Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Hot Summer Days

It's so hot here during this time of year - well, I suppose the heat wouldn't be so bad if the humidity wasn't so high but it sure makes it hard to breathe when you're outside.  My poor husband is the one who does the watering of our plants and it takes a good hour so he comes in dripping wet, and not from the sprinklers!

I finished another small patriotic piece last night.

I'm not sure what I'll make this into - I have a ton of small pillows and a couple of patriotic door hangs so I'm looking for something different.  Any ideas?

I was in WalMart a couple of days ago and they had school supplies out and some already on sale!  They had the small notebooks, not spiral ones but the old fashioned kind with a paper binding, on sale for 50 cents so I bought four.  No thoughts except they were cheap and who doesn't love a new notebook.  I've made covers for two of them and will do the other two the first of the week.

We went to the Farmer's Market Saturday and I picked up some tomatoes, okra and zucchini.  The tomatoes are so wonderful right now and the zucchini were beautiful.  Thankfully there are two or three organic farmers there so I feel pretty comfortable buying from them.  I made zucchini bread that was from a recipe I found on the internet and it was pretty good but I think next time I'll add a little crushed pineapple to it.  That sounds good to me.  I also tried a new recipe today for Zucchini Gummy Candy.  The verdict is out on that so I'll  let you know.  Just in case you want to try it here's how:
4 cups zucchini, cut in 1" squares (take the seeds out before cutting)  (I used 5 cups)
3 cups water
1 1/2 cups sugar or splenda
2 pkgs Kool Aid (no sugar added)
Boil the water, sugar and Kool Aid, add the zucchini and boil for 30 minutes.  Drain and put in dehydrator until the zucchini is leathery, not crisp.  It took about 12 hours for mine today, and it's a bit sticky.  I think since it's supposed to be candy it's not quite sweet enough.  Next time I'll up the sugar a little.

We're having a family weekend - all the kids and 6 of the 8 grandchildren.  That doesn't happen often!  I think there will be 15 of us....oh my.  I'll let you know how it works out.  :)


1 Sparky said...

it is hot everywhere and still you get so much accomplished has been really hot here too..

2 Ray and Jeanne said...

We have extreme heat advisories - our extreme hot weather has now begun. Ugh! I love your notebook covers and the idea of fresh tomatoes. Tomatoes aren't ready here yet but we do have zucchini. There won't be any dehydrating or much cooking for a few days. Glad I made zucchini bread on Monday. Stay cool! ~Jeanne

3 krislovesfabric said...

I am panting in the heat too :) Zuc gummy candy huh? We are overrun and it's just too too hot to bake. That firecracker piece is a beauty!

4 Robin in Virginia said...

Your Pop piece by LK is adorable. What about turning it into a notebook cover or small take along bag? Your covered composition books look super. Stay cool and enjoy your family gathering.

5 Carol said...

Love your Pop! finish, Marlene :) I just stitched and finished that one, too--great minds think alike!!

Your little covered notebooks are so cute...

Hope things cool down for you--we are up in the 90s the next few days--way too hot for Pennsylvania!

Anonymous said...

Could you put the stitchery on a towel? I have an over the door towel rack on my kitchen cabinet and I like to hang a towel to reflect the holidays...right now there is a patriotic one there.
Mama Bear

7 Mary said...

Your stitchery is so cute. You do such a great job on all. It is hot hear in Illinois as well. We have had some heavy rain storms though to help keep things green so far. Keep cool!

8 Needled Mom said...

Kool Aid??? Interesting. I love the cute little stitchery.