Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

True Love

At my son's house when the children go to their bedrooms a door is closed between the living area and the bedrooms.  The dog, Abby, wants so badly wants to go with them but if Abby joined them they wouldn't stay in bed.  They'd play and giggle and stay awake for hours.  So poor Abby has to stay out.  But here's how she waits for them.

There's one little sliver of light leading to where the children are.  And so she waits patiently, staying in the light until it goes out.  I think this is the most beautiful demonstration of love that I've ever seen.

Fall has finally arrived here - we have had some cool days and some cooler nights this week.  But the flowers of summer are still holding on.  The rain lily has one last bloom....

Even the geranium is showing some brilliant color....

The tomatoes are still holding on and, to my surprise, some volunteer basil has come up....

Of course it won't live for long - it will be gone with the first frost - but it's such a beautiful bright, crisp green right now.

But autumn is really here and the mums know it....

Inside I'm sitting in my stitching chair with my feet propped up working on a pattern from Notforgotten Farm called Olde Witche Mary.  I love the pattern and I'm getting close to a finish - I hope to show it to you in less than a week - but sadly, I ran out of thread way too soon and am having to substitute.  I think I got close enough that it won't be glaringly obvious but only time will tell.

And later this week my small quilting group will be coming over for dessert and stitching.  There's nothing to compare with long time friends sitting together and stitching.  Happy Fall!


1 Val said...

That is the sweetest thing I have ever seen. I have been thinking about getting an inside dog for a while. That is true love.

2 Barb said...

Love your flowers and that is truly a sweet dog.

3 Needled Mom said...

That is such a sweet picture of the patiently waiting pooch.

The temps are starting to reflect an approaching cooler season for you.

4 Irene said...

che amore, e hai ancora pomodori e basilico!

5 Brigitte said...

Oh yes, the title says it all :)
Great autumn colours and flowers.

6 Vickie said...

As I sit here this morning, I have a poodle at my feet and one in my lap. ♥ Pets are such a blessing from God.
My garden is barely hanging on.
Enjoy your time with friends! What a blessing THAT is!

7 Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I love this post. Such a sweet dog. That is devotion.

Your foliage is brilliant looking.
I have loved the Fall here as well. It has been so lovely.

I'm looking forward to seeing your little creation that you are working on.

8 allthingzsewn said...

Abby looks like a cross between a boxer and a ridgeback, am I even close? We have a boxer no and a ridgeback years ago, both were very loving and gentle. We had our first frost last night, we covered cold crop of kale and broccoli. Hope they made it through it was a pretty hard frost. My favorite time of year though. Time to slow down and take a deep breath before the holidays start. Enjoy our time with the ladies.

9 Robin in Virginia said...

Your plants are gorgeous. What a sweet and touching picture of Abby! Thank you for sharing it!

Robin in Virginia

10 Lois Evensen said...

What a wonderful dog. We always let the dogs sleep with whomever they wished in the house when the children were small and now, too. We have three pups now and they play musical beds all night. They are wonderful.

11 Kyle said...

Loved your Abby story. Have fun with your quilting friends and it will be fun to see your newest stitchery.

12 butterfly said...

What a beautiful dog , I would love another pet but we said not for the moment.
My DH knows I won't leave them and go oh holiday so we have some catching up to do first.
Love your flowers.
Enjoy your stitching.

13 BarbCarol said...

Poor Abby. Kids don't need sleep.

All your friends are so nice that not one pointed out that the red flower is a geranium, not a gardenia. But, I am your cousin, so...Marnie, it's a geranium!

14 Sharon Dawn said...

What a sweet friend for the kids! Happy stitching with your friends :)

15 Sherrill said...

Poor pup, her children are in there!! Just think how much different the world would be if we could all love and be loyal the way dogs do!! Beautiful flowers!!

16 Julie Fukuda said...

Stitching time with old friends is the frosting on the cake.

17 molly said...

There's so much we could learn from dogs about unconditional love!
Where else and from whom else could you get such devotion?

18 Carol said...

Awww... what a sweet photo! True love indeed :)

19 Sparky said...

what great pics, especially of the pooch....true love oh yes and all your flowers, still time has not forgotten their beauty in this season

20 Mary Ann said...

Such a sweet picture of Abby. Melts my heart. I love all your little projects. Each one is a gem.

21 FlourishingPalms said...

Abby is a beautiful example of unabashed love. Such sweet pictures. Thanks for sharing those. And your mums! They make me remember my grandmother, and autumn, and changing leaf colors, blue skies and crisp air. You almost make me want to be in that weather again. But I'll remember the chilly, rainy days and nights with soggy leaves underfoot, and be glad I'm still in the sunshine and heat. You'll forgive me for that, I'm sure. :-) Have a wonderful time with stitchy friends! I WOULD join you for that!

22 Анна Гончарова said...

Прекрасные фотографии!

23 Just Another Old Geezer said...

Love each and every one of your photos - each a little smile-maker in and of themselves!

24 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Absolutely precious puppy girl!!! Melts my heart!

25 Carol Swift said...

Awwww, such a sweet pic of that dog showing his love. Gorgeous pics of nature!