Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

What In The World Happened?

What in the world happened to the last three weeks?  Yesterday I posted on this blog and it was September 20.  Today I looked and it's October 13!  I've had a couple of people - maybe the only two who read this :) - ask me where I was and if I was ok.  Well, I'm here and there and everywhere.  I've been to see my son a couple of times and I spent a week with  my sister and maybe I'll go camping next week.  I'm just doing whatever takes my fancy.  :)  Honestly, do you find that time slips away and somehow you lost it and you didn't even realize it?  Happens to me all the time.

I've finished a couple of small things.....made a valance for my kitchen windows that I absolutely love.  Black and white gingham just always looks so fresh.  Now if I could afford to get my counter top replaced with some gorgeous granite it would be better but for now they look fine with my blue formica.  And I made a little bag with my witch cross stitch piece.

The lining is the fabric I used on the strap and the black cat band was leftover from a halloween quilt I made a couple of years ago.  I love the way this one turned out.

This little pumpkin was so cute -it's a Lizzie Kate pattern - but I find I don't care for stitching on dark colors since my eyes have gotten so old.  Not the rest of me, just my eyes.

I added a little bug button to it for a bit of whimsy.  By the way, is there some sort of trick someone can teach me about twisting thread to make cord?  I found a great tutorial in a Just CrossStitch magazine but somehow mine didn't turn out like theirs.  I only wanted one color on this piece and I wanted it narrow so it worked fine but wasn't really what I was aiming for.

And then Christmas decorations began to appear at Hobby Lobby and other places, which made me decide I might better get started on holiday stuff, so I made these little guys.

I made the straps a little long but I like to hang ornaments so that I can "nestle" them down in the branches and with longer straps they don't fall and are easy to position.

I know we're not supposed to covet things - the Bible tells me so.  But let me just assure you I'm having to ask for forgiveness every time I look at this picture my daughter sent me because I WANT this chair!  Anyone know where I can find it?

Don't ask me why you can see through it to the street behind it - maybe it's a ghost chair.  I don't care.  I still want it.

That's all for me today.  Except to say that I know fall is here but we're in such a drought that the leaves are turning brown and there aren't many pretty colors, there's a burn ban so even if we rake the leaves we can't burn them, and the dust is everywhere.  We're having siding put on the few spots of wood on our house (it's mostly brick) and where they tore out the old facia and soffatt (sp?) the dust and dirt were horrible and have migrated to my window sills.  I'll be glad when they're done so I can get those windows washed and sit out on my deck again.

I'm here and I'll try to be better about posting and right now I'm praying for rain!


1 Carol Swift said...

You've obviously been busy making some beautiful projects! I notice that days go by and I haven't blogged or read blogs. I'm not sure what the deal is! As for that chair, forgive me for I have sinned and am coveting it, too.

2 Gail said...

You have been wonderfully busy. Dare I say it? Blogging is not everything.

I think the picture of the chair is taken through a window, maybe that is the reflection. I guess you shall just have to make your own chair...I know you can.

3 Donna said... ... this is the link a blog with your chair picture. The blog says it was reported the furniture was at Patricia Wood & Company, 120 E. Main St., Harbor Springs, MI. 49740. There telephone number is 231-526-9691. Happy furniture hunting!

4 Vroomans' Quilts said...

Love all your little stitcheries - the pumpkin on the witch just tickles me. I lose at least a day a week, so time really flies by me. HA - see, post it and you will get an answer. This is the most awesomest chair ever!!

5 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Time flies by for sure. I can't keep up anymore so I just stopped trying. Love all your beautiful stitcheries and that chair is soooooooooooo gorgeous!

Sending a big hug to you dear friend. :)

6 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

My you are a whiz on count cross stitch. Would that be a sister in Jeff City??

I feel your pain when it comes to blogging regularly.

Pray for rain.

7 Sherrill said...

I kept thinking I should inquire as to your whereabouts but thought you were flitting here and there and decided to just let you be!! Glad you're back. I'm preparing to endure a master bath reno so feel you're pain.

8 Lesley said...

You have such wonderful projects! I agree...that chair is wonderful!

9 molly said...

The same thing is happening here --- days, weeks and months sneaking by on tiptoe and gone before I even realize they're here! Wish I had as many beautiful, finished projects to show for all those disappered hours! And yes, that is a gorgeous chair!

10 ChitterChatterDesigns said...

Must be in the air Marlene....I feel the same way! Time is flying by, and I can't keep track of it. It seems as if it has been put on fast forward sometimes. You have gotten quite a few things finished up. So much to show for your time, you have been busy! Time goes by so much faster when you're busy. Enjoy the opportunity to be busy, you are making some beautiful things!

11 Irene said...

Bentornata, ero preoccupata! Che bello, stai ricamando Halloween e Natale, bellissimi. Allora buon campeggio!

12 butterfly said...

Time has gone way to fast this year for me too.
Lovely stitching really love your ornaments .
I had a chair just like that one some years ago it was from Italy , I wish I had kept it now mine was wood and gold fabric but I can see how some one could change it how lovely.
I had the full set I should never have got rid of them never mind I will just have to dream now ha.

13 maria demina said...

Marlene, I love your stitched projects! They are so beautiful! Yes, time flies, I can't realise that half of autumn have passed already!

14 Michelle said...

I read, I promise. I have been a little lax in commenting. I love you Marlene!

15 Tracy P. said...

Ha, the same thing happened to me! Yes, the photo is through a window. It's a beautiful chair. If I were your daughter, I would be scheming about how my siblings and I could get it into your living room--it's perfect! Blessings to YOU today!

16 krislovesfabric said...

You have been busy :) Love all your finishes! And that chair is a beauty...looks like you are being tempted to get it above...would love to see a pic of you stitching in it!

17 Hilda said...

Hi Marlene, nice to read from you again. I totally know what you are talking about, when it's about time is flying by so quickly. The same happens to me always and always.
But when I see your wonderful stitchings and finishings I am happy to see that you knew to use time very well. They look great - all four of them.

Have a wonderful rest of the week and enjoy it!


18 Vickie said...

I was thinking of you, but had a feeling you were on adventures. And you have been busy stitching and sewing! THAT is an awesome chair!

19 Mary said...

Marlene you always come up with some adorable patterns. I have to ask, where do you find them. The pumpkin with the legs is so cute. Love the angel pattern.This year is moving way too fast. Enjoy, you have a wonderful start on your stitching.

20 Kyle said...

Time does seem to fly, but it looks like you been stitching away. The Halloween stitchery is super cute. Being on the blue background really makes it pop.

21 BarbCarol said...

I know a place that will upholster for you. They even have chairs of that style that come in. Their prices are pretty good too. Next time you come to Ft Smith leave time for me to show you their little shop in Sallisaw.

22 Unknown said...

Again beautiful little embroidery I can admire with you . In particular, the bag with the witch has done to me , that is absolutely gorgeous .
The chair looks really amazing and I can well understand why you want to have him so happy .
wish you a good time
Greetings Sandra

23 Lori said...

sounds like you have been a busy girl. have fun camping if you go. LOL I have trouble with dark background fabric for count cross stitch now also. LOL must be age. I love your projects. OHHHH that chair is fabulous. funny we can see the street. take care

24 Nancy said...

It's so nice to meet you and visit your lovely blog which is filled with so many lovely things you've made. I am with you...I want that chair. I wonder if I dare take one of my grandmother's quilts and do this...So beautiful.....

25 Тavifa-stitch - Оксана said...

Очень красивые работы, добрые, уютные, и веселые! :-))) мне нравится твое кресло, оно удобное и красивое! Рождественские подушечки красивые! С миром Божьим!

26 JudyCinNC said...

What a wonderful variety of things you have been doing - keeping busy very nicely. I am tired of pumpkins already - maybe I started too early this year. Loving the cooler weather - I can breathe easier. Continue having fun and stitching. Judy C in NC

27 Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Your cross stitch projects are darling. I get excited for Christmas when I see your creations.

I can see that you would love that chair. It is adorable.

28 JudyCinNC said...

I forgot to add, that chair is pure WOW factor. Your finishes are so cute and perfect. Judy C in NC

29 Julie Fukuda said...

Yes, time flies when youre having fun ... and it sure looks like you filled that time with lots of fun stuff. Love it all!

30 Doniene said...

Cute, cute, cute projects!!! I too LOVE that chair!! Hope you can find one like it!!!

WE are so very dry here too! Praying for rain!!

Blessings and hugs!

31 Sparky said...

and i love that ghost chair xxx that is all i can say

32 Carol said...

Nice to see you back, Marlene! I've heard that in retirement time slips away faster than ever! It sounds like you've had a great autumn so far and you have so many lovely finishes to show, too. I use the Kreinik corder for making my cording--just love it. It is available at 123 Stitch (and many other places, I'm sure!).

Enjoy your weekend :)

33 Gabri millecrocette said...

Always time fly...dear...nice to read all your new and see all your lovely cross stitch works for halloween and Christmas!!Oh lovely I fall in love for that chair!!Have happy week

34 Brigitte said...

You have been so busy stitching AND finishing all these lovely smalls. Great job!

35 Curtains in My Tree said...

LOVE the chair also
hope your daughter lets you know where she got the picture from

36 Adrienne said...

I'm catching up - again! Like you, I was away from my blog longer than planned but life gets busy and off I go. I think you could have a chair reupholstered to look like the one in the window - all you need is a quilt and a chair! It's gorgeous. You've been so busy with your needlework. I'm amazed how much you can do while I'm still sitting here thinking about my projects!