Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

I'm Trying Really Hard....

I'm trying really hard to get back to blogging, but this time of year is full of things to do and I feel a bit like the rabbit from Alice in Wonderland....running here and there yelling, "I'm late, I'm late!"  I've done a bit of this:

And the flowers have to be tended to:

I had some aprons I wanted to "decorate" and gift to friends and family.  These were aprons I bought half price at Hobby Lobby, and just added the embellishments to.

These weren't pressed yet but I think they're pretty cute and will be a big hit!

I've also done some spring cleaning - all the blinds and windows, pantrys and closets.  I'm not showing you those but trust me, they're clean.  :)

I finished the stitching but not the finishing on this cross stitch piece.

And just yesterday got the last hand stitching done on this Independence Day pillow.

I've probably made a dozen of these but everyone who comes by my house wants one so I only have this one left right now!

In my cleaning frenzy I found a couple of old pictures that I'm going to put on here for family primarily but you might enjoy them too.

This was the one and only time in my life I ever had a birthday party - I was 5 and wanted desperately to be a cowgirl.  This little outfit was my gift.  :)

This is a picture of my parents I believe right after daddy got home from WW II.  I look a bit like my mother I think.

This is a picture of my husband and I with our three "kids."  The one standing by her daddy is the oldest, the one standing next to her brother is the middle child, and the boy is the "golden child" as his sisters call him.  He was a late baby born when they were 8 and 11.  What do you think?  Do I look like my mother?


1 Daniela Bencúrová said...

Beautiful family! Form with your mother is self-evident!
I like your embroidery!
Have a nice days!

2 Ray and Jeanne said...

So nice to 'see' you! Glad you took the time to say Hello. Sounds like you've been super busy. Love the aprons. I think you do look like your mother. Hope you have a wonderful week. ~Jeanne

3 allthingzsewn said...

Yes, I think you favor your mother. You were a beautiful little girl and still a very pretty lady. You have a very attractive family.
The cross stitching is my favorite and done beautifully as usual.
I'm starting a little embroidery now, there are so many pretty colors to use.
And as far as retirement, I retired last Jan. I don't know how I got everything done. Because I don't seem to be able to get it done now at home. Good luck and enjoy.

4 Lesley said...

You have certainly been busy! Love those aprons and yes, I certainly see a resemblance!

5 marly said...

You're both beautiful! I can understand why you haven't been blogging. Good grief woman, do you ever sit down???

6 Tracy P. said...

Oh my goodness--you get so much done, it's unbelievable. The aprons are adorable! And the lake looks so lovely. I hope you do some of that stitching outside and just soak it in!

7 Gail said...

Wonderful family.

Hard worker, you are, I wonder if we could slow down? I think work is my hobby.

Have a blessed week.

8 molly said...

You've got your mother's smile!
You've been busy! My favorite is the cross stitch bunny among the flowers.....

9 maria demina said...

Marlene, it is always a pleasure to read your post and to see how many things you have done during your "absence" in the Blog. You have such a beautiful family, and I think you look like your mom :) What great idea to decorate aprons! It makes them look so personalized.

10 Needled Mom said...

LOVE the beautiful family pictures. Your aprons are lovely. I think many of us know that "late" feeling.

11 KimM said...

What a beautiful family - love the pictures....and your aprons!

12 Cricket-bug Corner said...

I love old family pics - so fun to look at. Boy, you've been busy, I will nap in your honor!

13 Karen said...

You do look like your Mom!....pretty smiles. I have missed your blogging but I have been under the weather myself and my blog has been empty until recently....did you have sciatica a couple years ago? I know what that is all about...still recovering slowly...your work is gorgeous! Sweet family photo!

14 Sparky said...

ohhh you are being applauded...totally cool on your new projects.. and yes you so look like your Mom ..many similarities..the twinkle in your eyes, the smile..xx

15 Julie Fukuda said...

I can identify with that kind of busy. I keep thinking one of these days I will be running out the door and meet myself coming in, and I won't know which is the real me.
Love your projects and yes, you do resemble your mom.

16 Barb said...

What a nice family picture. You do look a bit like your mother. You have a lovely family. It looks like you have been very crafty!

17 MartinaM said...

I love old family pictures, so many memories,I am glad that you have posted times again. Have a nice Time,
Best wishes, Martina

18 Hilda said...

Marlene, I am so happy to read from you again. And I completely understand what you mean by "like the rabbit from Alice in Wonderland" (perfect simile).
Your crafts are amazing - love the approns (and the idea of decoration bought aporons - great).
Your stitchings are darling.

And - oh - the cowgirl! Sooooo sweet!

Thank you for sharing all this!


Anonymous said...

You have accomplished a LOT. Thnx for sharing all your hard work and the family photo is delightful. Yes you do look like your Mom! Love all the aprons!

20 said...

You get much more stitching done when you are busy than I do. Love the pic of you as a little girl in the cowgirl outfit. You have a lovely family.

21 Andrea said...

I can see the family resemblance. Beautiful family photos. Great stitching. Glad you are keeping busy! :)

22 Carol Swift said...

It's so special to pull out old photos and see that we look like an ancestor or two. You do look like your mother! Such a beautiful picturea of your family and all your creations!

23 Barb said...

You are one busy is hard to blog when you have tons going on....wonderful family

24 Brigitte said...

You have been so busy with household chores, spring cleaning and crafting. No wonder that blogging wasn't on your priority list for quite a while. But nice to read this catch-up post. And nice to see that lovely family picture.

25 Eggs In My Pocket said...

I can understand the busy days and trying to keep up with blogging........but I just loved visiting here! Your aprons and embroidery are so sweet and I love your family photo!

26 ChitterChatterDesigns said...

What a busy summer for you. It looks to me like you are making the best use of your time. Not a moment has been wasted with all of those fun sewing projects and canning. The photos are always fun to see... and are so very nostalgic. Love the family pictures. You are so very pretty Marlene just like your mom for sure. You have a beautiful family.

27 Gabri millecrocette said...

Hello you are a very lovely family as I can see from your photo!!Lovely also the old one!!You are so busy as I can read!!Very nice aprons...I wish to you and your family An Happy 4th July!!

28 Елена said...

Such a beautiful family you have!!!
The picture with you parents is so adorable!