

14 FlourishingPalms said...

Happily, I'm not on Facebook, so I didn't know more than the morning news about the meteors. As for the heat... how hot is it there? Yesterday (Saturday) when the hubs and I went to the Farmer's Market in the golf cart, we commented on what a nice morning it was - 78 degrees and 97 percent humidity. LOL Guess you could say we've gotten used to living in Florida. I love that kind of weather!

15 Unknown said...

Очень уютный домик!)))

16 Hilda said...

Oh what a pitty that you have not seen even one meteor, Marlene. We have watched some exciting ones here in Austria!
The "Hands to Work"-Design is so lovely - I am going to stitch it too one day. Am looking forward to seeing yours finished.
Your Halloween stitching is so pretty.

Have a wonderful new week!


17 Meari said...

I missed the showers, too. Sleep was more important, lol.

The frame looks great with that project.

If a Halloween piece will convince you of cooler temps, I say go for it! ;-)

18 Brigitte said...

I have the same problem when it's hot, I just can't concentrate on tricky things. I was stitching on some flowers with lazy daisy stitches lately but I always got them wrong because I didn't read the instructions properly. Then I left them and stitched them again yesterday when it was cool, lol. And it worked.

19 Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Difficult decisions! I'd say go for the Hallowe'en but I love spooky stitching!

20 Gabri millecrocette said...

I also don't see meteors...but a lot of stars in our hot summer sky,now arrived a little of rain!!nice cross stith chart!!

21 Linda said...

Wouldn't you know we've had nighttime cloudy skies during the meteor showers? Phooey!
Loved the video!

22 ChitterChatterDesigns said...

I love your rambling post! I have had a few of those I did stay up with the kids, laying on the lawn for the meteor shower...we saw quite a few, but we had to have blankets because it was a bit thinking about fall is pretty easy here in the mountain tops. It gets cold too soon, so I am enjoying the last of these hot days. Dry heat is much better than Humid heat you poor lady. I say... do whatever it takes to get through to the cooler days even if that means stitching up black and

23 Sally said...

I didn't see the meteor showers either. My DH had to be at work early so we were asleep. Had he not been up so early we'd have stayed up to see if we could spot any.

I have the hands to Work chart. I'm hoping to stitch it once I've finished the monthly cottages.

24 Purple Pam said...

Thank you and your husband for all you do in the name of God. Your little needlework pieces are adorable. I love the video. Having had a son in Little League, all that he said is true, mostly! LOL!