Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Here and There

I'm still on the road more than I want to be but I think that's coming to a end in the next few days.  We went to visit my older brother for the day and drove home watching this beautiful sunset.

It's not a great picture since I took it with my cell phone but isn't that stunning!

We also drove down to Monroe, LA and picked up my youngest brother who was in the hospital there getting two more heart stents - he's up to over 30 now.  We took him home and sat on his front porch with he and his wife watching the rain.

My sister and aunt came to visit for a few days and after our aunt went to visit a cousin, my sister and I spent lots of hours sitting on the deck watching the lake and talking about getting older.  Do you remember when you were younger saying you weren't ever going to be one of those old women who sat around talking about what was wrong with them?  We've turned into those old women anyway.  :)

I found this picture on Google images and even though it's not my sister and I, it made me think of us and smile.  :)

And now we're at our son's for a couple of days.  He's a high school football coach so we went to the football game last night. Today we met my cousin and her husband for lunch and then went to visit her mother (who is my that really a real relationship?...) who I had not seen in over 50 years and even though she didn't know we were coming she recognized me!  She was amazing!

Andrew, our grandson who is 6 and in kindergarten, was enthralled with the tiny little mouse our son caught in the mousetrap last night - he'd been spied the night before scampering in our granddaughter's closet.  So he announced in class today that he "had good news and bad news....the good news is we caught a RAT last night and the bad news is there was blood EVERYWHERE!"  That was just a bit exaggerated.  :)

Andrew and his best friend have played until they can't play any more!

Tomorrow we'll head home and I hope I'll be staying for a while!  I'm doing some cross stitching, finishing up some quilt UFOs, going to a quilt group meeting and doing what my older friend says - "every woman needs to sit in her house sometimes and just look at her stuff."


1 Ray and Jeanne said...

Sounds like you have been VERY busy. I love the comment "every woman needs to sit in her house sometimes and just look at her stuff." I really do need that at times! You have a very wise friend! ~Jeanne

2 Gail said...

It is wonderful to reconnect with relatives but it's also tiring.

Have a blessed weekend.

3 BarbCarol said...

I know my cousins...that pic is definitely y'all. Thanks for a nice visit today. Really enjoyed it.

4 Julie Fukuda said...

Thatisalot of driving and visiting. Your home will be happy toget you back.

5 Sparky said...

love the pics and the commentary even more so....and yes we are at that age when talks about aging seem a daily did that happen? Love your grandson pic..x

6 Vickie said...

Your grandson and his best friend are just precious. You have a good weekend Marlene.

7 tink's mom said...

Your pictures are priceless each in its own way. Yeah I can see my sister and me in that picture, it made me smile. Your grandson and best bud is wonderful and is exactly what being 6 is all about.

8 Lady Jane said...

You have really been busy. Love the pic of sisters, lol... that is a real hoot!

9 Lesley said...

Sounds like a wonderful time full of family and enjoyable times. Love the picture of your grandson. He was definitely tuckered out! Love the pics of the old gals....too cute!

10 Lindah said...

How cute! Would love to be able to sleep in that position. :-)
And the sunset, so beautiful.
About "sitting and looking at one's stuff." It's a good thing to do from time to time. When I do that occasionally, I feel so blessed to think that all that stuff is mine. And then I look up at the sunset and the moonrise and get blessed all over again and know that God is good and he loves me. Stuff or no stuff.

11 Kyle said...

What a wonderful trip you've had. You can't replace family memories.

12 Needled Mom said...

It does feel good to just be home and you deserve it. You have been on the go so much, and although it is fun, it is nice to be home.

13 Robin in Virginia said...

Lovely sunset and your grandson and his pal look so cute in the last picture. It sounds like you have been busy, but I am guessing it has been a good busy with visiting with family. It is always nice to return home though.

Robin in Virginia

14 krislovesfabric said...

Sounds like you have been busy and on the move! Prayers for your brother's recovery!

15 ChitterChatterDesigns said...

Isn't that what we all look forward to? It is those relationships that we have worked for all our life, I can see nothing but joy and sweetness in those moments. I enjoy every minute of my sweet moments...and can only hope I look as cute as "you two" I love your comments, especially about our things. It IS that time of year that us women need to just be at home and look at our things!

16 Brigitte said...

You have been around spending some precious family time. I hope that now you are having some precious time for yourself. And yes, I agree with what your older friend says :)

17 Hilda said...

Dear Marlene,
that sounds like an interessting, heartwarming but also exhausting journey. I hope you enjoy more chilling and cosier days at home now!


18 Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

You have certainly had an adventurous time! You're a traveling lady for sure.

Those are some great pictures of beautiful family.

19 Denise :) said...

It sounds as if you're enjoying life and family. Just perfectly! I adore high school football!! :)

Anonymous said...

I surely admire all the mission work you do. I always wanted to be an "away" missionary since I was a teenager. My dear husband and I have done our share of local mission work over the years as he was an ordained minister for 22 years. Thanks for all the lovely photos. Look forward to your posts. Happy Autumn!