Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

A Morning In The Life of a Retired Woman

Get up at 6:00 a.m., make a cup of tea, and go to your "prayer chair" for an hour of Bible reading and prayer.

At 7:00 put the bread you left rising the night before into the oven and turn off the chicken stock you left in the crock pot all night.  Strip your bed and put the sheets in the washer.  Mix up WW Blueberry Banana Muffins and when you take out the bread put those in the oven.  Stop and eat breakfast.

Put eggs on to boil.  Peel apples and make an apple crisp (also WW).  When the muffins are done put in the apple crisp to bake.  Chop celery, peel the eggs and make chicken salad from leftover chicken.  Move the sheets to the dryer and put a load of towels in the washer.

Take the apple crisp out of the oven and chop more celery for the Chicken Cacciatore you plan to make later today for canning.  Get the sheets out of the dryer, put the towels in the dryer and put on a load of dark clothes; then make the bed.  Notice your husband outside power washing the outdoor rugs.  Wash the dishes used thus far this morning and put the bread away now that it's cooled.  When the chicken stock is cool enough, strain it and put in the refrigerator so that when it cools you can skim the fat before canning it.  It's 10:00.  Get dressed.

If you stop by my house at 10:00 and I'm still in my pajamas don't ask if I'm having a leisurely morning unless you're standing at least 10 feet away.  Maybe 15.  Don't ask my husband about his leisurely retirement either.


1 Carol Swift said...

Hahahaha so much for sitting around and doing nothing after you retire! Your day looks a lot like my "retired" day. Everything looks yummy!

2 barbara woods said...

don't know how we ever had time to hold a job

3 gpc said...

It's true. Busier than I've ever been, but doing things I value and enjoy. I love it!

4 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

You know retirement is a full time job!

5 Ray and Jeanne said...

I think you need to retire from retirement!!! Hope you get a day off every so often...~Jeanne

6 Karen said...

You are doing things in your retirement that I picture doing. Then life got in the way. I wanted to try new recipes, bake bread, etc. I baked and cooked more when I worked.

7 Needled Mom said...

lol......I know what you mean.

8 ChitterChatterDesigns said...

Sounds absolutely divine.... and anyone coming to the house before 10 am is evil. Enjoy the bliss Marlene.

9 butterfly said...

You sound like you are enjoying your retirement , I love being home too, and yes I am in my PJs some morning untill 10.00, who cares .
I am busy like you , I don't know how I ever worked !

10 Mrs. Goodneedle said...

I love this! Sounds like life around here; enjoy every minute, my friend~

11 marly said...

Good grief woman! God bless! How fortunate you are to be able to be so productive.

12 Kyle said...

I'd rather be busy than the alternative. Enjoy another productive day!

13 Annie said...

Glad I haven't retired yet. Sounds too tiring!

14 Sparky said...

ahhhh I can smell them from here and one of my most fav breads too....oh my wish we lived closerx

15 Judy said...

Amen to reading your bible for an hour! I need to spend more time than I do. I just turned 68 this week. I want to go RVing next year, my hubby and I. Our cars have a lot of miles and we have a trailer. I am spending time on my knees about this. God will help us decide if next year is the time. Enjoy your bread, it looks delish!

16 Lady Jane said...

You certainly do fill your time, lol... Hugs, LJ

Anonymous said...

AMEN! I do believe a lot of us can identify��

18 Barb said...

You are very busy!!!!!!

19 Sharon Dawn said...

Why do people worry that there won't be enough to do in retirement!

Happy Mother's Day!

20 Catherine said...

Wonderful post!

21 QuilterinMotion said...

Fabulous post today, Marlene. I've been retired about 15 years, thanks to the opportunity to take early retirement with my husband. I've never been bored, never wondered what I'd do with my day and often wonder how I found time to do what I did when I worked!!
Keep enjoying every day; they are gifts.
Would love to get your WW blueberry banana muffin recipe and any other you want to share.

22 krislovesfabric said...

I'll bet your house smells scrumptious with all the cooking and baking :)

23 Carol said...

That sounds a lot like my morning on my days off, Marlene--I just love puttering around in my pj's for a couple hours before I make myself presentable... It's so relaxing :)

24 Little Penpen said...

PJ's are the standard uniform for retirement. I find myself buying cutter pj's these days, just in case someone catches me in them. ;)

25 Adrienne said...

So true! Retired life isn't always without hard work. Your morning proves that!

26 FlourishingPalms said...

This is the best! Love knowing your morning routine because it makes me know how fortunate I am. My morning usually requires me to make 32 ounces of vegetable juice (for two of us), and then be on my way. I never bake (unless asked, because we don't need to eat it ourselves), nor do I do any meal prep. Laundry, yes, but even that not all the time; my hubs does it too. Most of my days are spent exercising for a couple hours, and attending group activities like quilting and stitching. Thanks for making me appreciate what a good life I'm living... except for seldom seeing my children or grandchildren.

27 Gabri millecrocette said...

Nice to read about your retired life...with my husband drem at it...relax but it s so far here in Italia a lots of laws changes about it!!Have happy week

28 Linda said...

This sounds a lot like my morning routine, except for the cooking and canning! When I was teaching school, I dreamed of a time when I could bake bread like I did when my sons were little and I was a stay at home mom. Now that I have the time, I have to give my bread away so I don't eat it all!!! I do manage to make it about once a week. Yours looks delicious! What recipe do you use that you can let it rise all night?

29 Ranch Wife said...

I love that you begin your mornings with the Lord - it's the best way to greet the day! I hope you pencil in naps after mornings like that! Some of my mornings sound like yours, although I have to get dressed first thing because outside chores await and we have had people drive up at 5 am on more than one occasion. :)