Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Summer in Arkansas

Angel Wing Begonia

Some kind of day lily - not sure about this one!

This Easter Lily is going to be a really, really, really late bloomer!


And even the herbs are loving this heat!






The lemons are growing quickly!

And Grandma's Rain Lily just keeps on and on blooming.

It's a hot, hot summer day in the south ya'll.  Time for a tall icy glass of sweet tea!


1 Barb said...

Enjoy that sweet tea! My DH loves to have that on our trips to Alabama! The herbs and flowers all look like the heat is ok with them-lovely!

2 Karen said...

I do not have a green thumb nor the inclination to work on it. I will enjoy yours.

3 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

My angel wing begonias haven't even come close to blooming yet.

Those pink lilies are surprise lilies or naked ladies, which ever name you prefer.

My rain lilies are on their 3rd blooming spell.

Beautiful flowers.

Peace my friend

4 Vroomans' Quilts said...

I just love seeing everyone's lovely flowers (we lost so many with our late cold spell). The lilies are just lovely and oh to have such wonderful herbs.

5 Julie Fukuda said...

My plants are all in a state of envy over all the space where each can shine. Thanks for sharing those beautiful pictures.

6 Daniela Bencúrová said...

In Arkansas is a great summer! Everything grows and blooms, joy for the eyes!
Enjoy it!

7 Gail said...

Looking good.

We call those lilies Surprise lilies. They have foliage early, that dies down then the stalks with flowers shoot up...Surprise!

Have a blessed week.

8 Needled Mom said...

Obviously the flowers enjoy the summer heat.

9 ChitterChatterDesigns said...

Love the walk through the garden today. What a beautiful collection of plants Marlene.

10 Sparky said...

ohhh a stroll in your garden is quite refreshing..such unusual and striking plants...

Anonymous said...

Its hot in Alabama too....we just got a little rain, thankful for it but we needed much more...Your flowers are lovely , have you had to water them.
Mama Bear

12 Kyle said...

Your garden looks amazing. I'm surprised how fresh and perky everything looks. I think of Arkansas as being so brutally hot and humid in the summer. You must have a very green thumb!