Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Is It Fall Yet?

I decided not to go to church this morning - at the football game Friday night I got too hot and was sick for hours after.  I had cold chills and was nauseated and it left me exhausted.  So I slept in today and then put out some of my fall decorations.  I love doing that!  I also cut up a dozen apples I had, added some sugar (just a tiny bit), a spoon of brown palm sugar, and some apple pie spice.  It's in the slow cooker now simmering and filling the air with a sweet aroma.

I've done a bit of stitching this week.  I completed  Peppermint (Little House pattern) and Joy...

This is a wool banner (pattern by Primitive Gatherings) that I'll use on one of my mantels this Christmas.

And just for fun here's a picture of two of my favorite fall decorations - two small hand stitched wool pumpkin pillows and a hand appliqued Pumpkin quilt.

Not great pictures but we've finally gotten a cloudy day with a hope of a little rain!  It's been a long time since we had rain so we have our fingers crossed.

I started working on a new cross stitch piece last night, a primitive piece, and after getting two rows of the border in realized I used two threads and should have used one.  It would be ok except I think I might not have enough thread (it was a kit).  I guess I'll go back and take it out.  :(  And even though I worked one whole day this week cleaning in my sewing room it's going to take another day to get everything put away.  Guess that will be my project for the next couple of days since I have a meeting and some errands to complete as well.  Have a great week ya'll and blessings to you!


1 Robin in Virginia said...

Hope you are feeling better! The crockpot of chopped apples looks quite tasty. Hope they were! Enjoy the rest of your day!

Robin in Virginia

PS Your fall décor looks great.

2 allthingzsewn said...

The apples made my jaws water. Glad to see you're feeling a little better. Somehow or other I haven't see you lately. Hope it rains on you soon, we have not had any either. Water company loves us though. Fall is not going to be very pretty here and very short they are saying. A blessing we have had no fires, we are tucked in a national forest.
Hugs and Blessings

3 said...

I love the pumpkin throw! Was it a BOM and is it still available?
Get better soon. L

4 Lady Jane said...

I love my applesauce in the crock pot. It is so easy and so good. Love your fall decorations. It wont be long now. Hope you are getting rain.

5 Sparky said...

yes fall is upon us and your whole post shouts out ambiance and comfort...get well soon

6 Teresa said...

Your post today sure got me into a Fall frame of mind. The apples looked delicious and all the cross stitch and piecing looks super.

7 Ray and Jeanne said...

Sure hope a little rest has helped you feel a whole lot better. I have apple chips with cinnamon and a little sugar in the dehydrator so we are enjoying similar, wonderful, fall aromas. Love your projects! I need to get out fall decorations this week. ~Jeanne

8 Gail said...

You are so talented. I think my favorite, if I had to choose, is the pair of pillows.

I can smell the cooking.

Glad you are feeling better.

9 Barb said...

It is scary to be that sick from the heat. I think you did need a day to rest. Love the Fall decorations! Have a good week!

10 Loniel said...

All fall decor is so beautiful! And cross-stitching is magic!
Apples look delicious!
Be healthy!

11 Manuela said...

Hope your are feeling better.
Your fall decoration looks great. I like the Pumpkin Quilt.
Lovely little cross stitch finish.
Greetings, Manuela

12 Carol said...

Oh, your apples look so yummy, Marlene! Perfect for fall, too. I'm with you--I love decorating for fall :) Your fall quilt is so pretty and the Peppermint ornament is darling, too!

Enjoy the remaining September days--hope it cools off for you!

13 Dorian said...

Hope you're feeling better Marlene. Cute pumpkins! Did you fill a pie shell with your apples or?

14 Cricket-bug Corner said...

Love your decorations. What do you do with the apples? pie filling? Hope you are feeling better!!

15 krislovesfabric said...

Hope you are better by now!! Those apples and your fall decorations are beautiful. I am still trying to hang on to summer but the nights are cool enough to say fall and a big pot of soup Sunday afternoon cooked over the fire tell me it is.

16 JudyCinNC said...

Good smells always makes me feel better. Love your fall deco so far. Take care of yourself ... Judy C

17 Lesley said...

Nice to see your fall decorations! Your Joy banner is lovely and will be perfect when the season is upon us!

18 KaHolly said...

All kinds of quilty goodness for the change of seasons and Xmas prep! Glad you're feeling better!

19 Julie Fukuda said...

When the weather is doing its own thing, it is nice to be able to take over the inside of the house with the season you are looking forward to.
Christmas creeps up to quickly and fell needs its due.
Keep well.

20 Rosa said...

All fall decor is fantastic and the cross stitching great.Here is a sunny day!
Hope you are better.

21 Needled Mom said...

Those apples look amazing! It must be fall!

I love the pumpkin quilt and all of the great decor that goes with fall. I need to get my things out soon.

22 Brigitte said...

I love your fall decoration, this quilt is so beautiful and the pillows jsut invite you to snuggle into them. Nice ornament stitching.

23 FlourishingPalms said...

Oh, I'm sorry to hear you had a touch of something. Maybe the cooking apple smells helped alleviate whatever was bothering you. I hope so! How did you end up eating that yumminess? As is? Or over ice cream? It's good to see how you enjoy decorating for fall. It would seem incongruous to do that where we live, as we continue to enjoy 80-plus degree days. Evenings are lovely now though. I'm glad to know you're still stitching. Me too, but things completely different than yours. Isn't it wonderful how we can all find things that suit our tastes?

24 Annie said...

R&R is just what you needed. Those apples look wonderful.. I can smell them from here.

Cute peppermint ornament. And I love that appliqued quilt!

25 Gabri millecrocette said...

Delicious your apples!!I hope you are good...and so nice all yuor autumn decorations at your home!!Love

26 Sally said...

I hope you are feeling better today.

Those apples me want to make an apple crumble!

Love your Autumn cushions and quilt.

27 ChitterChatterDesigns said...

Just love those kind of days....nothing to do, no where to be....and all of your time to devote to some good homemaking. Sounds to me the perfect weekend. Your fall display looks beautiful. I need to get mine out....maybe this weekend! Have a great week Marlene.

28 Barb said...

I just love your decorations....and I can smell the apples now.

29 Carol Swift said...

The apples look delicious and your decorations are beautiful. I hope you're feeling better!

30 Sharon Dawn said...

Your apples look delicious! I love your wool pieces! I really need to get back to mine.

31 Sharon said...

It is 43 degrees here in fall! I kept telling my hubby I was so tired of sweating! Hope you are feeling better and up doing the things you enjoy!